During our  2018 Annual Forum in Minneapolis earlier this month, HCEG executive members from payer, provider, and sponsor partner organizations voted on and ranked the Top 10 critical challenges, issues and opportunities they expect their organizations to face in the coming months and throughout 2019. From this process, the 2019 HCEG Top 10 list of challenges, issues and opportunities was created.
For information on the 2019 HCEG Top 10 list including  how the Top 10 list drives HCEG content development, member educational programming and serves as the basis for the development of The Industry Pulse research surveysee this recent press release Healthcare Executives Rank the Top 10 and this blog post titled  The 2019 HCEG Top 10 List of Healthcare Challenges, Issues & Opportunities.
The 2019 HCEG Top 10 in the News
Less than two weeks since its creation, the 2019 HCEG Top 10 list of is being discussed and analyzed across various popular healthcare media outlets. Here's a sample:

In this upcoming webinar on  Thursday, October 4th, 2018 at 2:00pm EDT, Dr. Michael Cantor, Chief Medical Officer and Dr. Karen Johnston, Medical Director of our sponsor partner CareCentrix, will detail how utilizing home health services for post-acute care are an increasingly effective, safe and reliable way to improve outcomes and reduce costs.    
In this webinar you'll learn how:
  • Benefit plan design can promote and support care-at-home services
  • CMS has recently expanded definition of supplemental benefits and how these benefits impact Medicare Advantage plans in 2019 and beyond
  • To develop strategies to create better continuity of care between inpatient and home care
  • Ensure the right match of services and providers to patient
  • Optimize new Medicare Advantage benefits and add value by reducing re-admissions and costs
Join Us & Discover the 
Future of Post-Acute Home-Based Care
Thursday, October 4th, 2018 | 11:00am PT / 2:00pm ET
NOTE: If you are not sure that you can attend any of the HCEG Webinar Series Events , go ahead and register anyway and we'll send you the webinar recording and supporting information afterwards.