Dear Evansville Day School Community,

Following Head of School Kevin Kunst’s announcement to conclude his leadership of Evansville Day School after the 2023–2024 school year, I am pleased to announce that Carol Griffin (Board Vice President) and I will co-chair the Head of School Search Committee.  

The Search Committee has been identified to assure we find the right candidate for Evansville Day school. Joining Carol and me are 

  • Amy Baron (Past President and parent) 
  • Eric Friend (Board Secretary and parent) 
  • David Koch (Board Treasurer and parent) 
  • Margy Hungate (Board member, EDS Class of ‘94, and parent)
  • Niki Traylor (Board member, past president of Friends of EDS, and parent)
  • Warren Mathies (Board Assistant Treasurer)

The search committee will review candidate resumes, interview promising candidates, speak to references, select finalists, and recommend the next Head of School for the Board to hire. Overseeing the search process and advising the committee are Mike Murphy and Sam Richards from Educational Directions, a nationally recognized consulting firm for independent schools and proven leader in Head of School searches. 

The search process will also include opportunities for the EDS community to have a voice. Mike and Sam will be on campus October 2 and 3 to gather input from all constituents about their hopes and dreams for our new Head of School. Community members will be interviewed and surveyed, and later, meet with the finalists when they come to campus. The community can then provide feedback on the finalists to the search committee. We know this is a very busy week for us with the Fall Festival, but we hope you can make time to participate in this important information-gathering work.

The Board expects the Head of School search process to take several months and to conclude by February with the announcement of the next Head of School, who will begin effective July 1, 2024. Here is the search timeline:

October 2023 — Educational Directions conducts interviews and surveys community members 

October-November 2023 — Candidate recruitment begins, and the Head of School Search Committee conducts interviews

December-January 2023 — Finalist interviews and campus visits

February 2023 — Announce Head of School selection

July 1, 2024 — New Head of School assumes responsibility

The search committee plans to communicate with community members throughout the process via email, and there will be a webpage with information and updates about the Head of School search on the EDS website. 

Thank you for your continued support through this journey.


Patrick J. Griffin

President, Board of Trustees

Evansville Day School

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