Panther Post

May 17, 2024

Dear Sullivan Families,

We have an exciting six days left of the 2023-24 school year! As we wrap up our final units of study and move into transition activities, we have so much to look forward to in the coming week. Our students have been busy preparing letters and brochures for their younger peers to let them know the ins and outs of 4th and 5th grade at Sullivan!

Monday, we have our final PTO-sponsored assembly. We will continue our 4th-grade to 5th-grade transition activities next week, as well as begin our 3rd-grade to 4th-grade transition activities. Wednesday, our 5th graders will tour MacArthur and enjoy breakfast on the blacktop. Don't forget to stop by after school on Wednesday at 3:30 to enjoy Kona Ice courtesy of our amazing PTO! Thursday we have our final Battle of the Books at each grade level, and Friday is Field Day. We will end the year on Tuesday, May 28th with a Recognition Assembly, a picnic lunch, and a yearbook signing.

We have a special Spirit Week to celebrate the end of the year, so please see the flyer below for details. We will be collecting iPads next week as well, so please click on the links below for details about the collection at each grade level.

Enjoy this gorgeous spring weather!


Traci Meziere


Anne Sullivan School

4th Grade iPad Collection
5th Grade iPad Collection

5th Grade Yard Signs are Here!

If you have not picked up your child's yard sign, please stop by our foyer next week to do so!

Quick Links

4th Grade Learning Objectives
Second Step Parent Information
5th Grade Learning Objectives
Technology Guides
Sullivan Snapshots

Mrs. Veldman's class enjoyed their visit to the Prospect Heights Public Library this week! They learned all about the summer reading program and the awesome activities the library has to offer. Don't forget to visit the library and READ this summer!

Mrs. Ferber's class worked on the Panther Patio this morning to create brochures for their 4th-grade buddies. Next week, our 4th and 5th-grade classes will meet for transition activities!

Our 5th-grade Unified PE students were excited to help out at Young Athlete's Day at Eisenhower today! They enjoyed working with our SAIL students and our youngest athletes on engaging locomotor activities on this beautiful spring day.

Panther Productions is a nonprofit organization created to sell goods to send students to summer camp.

These 4th-grade students who excel at math created companies, made a product pitch for their initial investments, and created products to sell at lunch to their peers. Our students loved the pencil pouches, keychains, mystery slime bags, and bracelets!

Under the guidance of Ms. Slowik, Mrs. Ganek, and Ms. Sutter, they raised over $360 to provide summer enrichment opportunities to D23 students. We are so proud of our young entrepreneurs!

Our Band and Chorus concerts were amazing! Thanks to Mr. Anderson and Mrs. Luehr for their dedication to helping our kids grow musically! Click on the images to hear the band playing Ghostbusters, and the combined 4-8th grade chorus singing Break My Stride. We are looking forward to their performance at our Recognition Assembly on the 28th!

Pawsitive Panthers and Panther Paw Winners

Panther Expectations
Our core expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible are in place whether we are learning in person or virtually. Our expectations matrix is included below for your reference. Please review these expectations with your children.
Click to view our Expectations Refresher Video

D23 Home-School Connections

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Welcoming Our Multilingual

Newcomer Families to D23

In Prospect Heights School District 23, it's our goal to welcome all families with open arms. Over the past couple of years, we have seen an increase in the number of multilingual families coming to the United States from other countries. Did you know that Prospect Heights continues to be a desirable community for all families and learners? It's true and we have focused on welcoming all comers with open arms.

Believe it or not, families entering the U.S. from other countries for the first time often face many challenges in their transition. We have worked hard to provide newcomer students and their families with additional resources and support as they transition to a new culture in the United States. We recently surveyed our newcomer families to monitor our success in these efforts. Here's some data to see how we're doing. We can't wait to use the information to help us grow in this ever-important area.

District News
Click HERE to purchase tickets - Use Code: DS23
PTO Information

Important Dates

May 22: School's Almost Out - Kona Ice 3:30-5:30

May 24: Field Day

May 27: No School - Memorial Day

May 28: Last Day of School

Information from our Partners

Click here for information about summer camps at Wheeling High School
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