How Do Yours Stack Up?
Your total compensation impacts recruiting, retention and engagement, as well as your overall reputation!

Alternative HR can help you analyze your comp and benefits. How?

  • Identify your comp philosophy and objectives;

  • Review your current positions, job descriptions, responsibilities, qualifications, and reporting structures;

  • Examine comparable value and internal equity;

  • Review your total compensation outlay;

  • Compare marketplace comp and benefit data that impacts your organization;

  • Recommend wage ranges for each position;

  • Provide guidelines for implementing, managing, and updating the system going forward.
Why Alternative HR?

  • We help you recruit!
  • We help you retain!
  • We help you engage your people!
Visit our website
Did You Know?
Studies show that a staggering 70% of employees would be willing to leave their current job to work for an organization known for investing in employee development and learning.

Could your current business model survive after losing 70% of your team to one of your competitors?

If not, it's time you re-evaluated your existing plan for employee development - and quickly. 
Contact ALTERNATIVE HR to learn how you can boost and maintain the engagement of your employees!
If your compensation is not attracting quality applicants or not keeping productive employees, give us a call at 605.335.8198.

We’d be happy to work with you to discuss your comp and benefit needs, identify options and consider solutions!

ALTERNATIVE HR | | 605.335.8198


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