Dear Sullivan Families,
We have an exciting six days left of the 2023-24 school year! As we wrap up our final units of study and move into transition activities, we have so much to look forward to in the coming week. Our students have been busy preparing letters and brochures for their younger peers to let them know the ins and outs of 4th and 5th grade at Sullivan!
Monday, we have our final PTO-sponsored assembly. We will continue our 4th-grade to 5th-grade transition activities next week, as well as begin our 3rd-grade to 4th-grade transition activities. Wednesday, our 5th graders will tour MacArthur and enjoy breakfast on the blacktop. Don't forget to stop by after school on Wednesday at 3:30 to enjoy Kona Ice courtesy of our amazing PTO! Thursday we have our final Battle of the Books at each grade level, and Friday is Field Day. We will end the year on Tuesday, May 28th with a Recognition Assembly, a picnic lunch, and a yearbook signing.
We have a special Spirit Week to celebrate the end of the year, so please see the flyer below for details. We will be collecting iPads next week as well, so please click on the links below for details about the collection at each grade level.
Enjoy this gorgeous spring weather!
Traci Meziere
Anne Sullivan School