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The E-Pistle of Thursday

April 13th, 2023

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An Update from the Senior Warden


The Search for an Interim Dean

The Interim Dean search is commencing! The Vestry authorized your Wardens to reach out to potential members of a Search Committee and recommend a group willing to serve in this role.

We’ve completed that task, and the Vestry has voted to accept this group to serve as the Interim Dean Search Committee:

Paula Gillies

Robyn Goshorn

Misha Pride

Orion Williams

Sam Allen, ex-Officio

Claire Hammen, ex-Officio

The Committee will be officially commissioned at Sunday’s 10 A.M. service.

This group will serve only for the Interim Dean search. We will likely have several committees engaged with different aspects our search for a new Dean. Our Consultant will be helping us establish those committees, once our Interim Dean has joined us. The Interim Search Committee will have its first meeting on Monday, April 17. Please keep this Committee in your prayers. All of us welcome your thoughts as we proceed with our work.

Sam Allen, Senior Warden

Community Announcements

A Service in Celebration of Life of

The Very Reverend

Stephen Williams Foote

September 16th, 1942 - March 8th, 2023

Saturday, April 15th, 2023

11:00AM in the Cathedral Nave with a service of Committal of Ashes to follow in the Bishop's Memorial Garden

Light refreshments will be provided during a reception in Emmanuel Chapel at the conclusion of the services.

Livestreaming will be available.

The Order of Service

Town Hall Meeting to Discuss Search for

an Interim Dean: April 16th


Please join Senior Warden, Sam Allen, in the Upper Hall at the conclusion of the 10:00A.M service on April 16th for our second Town Meeting regarding updates on the search for an Interim Dean. 

The meetings use two questions to prompt discussion about St. Luke’s and what qualities we should seek in the Interim Dean:

•Provide just a few words that would help a prospective Interim candidate learn about St. Luke’s.

• Provide in just a few words gifts and skills that you feel are particularly important for St. Luke’s Interim Dean to possess.  

Read Full Publication from the Senior Warden

Minutes From The Lesser Chapter

Please see the most minutes from the Lesser Chapter Meeting on March 15th.

For additional information about the Vestry please see their page on the website.

Ministry Formation Days

April 22nd & April 29th, please see details below

Liturgical Ministries: April 22 9a–1p  

Vergers, Ushers, Altar Guild, Acolytes, Flower Guild, Lectors & Intercessors

Hospitality and Support Ministries: April 22 1-4p Building & Grounds/Facilities, Sunday Fellowship Time (AKA Coffee Hour), Greeters, Kitchen Committee, Community Suppers, Memorial Receptions

Formation Ministries: April 29 9a–1p

Sunday School, Nursery, Teen Fellowship, Adult Education, Newcomer Classes

Outreach Ministries: April 29 1-4p

St Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center, Community Kitchen, Public Policy & Environmental Action, Food Pantry 

The Upper Hall

Contact: The Rev. Dr. Paul St. Germain

Please bring a brown-bag lunch (beverages provided), and share fellowship with fellow parishioners at the morning and afternoon events.

Ministry Formation Days St. Luke’s is entering an exciting time of transition—from an acting priest-in-charge to a full time interim-dean to eventually, by God’s grace, a new dean. As in any transition, there are areas where special attention and support for its members is helpful. This encourages a smoother “ministry in transition”. This is also a time to invite increased participation, and offer the congregation fresh ways to engage, and perhaps explore joining a group “short-term”—as part of ALL of our “ministries” —“in transition”. Every member of the congregation is invited to come together—and explore more about a ministry which may be calling you. The best definition of a “call” I have heard is: “something when doing brings us closer to God”. This is an excellent Lenten or Easter exploration—perhaps taking even a “resurrection” look at where we are and what God is calling us to do! 

We are offering four separate Saturdays in April to uplift four areas of Cathedral ministry and engage the following:

  • Challenges and expectations of ministry during change and how to meet them
  • “What you always wanted to know about this ministry but were afraid to ask…”
  • Review of existing methods and procedures
  • How to support the St. Luke’s Community through YOUR ministry and service. 

Public Policy and Environmental Action Team

Coffee Hour Presentation

Sunday April 23rd

At the Conclusion of the 10:00A.M. Service

Location: The Upper Hall

Hold the date! April 23 directly after the service.

The Public Policy & Environmental Action Team is hosting the coffee hour and showing a short film from the American Resilience Project. The film explores the transition from fossil fuels to renewables with a focus on national security, economic prosperity, and environmental justice. The film shares how the challenges of modernizing the aging power grid can be tackled by the utility, auto, tech, and defense industries to make it more secure and responsive to the needs of its users while enhancing environmental performance.

Come join us for the film and a brief discussion after about how we as individuals can support these important changes.

Eco-tips from the Public Policy and Environmental Action Team

St. Luke’s is now composting! The Cathedral is now participating in Garbage to Garden's curbside composting service. The church office and the flower guild, food pantry, kitchen and coffee hour coordinators have the combination to the locked tote, located near the dumpster. Here’s what can be composted: all food waste (including cooking oil), paper (as long as it is not shiny), leaves and brush (thinner than a pencil), napkins and paper towels, non-waxed paper plates, plain cardboard with no stickers or tape (cardboard with stickers and tape can go in our brand new cardboard dumpster!). If you are not composting at home, check out Garbage to Garden’s <garbagetogarden.org> residential service.

As mentioned in a previous eco-tip, many of todays textiles and fashions are composed of plastics and toxic chemicals.  A large number of these end up in landfills where they leak these toxins into the soil. Not only do they emit hazardous contaminants, but these items take years to break down-some as many as 200 years.

Here are some locations that in the area where one can bring fabrics and clothes to be disposed of safely and diminish Apparel Impact damage to the environment: 

(You can check each for a list of acceptable items)

1. evo Rock Climbing Gym: 65 Warren Ave. (24/7 bin in parking lot) 2. Portland Sports Complex: 512 Warren Ave (24/7 bin in parking lot) 3. Maine Needs: 332 Forest Ave (donations taken inside during open hours)


Monday: Closed,  Tuesday: 5-7PM,  Wednesday: 10AM-12PM, Thursday: Closed, Friday: Closed, Saturday: 10AM-12:00PM, Sunday: Closed

Eastern Prom Clean Up

April 22nd


Map of Eastern Prom Trail

Contact: Sarah Braik

St. Alban’s Episcopal Church has invited St. Luke’s to participate in an Eastern Prom clean up on April 22 from 10 AM till noon, in cooperation with the Portland Parks Conservancy. Supplies are provided, though please bring gloves and a water bottle. We meet at Portland Water District’s East End Water Treatment Plant at 10 AM. Parking is available along the Eastern Prom.

Medication Collection Drive

Dr. Julia McDonald, daughter of St. Luke's parishioners, Dan and Joan McDonald, is leading a medical mission trip to the mountains of Honduras in the spring. Dr. McDonald is asking for donations of medications to distribute to patients while in Honduras.

If you are able to assist please bring donations to the parish office during the week ahead.

  •  -non-expired commonly used prescription medications (for blood pressure, diabetes, steroids, PPIs for reflux, antibiotics) [PPIs are proton pump inhibitors, used for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) and Reflux]). Common versions are pantoprozol (Protonix), omepraziole, famotidine (Nexium)...,
  •  over-the counter medication (ibuprofen, tylenol, naproxen, multi-vitamins, prenatal vitamins, allergy medication, antacids, muscle rubs and salves)
  •  reading glasses (Dollar store), sunglasses, visine eye drops
  •  Toothbrushes

Everything will go directly to patients in rural western Honduras.

Community Supper Volunteer Information

Please attend the April 22nd discussion.

On Saturday April 22nd and 29th Rev. Paul St. Germain will chair sessions in the Upper Hall to discuss our ministries, provide information to parishioners, and discuss what changes might be made to better serve the parish and reflect current needs.

Community Supper will be discussed on the 22nd, and we invite our loyal volunteers, attendees and anyone interested to join us and share your ideas. In light of this meeting, we will not schedule a May Community Supper, but explore the idea of the Kitchen Management Committee and its wonderful volunteers hosting the parish picnic in June, and launching a new Community Supper schedule starting in September 2023.

If you have any questions or wish to join the Community Supper Team, please contact 

Dawn Brennan-Daly

Realm Online Giving Platform

The Cathedral has launched our online giving platform, Realm, which also serves as our new database.

If you are interested in establishing monthly or weekly recurring gifts for your 2023 Pledge or other outreach gifts, now is the time to do so.

Please see the link here to be able to access our giving page.

Please note, Realm is not where you make your pledge. It’s where you will schedule payment of your pledge in whatever increments you might like to do. That could be weekly, monthly, or in one lump sum payment as you set up your recurring gift or one time gift please look at those options and make sure the amount that you enter is what you want withdrawn each week or each month.

You can also donate to St. Luke’s through our new and secure “Give and Text” feature. Please TEXT “TEXTCSL” to 73256. Our 2023 Pledge Campaign is ongoing. Pledge materials and information are available here.

The Healing Team

This Sunday, April 13th, the Healing Team will be Elise Magnuson and Sara Schmalz

If you have any questions about receiving prayers during these times, please email Sara Schmalz

How to Get Involved at St. Luke's

Clynk Bags Available to Support The Young and the Restless

Contact: Shana Rose

St. Luke’s has returned to the Clynk Initiative Program. There are bags available at both entrances of Nave with barcodes that correspond to the Cathedral’s account. Anyone is welcome to take a bag and are encouraged to bring it to a local redemption center or grocery store that accepts Clynk. Proceeds from this initiative will support our young adults group, “The Young and the Restless.”

Coffee Hour Sign-Ups

Sunday Mornings

Following the 10:00am Service

Location: The Upper Hall

Contact: Meredith Cough

Sign-Up Form

Coffee Hour is a ministry of fellowship that keeps our community connected, it is especially important during this leadership transition at St. Luke's.  

Please consider hosting a coffee hour some Sunday this spring. Basic snacks and beverages are provided for you to serve, if you would like to augment that with fresh fruit and baked goods feel free to organize that beforehand.

 A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board or you can click the link below and sign up online or simply contact me and I'll sign you up. Abundant amounts of gratitude come with the job, thank you!  

Email Meredith Cough or call 207-415-8207 

Join the Knitters and Kneeler Guild

Every Thursday

Location: The Upper Hall

“Planning for a Border” April 20th, 2023

Each week until May 4th, 2023

St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry

Thanks to all who made Stock Pot Tuesday a big success. We provide pots and pans to 336 neighbors - yet another record! We're grateful to all our partner churches and community members for making this possible through their generous donations over recent weeks. Current needs include bedding of all kinds - sheets, pillowcases, blankets and quilts.

Urgent Need for Volunteers at Family Promise Warming Shelter

The Family Promise Warming Shelter at Woodfords needs our help. There are April dates in need of volunteers as well. Can you help? 

 If you could help, sign up with this link

If you are new to Family Promise, we simply ask that you sign up to work with a trained volunteer. Again, thank you for all you do for our families! Call Lynne, Connie or Mary with any questions or concerns.

Lynne England: (207) 318-9848

Connie Bingham: (207) 415-1441

Mary Linneman: (207) 409-4253

Support State Street Church Warming Center

March 5- April 28th

Location: State Street Church

Sign-Up Link

Volunteers are needed nightly for an evening shift (6-8:30pm) and an overnight shift (8:30pm - 7:30am).

2 volunteers are needed for each shift, every night.

Monday Night Zoom Book Group

Every First and Third Monday of the Month

6:00-7:00 pm

Location: Zoom

Contact: Linda Carleton

The Monday Zoom Book Group will begin reading Barbara Brown Taylor’s The Luminous Web: Essays on Science and Religion on Monday, April 17. Taylor suggests that we might close the gap between spirit and matter, between the sacred and the secular.” The Jamestown Cross Book Review describes the book as “profound in its implications and a must-read for anyone seeking to reconcile the faith they cling to with the science they encounter.” The group meets on 1st and 3rd Mondays from 6-7pm. The Luminous Web is only four chapters and we’ll complete it in 2-4 weeks. Contact Linda Carleton if you’d like to join us.

Last Week's Service

Last Week's Livestream of Easter Day and the Easter Day Bulletin can be found here by visiting our webpage

Bulletins, Sermons, and

E-pistle Archives

If you are looking to see previous bulletins, sermons, or prior publications of the E-pistle, please see the archive page on our website.

Weekly Ministries

  • The Food Pantry is open from 9 am to 11 am every Thursday.

  • Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.

  • The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist gathers weekly in Emmanuel Chapel. Join via Zoom.

  • Contemplative Prayer is offered every Thursday at 4:30 pm via Zoom.

  • Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom. For additional details contact Ray Murdoch Curry

Select the Episcopal Maine Logo to learn about all that is happening in the wider Diocese.




Physical Address:

143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101

Parking Available at:

134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101

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