Panther Post

April 19, 2024

Dear Sullivan Families,

Spring has sprung and we're coming up on the end of another exciting school year! Our students finished their state IAR testing, during the past few weeks, and this week will be taking their final iReady benchmark assessments for the year. These tests help us gauge their progress and tailor instruction accordingly as we wrap up the curriculum through the end of this year.

Our 4th-grade teachers and admin team had the opportunity last week to complete instructional rounds and see the amazing things going on at Sullivan. In each classroom, it was wonderful to see the level of collaboration among students, and the instructional rigor of the activities students were engaged in. As we embark on these last five weeks, I want to acknowledge the work our staff has done to connect with students, build positive classroom communities, and create environments where students can grow as learners and individuals. The dedication and hard work of our staff and students are truly commendable!

Have a wonderful week!


Traci Meziere


Anne Sullivan School

Quick Links

4th Grade Learning Objectives
Second Step Parent Information
5th Grade Learning Objectives
Technology Guides

PowerSchool and Registration

Registration is open, so don't forget to head to the Parent Portal and register for next year! Early registration helps us plan for sections and place students in classrooms Fees do not need to be paid at the time of registration! Need help? Click on the button below for Parent Portal help guides.

Click here for the calendar and help guides
Sullivan Snapshots

Our Sullivan Ambassadors have been hard at work interviewing their peers to create videos that showcase the diversity of our school community. Click on the image to view the videos!

Fridays in the library are fantastic! Ember has enjoyed two days at Sullivan so far reading with students in the library and getting acclimated to the school. We are looking forward to adding another day to Ember's schedule to allow her to interact with even more students at Sullivan.

Therapy Dog Presentation
Opt Out Form

Ms. Ferber and Mrs. Travis' 5th grade classes enjoyed a tug-of-war game to simulate the conflict between the American and British armies during the Revolutionary War.

Pawsitive Panthers and Panther Paw Winners

Panther Expectations
Our core expectations of being safe, respectful, and responsible are in place whether we are learning in person or virtually. Our expectations matrix is included below for your reference. Please review these expectations with your children.
Click to view our Expectations Refresher Video

D23 Home-School Connections

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District News
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Click HERE to purchase tickets - Use Code: DS23's EDP

The 2024-25 EDP Registration will be conducted separately from the D23 School Registration. Included is a link to express interest in EDP for the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested in using the Extended Day Program next year, please click on and complete this 2024-25 Extended Day Program Interest Form link. Additional information will be shared with interested families later this Spring!

PTO Information

Thank you to our awesome PTO for providing eclipse glasses for Monday's big event!

The next PTO meeting is Thursday, April 26th at 7PM in the Eisenhower library!

Important Dates

April 9-11: IAR Math Testing

April 11: Board of Education Meeting 7PM

April 22-25: iReady Testing

April 25: PTO Meeting 7PM

May 1: Orchestra Concert 7PM

May 9: Board of Education Meeting 7PM

May 10: No School (School Improvement Day)

May 13: Band Concert 7PM

May 14: Chorus Concert 7PM

Information from our Partners

Click here for information about summer camps at Wheeling High School
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