February 23, 2024

Inside Immanuel Weekly

"We Share God's Gift of Love with All"

Prayer of the Day

O God, by the passion of your blessed Son you made an instrument of shameful death to be for us the means of life. Grant us so to glory in the cross of Christ that we may gladly suffer shame and loss for the sake of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen (SundaysandSeasons.com)

Submit a Prayer Request
CLICK HERE for this Sunday's 10am worship bulletin
CLICK HERE for the most recent online worship

Worship Times

Join us for in-person worship on Sundays at 8:15am in the Augustana Chapel and 10am in the Immanuel Sanctuary. 

Also join us for Coffee Hour in the Hospitality Room from 9-10am and following the 10am worship service.


Worship services are livestreamed (tune into the YouTube Channel) and the recordings are available to watch anytime after worship.

Watch the video above for a message

from Pastor Bob.


Midweek Lenten Soup Suppers & Worship Services

Midweek Lenten Soup Suppers start at 6pm on February 28, March 6, 13 and 20.

Lenten Worship Service follows at 7pm.

This year, the Midweek worship will be based on Holden Evening Prayer with weekly readings based on the theme, “Holy Lament.” Week one: What is lament?; Week two: Little laments; Week three: Laments from the depths; Week four: Individual lament; Week five: Communal lament.

 Volunteers are needed to bring soup, bread or cookies for the February 28th Soup Supper. There will be a signup sheet in the Narthex or you may sign up online through IVolunteer and click on "Midweek February 28."

Starts THIS Sunday!

Pub Theology with Pastor Bob - Starts Monday Evening!

What's Pub Theology?

People have been gathering in pubs and public spaces for ages, talking about life, faith, and deep questions of meaning. Martin Luther often gathered with his theological students outside of class over beer and conversation about theology (and that word, simply means "how people talk about God.")  

Pub Theology, hosted by Pastor Bob is a safe, open space where you can explore and express your questions and doubts, learn from others, and engage people who are in various and different places in their faith journey. In our increasingly divided culture, these spaces are not only welcome, but needed.

Come bring your questions, your curiosity, and pull up a chair.

 Beginning Monday, February 26, 7- 8:30pm 

 Immanuel Pub Theology

@ Western Collective

111 W 33rd Street, Garden City

Order Flowers Online Here

Order Easter Flowers Now

Purchase fragrance free flowers in memory or honor of your loved ones to decorate our sanctuaries for Easter. The following flowers will be available for purchase:

  • Hydrangeas - $20
  • Calla lilies - $14
  • Tulips- $10

The flowers are from Edwards Greenhouse. You may pick up your flowers after worship on Easter Sunday. Please place your order (with the names of those you would like to honor) with payment by Sunday, March 10. Orders can be mailed in, dropped off at the church or ordered online.

Lent Devotionals Available

Lent devotionals for 2024 are available for pick up at church, as well as calendars. If you would like one mailed to you, please contact the church office.

Read More About Endowment Fund Grants

Mission Endowment Funds Awarded For 2024

By Karen Martz, Endowment Committee Member

Dear Donors to the Mission Endowment Funds:

The Endowment Committee is pleased to announce the 2024 recipients of endowment grant funds. They are:

  • Jesse Tree (Ada County grant) $300 for helping people with eviction notices.
  • Breaking Chains Academy of Nampa (USA grant) $300 to help youth achieve educational goals and free them from gang activities.
  • World Central Kitchen (international grant) $200 toward feeding people affected by war and/or natural disasters. 
Click Here to Learn More, Donate or Volunteer to Safe Families

Safe Families

Struggles like job loss, eviction, medical emergencies and domestic violence can leave families feeling desperate and alone. Lutheran Community Services offers Safe Families, a community of compassionate volunteers, so no family has to face a crisis without support. While children are cared for by a ‘Host Family,’ we pair struggling parents with ‘Family Friends’ and a ‘Family Coach.’ These volunteers walk alongside Families in Crisis to help bring stability and hope to their lives. We help with childcare or transportation, and we provide guidance in securing work or housing. Once parents are in a better place to care for their children again, we reunite families as quickly as possible.

Learn More & Apply

Holden Village Job Opening

Holden Village has begun the search process for its next Director for Advancement to lead our Advancement team. 

Holden's next Director for Advancement will oversee day-to-day fundraising, communications and outreach. This is an opportunity to have a big IMPACT on the Holden Village community.


If you have questions or would like to nominate a candidate for this position, please contact the HR/Staffing office at staffing@holdenvillage.org. A full position description can be found there.


Join the ILC Youth Connect Facebook Group and the ILC Child & Youth YouTube Channel to stay connected!

If you have ANY questions, please contact Mary Riedl at Youth@ilcboise.org or


Thanks to your generous donations and support, we were able to raise the amount needed to send all those who signed up to New Orleans to participate in the ELCA Youth Gathering! In just a few short months, you donated over $3700 to bring the youth mission designated fund to the amount needed to send our group to New Orleans!

Click her for the February Children & Youth newsletter

February 25 - Worship Service, Augustana @ 8:15am

February 25 - Choir Rehearsal, Immanuel @ 8:30am

February 25 - Worship Service, Immanuel @ 10am

February 25 - Lenten Adult Ed. Class, Thomas Chapel @ 11am

February 26 - Pub Theology, Western Collective Brewery @ 7pm

February 27 - Adult Bible Study, Library @ 10:30am

February 27 - Food Fellowship Dinner, Fellowship Hall @ 5pm

February 28 - Lenten Soup Supper, Thomas Chapel @ 6pm

February 28 - Lenten Worship, Immanuel @ 7pm

February 29 - Quilting CANCELED

Other Resources

Immanuel Lutheran Church



Northwest Intermountain Synod

Lutheran Community Services Northwest

Living Lutheran



Click here for the ILC Full Calendar
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Submissions for the Inside Immanuel Weekly newsletter are due by Wednesday at 5pm each week. Send your submissions to: NancyMUpchurch@gmail.com.
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