How do you make your newest team member feel welcome?
We all know that an employee's first day at a new job can be overwhelming- not only for the new team member but for the doctor and existing team members as well. Beyond the responsibility of teaching someone an entirely new role, the team is also expected to help him or her transition into a new office culture and work environment.
With some
onboarding preparation, you can turn the typical first-day employee anxiety into genuine excitement. Making the right impression will not only make your employee feel prepared for the new job and respective responsibilities but will also ensure that they feel comfortable and welcome at your office.
1. Before the new hire arrives, send a welcome announcement to the rest of the team. The announcement should include some basic information about them:
- Name
- Experience
- Title or area they be working - clinical, TC, scheduling, etc.
- Personal information, such as favorite hobbies or foods
Employees can then easily see if they have anything in common, like a shared interest or experience that can help break the ice.
2. Prepare their space
On the employee's first day, make sure someone is waiting to greet him or her at the door. Also, ensure that their space is ready for them, including preparing their computer area or chairside unit
3. Provide a staff directory
Giving your employee a directory of the team and their position in the office will help them get familiar with their coworkers and make them feel more comfortable introducing themselves. This will also help direct their questions to the right people.
4. Assign a mentor
On your new employees' first day, set each one up with a buddy or mentor; this can help them feel more comfortable and encourage them to ask questions. These can be bigger questions like, "how do I chart in the software?" or smaller items like, "where's the best place on this block to get lunch?" A mentor can help the employee assimilate into the culture at a much faster rate.
5. Plan an activity
Having a planned team activity is a great way to make a new employee feel welcome on the first day. A few ideas include:
- Host a catered or lunch or a potluck in which everyone contributes a dish.
- Take the team to a favorite restaurant for lunch.
- Throw an after-work happy hour.
Events like these can give your new and current employees a chance to get to know each other in a more open, casual environment to build strong relationships and channels for collaboration.
6. Give a welcome gift
Everyone loves receiving gifts, so consider giving the new hire a little something to say welcome, including swag like t-shirts, a coffee mug or water bottle with your logo on it.
Make sure you're enthusiastic about your new hire. You want them to know they're you're looking forward to working with them. Even on an employee's first day and a full schedule of patients, there are many ways to show your excitement,