Dear Good Shepherd,

We are very excited to announce that the Vestry has called the Rev. Stanford Adams to become acting rector of Good Shepherd, and Stanford has accepted our call.

Earlier this year, the Vestry named a Parish Profile committee and tasked it with writing a thorough profile of Good Shepherd and what our parish hopes for in its next rector. This committee hosted two parish-wide forums and created and shared an online survey to receive input from our parishioners. With the feedback from the forums and survey, the committee created the profile, including a section titled “The Rector We Seek.”

When the vestry reviewed the description, it became clear that the rector our parish is seeking was already among us! Specifically, we discussed Stanford’s gifts in the spiritual leadership of our community; his insightful and meaningful preaching; and his strong management capabilities. At that time, the Vestry voted unanimously to approach the Diocese with a request to make Stanford Adams our next rector. 

While the Episcopal Diocese of Texas does not allow the calling of a rector from within a parish’s existing clergy, Bishop Andy Doyle has outlined a process in which our parish can pause its search, allowing Stanford to serve as acting rector for at least one year while we conduct long-term planning and develop strategic goals for the parish. The bishop noted that we as a parish are already making progress under Stanford’s leadership. At the end of this term as acting rector, the bishop and vestry will review the progress we have made on these goals so that Stanford can become Good Shepherd’s permanent rector.

We greatly appreciate the outpouring of support for Stanford over the past six months and the leadership he has already demonstrated. Further, we are heartened by the strong interest we heard from so many of you to serve on a Search Committee. One of Good Shepherd’s greatest assets is the energy of its people, and this was no exception! As a vestry, we believe the path the bishop has laid out is very appropriate for Good Shepherd and will lead to the continued growth and strength of our parish.

Stanford will begin his term as acting rector in July, and we will plan an opportunity soon to celebrate this next phase of parish leadership.

We are excited about the future of Good Shepherd. We are fortunate to be a strong and growing parish, and we are excited about Stanford’s leadership. Thank you for your support of the parish as we begin this new phase of our life together.


John Pitts, Senior Warden
J. Pieratt, Junior Warden
Dear Friends,

I am excited to accept the vestry’s call to be Good Shepherd’s acting rector. I love the ministry that you and I share here, and I am thrilled by the chance to help lead our parish community into its next chapter.

I love our parish. You are committed to the work of following Jesus. You have so many different experiences and perspectives, and you value connection and community with each other. You are welcoming to newcomers. You care for each other and for those outside of the parish. You are willing to take risks in service of your vision for ministry. You do all of these things individually and together as a parish community. And the results are wonderful: a growing parish on two campuses, an expanding mission, and a sense of community.

Now we get to dream together about the priorities for our ministry in this new season. During the next year, I expect that this will be a focus of my time and yours – to help discern what our ministry will look like for the coming years. This is exciting work!

I am grateful for the support of Bishop Doyle and Bishop Ryan, and I am honored to serve with such capable and committed vestry members and wardens. In particular, I am thankful for the leadership of Senior Warden John Pitts and Junior Warden J. Pieratt. John and J. have invested significant time and effort to ensure that our community remains strong during this transition.

I am very glad to share ministry with you here. I am excited about Good Shepherd’s future, and I am honored to accept your call.

With peace and love,
