Announcing: The New Version 7 Of The
Autopilot Advanced Training!
It Was Great Before, Now It's Even Better!!

Version 7 Is A Total Rewrite!

Whether you want to really learn the functionality of the Innova Mach 3, or you want to upgrade from a previous version of the training materials, Version 7 is it! "Why?", you ask. Let me tell you!

For the past five months Ruth and I have been rewriting our preeminent "Advanced Training AutoPilot Mach 3 For The Innova" materials. It was a total rewrite.
  • Includes the improvements that Innova has designed into the Autopilot Mach 3.

  • Written and tested to include both M-Series and Classic models.

  • Increased edge-to-edge training from two to five projects.

  • Workbook increased by 76 pages, for 70% more information.

  • Increased the new, coordinating videos from four to five hours.

  • Almost doubled the number of illustrations from 334 to 630

  • Used the same quilting layout, but implemented more, faster, and easier techniques.

What's In Version 7?

These are the projects and exercises you will accomplish:
These materials bring the power and the functionality of the Innova Mach3 to your fingertips in an understandable format: focusing on the quilt and having the Mach 3 do what you want it to do.

After all, your Mach 3 represents a sizeable investment. This training will allow you to explore and investigate all the functionality that you have available to use in order to maximize you investment in the Mach 3 system.

This has been a huge undertaking for us. Although we have received only glowing reviews from our hundreds of longarmers on previous versions, we noticed learning needs of our longarmers that needed to be addressed. We addressed those needs in Version 7.

It is amazing the number of longarmers who have only done edge-to-edge [E2E] stitching before obtaining the materials. It is even more surprising, and satisfying, as to how many of those E2E-ers immediately start doing custom work.

With this in mind, we expanded our section on E2E from two chapters to five! This gave us the ability to focus on the five kinds of E2E stitching and the three ways to let the Mach 3 program synchronize with the physical quilt.

We were able to reuse the previous stitching layout for the custom quilting projects. However, with the exception of the sashing, almost every approach has been changed to better explore the present state of the Mach 3's capabilities, whose improvements have been substantial.

This Is For You!

We are proud to offer this new version [7] to Mach 3 longarmers. It has now been proofread, and tested on both the M-Series as well as the Classic Mach 3s. The differences in the instructions, between the two series are highlighted in blue print.

It is now ready. In fact, we have already shipped six! Whoopee!!

In addition, we are now bundling this training with the "Being Creative With Your Mach 3" as a single product, providing the longarmer with nine hours of video for learning and reference.
What's The Price?

There are two prices. One price, which is substantially lower, is the upgrade price from previous versions. It is $150 USD. Note: this includes only the "Advanced Training..." materials and does not include "Be Creative...,: which has not been changed.

The retail price is $798.00 USD. This is the price for those who have not purchased a previous version. This price has been lowered from the previous level of $1,298.00 USD. Note: this includes both the "Advanced Training..." as well as the bundled "Be Creative...."

How To Get It?

There are four methods to get the materials. I will start with the easiest first:

  1. First time buyers can obtain it off of our website.
  2. Upgrade buyers from previous versions, go to this page.
  3. Give us a call at 567.208.3572.
  4. Obtain it off of Accomplish Quilting's website.
Where Can I Get More Information?

You can get all the information from our website. In particular, you can focus on the following subjects:

Our Materials Will Bring Joy To Longarm Quilting!

Al Fin

I trust that this was of assistance or interest. If you have any questions that need to be answered, on this or other longarming or quilting topics, then please write to me at or call 219.255.8085.

Thank you for your time and interest.
May The Lord Richly Bless You!
Rick & Ruth Grihalva
At Forever In Stitches our goal is to further the art of quilting and longarming.
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