Our Annual is Less Than 3 Weeks Away!
Click your RSVP Below!
Join Us in Congratulating Our 2017 Knight of the Year and Family of the Year!
Our Annual Dinner Dance & Awards Ceremony is our opportunity to recognize and appreciate those who have given outstanding and dedicated service to our council. In addition to important service awards, we present our council's highest annual award to a deserving member: "Knight of the Year." We also honor a Brother Knight and his family who exemplify the true spirit of the Knights of Columbus as the "Family of the Year."

On this the occasion of our 46th Anniversary, we are proud to now announce our 2017 Knight of the Year and Family of the Year. Please join us in congratulating them, and show your support by attending our Annual to celebrate them together as a council!

Reservations are required , but we've made it easy for you to do it. At the bottom of this message, please click the appropriate RSVP box to let us know if you will be attending the Annual on Saturday, November 4th. (If you need to reserve more than two seats, please send us an email .) Please also follow the link to our Souvenir Journal ad form , where you may take an ad congratulating our honorees or advertising your business.
Presenting our 2017 Knight of the Year:
Sir Knight Steve Gheduzzi

This year's Knight of the Year is our own Worthy Deputy Grand Knight Stephen R. Gheduzzi !

From Fish Fry to Free Throw; from C&B to our Degree Team; Steve is always there making invaluable contributions to our council. Steve is also a director of our home corporation, and Faithful Navigator of our Fourth Degree chapter, Mother Cabrini Assembly, where he is active in the Color Corps.

With contributions over the years to our council and our Order too numerous to mention, we're sure you will agree Steve is very deserving of this award!
Presenting our 2017 Family of the Year:
The Barry Family

This year's Family of the Year is the Barry Family - Patrick, Maria, Kevin and Grace!

Pat is a Third Degree member and serves on the board of our home corporation. Maria is Vice President of our very active Ladies Auxiliary and plays a key role in many of their events, such as bingo fundraisers and the popular Penny Social. Kevin is also a Third Degree member of our council, an Eagle Scout, and a cadet at SUNY Maritime College. And last but not least, Grace is an accomplished scholar-athlete who is currently studying nursing and playing Division III soccer at the College of Mount St. Vincent. (She will also become an official member of the Ladies Auxiliary when she turns 18!)

All four members of the Barry family are dedicated volunteers for many council events -- often behind the scenes -- doing things like decorating, hall setup, kitchen prep work and pot washing, maintenance, repairs, landscaping and cleaning, and other types of glamorous, high-paying work. As anyone who has worked with them will tell you, they have a lot of fun doing it, and their enthusiasm and good humor is contagious.

If you know anything about the Barrys, you know this year's choice for Family of the Year was a real no-brainer. So join us at the Annual on November 4th as we present them with our council's highest honor for families!
About "The Annual" - RSVP Below!

Live Music - Comedy Performance - Dancing - Awards Ceremony - Souvenir Journal - Raffles

Join us for our 46th Anniversary Annual Dinner Dance and Awards Ceremony ! Fine dining, LIVE MUSIC, LIVE ENTERTAINMENT, NEW CATERER , dancing, raffles, and recognition of our members who do so much to make our council so special.
Last year was such a great success that we are once again holding our Annual in the St. James school gymnasium so we have plenty of room to spread out, dance, and host the band and a special guest performer. This year's Annual promises to be MEMORABLE and HUGE FUN, so get in your reservation today! (RESERVATIONS ARE A MUST!)
We're proud to feature the musical stylings of SOULMATES ("Music from the Heart and Soul") and the comic genius of FRAN CAPO !
We're also thrilled to announce we have all new catering by Patrick's Pub & Grill of Mahopac, featuring premium meats carving stations and fantastic appetizers like their Blarney Rolls (corned beef & cabbage) and Irish rice balls.
As usual, the night will start at 7 p.m. with a cocktail hour with plenty of hot hors d’oeuvres, followed by a great catered buffet dinner, our brief awards ceremony, live entertainment and dancing, and delicious desserts & coffee. Open bar all night!

We will be presenting service awards and honoring Knight of the Year Steve Gheduzzi and Family of the Year , The Barry Family , so you will definitely want to turn out to show your support for all of our very worthy honorees!
------> $80 each or $150 per couple* <------
Reservations required by October 27th
(*$90 each / $175 per couple after 10/27 and at the door so make your reservations now!)
Click the RSVP box below and send your check to Joe Groneman, Council 6318, 10 Fair Street, Carmel NY 10512.
IMPORTANT! Please see PGK Jonathan Garcia or any council officer to take out a journal ad . Journal ads help us defray the cost of the event, and give you an opportunity to congratulate our honorees and/or promote your business. Click here to download the ad form. Get in your ad copy by 10/27.