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The E-Pistle of Thursday

April 27th, 2023

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Vestry Updates

An Update from the Senior Warden

Minutes from The Lesser Chapter (“Vestry”) meeting held on April 19 are now available here.

Of special note is a courtesy resolution embracing gratitude and stewardship, “Care of God’s Creation” (Read Full Resolution here). The Resolution acknowledges and uplifts the leadership of the Cathedral’s Public Policy and Environmental Action Team in promoting creation care through our actions.

A big thank you to PPEAT co-Chairs Sarah Braik and Charles Skold and the entire PPEAT membership for their important ministry!

A very brief update on our search for an Interim Dean

The Search Committee has finalized content for advertising the position, and we’re working with the Rev. Suzanne Roberts to have it posted on both the Office of Transition Ministry’s and the Diocese’s websites. We are looking forward to receiving and reviewing applications.

Minutes from the St. Luke's Finance Committee

To read the latest minutes from the St. Luke's Finance Committee meeting held on April 18th, click here.

St. Luke's Vestry Webpage

To read all minutes from the Vestry, Finance Committee, and to see a complete roster of the Lesser Chapter, please visit the page on our website here.

Community Announcements

A Note of Thanks from The Rev. Dr. Paul St. Germain

It has been a privilege to serve as your transition priest in charge (the “interim interim”) at St. Luke’s in Portland! 

The past few months have been particularly challenging. They have been filled with “farewells” and questions - and “hellos” amidst uncertainty.

Transition and exploration CAN be exciting at times - though busy! They are filled with not only the special tasks of a search process - but continuing a day-to-day vibrant and demanding ministry.

St. Luke's is blessed as a congregation with wonderful wardens, a strong vestry, and a great staff to help with these tasks.

As a Cathedral, St Luke's is particularly graced with the presence, guidance, and wise oversight of our bishop. 

For all of these we give thanks.

As the search consultant arrives, and an interim dean is called, the prayers, input, and EFFORTS of each member of the congregation will be crucial along the journey ahead.

Our “Ministry Formation Days” have made a spirited beginning, and provided the opportunity for ministries to receive the gift of as few new hands and caring hearts. Some commitments are long-term and some for the period of the search process. Anyone who has not yet stepped forward is cordially invited to do so!

Meanwhile, as my “pumpkin time” arrive - it brings thoughts and prayers to each of you - as well as an invitation to visit your brothers and sisters at Trinity Church and “Trinity Commons” in Lewiston sometime soon!

May God walk more nearly with each of us along our journeys - and may our journeys be blessed. 

Ministry Formation Days

Second Session this Saturday!

Formation Ministries: April 29 9a–1p

Sunday School, Nursery, Teen Fellowship, Adult Education, Newcomer Classes

Outreach Ministries: April 29 1-4p

St Elizabeth’s Jubilee Center, Community Kitchen, Public Policy & Environmental Action, Food Pantry 

The Upper Hall

Contact: The Rev. Dr. Paul St. Germain

Please bring a brown-bag lunch (beverages provided), and share fellowship with fellow parishioners at the morning and afternoon events.

St. Luke’s is entering an exciting time of transition—from an acting priest-in-charge to a full time interim-dean to eventually, by God’s grace, a new dean. As in any transition, there are areas where special attention and support for its members is helpful. This encourages a smoother “ministry in transition”. This is also a time to invite increased participation, and offer the congregation fresh ways to engage, and perhaps explore joining a group “short-term”—as part of ALL of our “ministries” —“in transition”. Every member of the congregation is invited to come together—and explore more about a ministry which may be calling you. The best definition of a “call” I have heard is: “something when doing brings us closer to God”. This is an excellent Lenten or Easter exploration—perhaps taking even a “resurrection” look at where we are and what God is calling us to do! 

We are offering four separate opportunities in April to uplift four areas of Cathedral ministry and engage the following:

  • Challenges and expectations of ministry during change and how to meet them
  • “What you always wanted to know about this ministry but were afraid to ask…”
  • Review of existing methods and procedures
  • How to support the St. Luke’s Community through YOUR ministry and service. 

St. Luke's to host a Performance of

"A Slave Ship Called Malaga"

by artist Antonio Rocha

Saturday, June 10th, 2023


The Cathedral Nave

Tickets available here

Adults (Ages 12+)- $10.00

Children (Ages 5+)- $5.00

Infants and Young Children (Ages 0-4)- Free

(Photo credit: Coco McCrackin)

*Please note that the recommended age for attending this event is ages 12 +

Join us at 7:00PM on June 10th in the Cathedral Nave as we partner with Portland Ovations to host artist Antonio Rocha in his performance of "A Slave Ship Called Malaga."

Portland Ovations describes Rocha's work as the following:

"The Malaga Ship Story is a tour de force performance by award-winning, and world-renowned storyteller Antonio Rocha. Using his entire body and voice, Antonio sings, dances, narrates, and mimes his way through this poetically toned historical tale told from the perspective of the ship. The story vividly explores the reality and impact of the slave trade then and now through Antonio’s relationships to Maine and Brazil. Each performance is followed by a moderated conversation with a facilitator."

Visit the links below to learn more about the artist, the background of the performance, and to access educational resources.

Antonio Rocha

Performance Background

Learning resources

Diocesan Listening Sessions

Every faith community’s voice is necessary for us to have a diocese-wide vision! You're invited to attend at least one of the Diocesan Listening Sessions below:

Tuesday, May 23rd, 6:30PM - St. Mark, Waterville

Thursday, May 25th, 6:30PM - Trinity, Portland

Tuesday, June 20, 7PM via Zoom Passcode 461525

Watch the video below as Bishop Brown speaks about his hopes for these gatherings.

The Mandala Journaling Group

Saturday, May 13th, 2023


The Lower Hall

Contact: Linda Carleton

We will be exploring Stage 5 of the mandala Great Round. It’s the stage of the boy Jesus teaching in the temple, beginning to discover his true nature and the plan God had for him. Through working with concentric circles, we see how the Spirit shines through every layer of who we are at any moment in our lives and prepares for carrying that identity into the world.

Please join us on Saturday, May 13th (and every 2nd Saturday) from 9:30-12:00 in the Lower Hall—no experience or artistic talent required! For more info contact Linda Carleton.

The St. Luke's Public Policy

and Environmental Action Team Meeting

Tuesday, May 9th, 2023



Contact: Sarah Braik

The St. Luke's Public Policy and Environmental Action Team will

meet Tuesday May 9 from 6-7 PM. All are welcome!

The St. Luke's Public Policy

and Environmental Action Team

Eco Tips

There’s a proposal on the table related to America’s debt ceiling, but major anti-climate measures have been included. If passed, they would gut the historic clean energy and climate investments Congress made in last year’s Inflation Reduction Act. The Inflation Reduction Act has helped many municipalities around the country, but especially in Maine, to implement measures to reduce their carbon emissions.

Please contact Senator Collins and Senator King and Representative Pingree to keep the Inflation Reduction Act intact!

Community Supper Volunteer Information

Please attend the discussion this Saturday.

This Saturday April 29th Rev. Paul St. Germain will chair sessions in the Upper Hall to discuss our ministries, provide information to parishioners, and discuss what changes might be made to better serve the parish and reflect current needs.

Community Supper will be discussed on the 22nd, and we invite our loyal volunteers, attendees and anyone interested to join us and share your ideas. In light of this meeting, we will not schedule a May Community Supper, but explore the idea of the Kitchen Management Committee and its wonderful volunteers hosting the parish picnic in June, and launching a new Community Supper schedule starting in September 2023.

If you have any questions or wish to join the Community Supper Team, please contact 

Dawn Brennan-Daly

St. Luke's Clergy Member Featured in

The Christian Science Monitor

A recent publication of The Christian Science Monitor featured the work of The Rev. Anne C. Fowler in conversation with community members in Massachusetts entitled "The Abortion Talks."

To read the full online publication, click here.

Realm Online Giving Platform

The Cathedral has launched our online giving platform, Realm, which also serves as our new database.

If you are interested in establishing monthly or weekly recurring gifts for your 2023 Pledge or other outreach gifts, now is the time to do so.

Please see the link here to be able to access our giving page.

Please note, Realm is not where you make your pledge. It’s where you will schedule payment of your pledge in whatever increments you might like to do. That could be weekly, monthly, or in one lump sum payment as you set up your recurring gift or one time gift please look at those options and make sure the amount that you enter is what you want withdrawn each week or each month.

You can also donate to St. Luke’s through our new and secure “Give and Text” feature. Please TEXT “TEXTCSL” to 73256. Our 2023 Pledge Campaign is ongoing. Pledge materials and information are available here.

The Healing Team

This Sunday, April 20th, the Healing Team will be Oscar Mokeme and Elise Magnuson

If you have any questions about receiving prayers during these times, please email Sara Schmalz

How to Get Involved at St. Luke's

Clynk Bags Available to Support The Young and the Restless

Contact: Shana Rose

St. Luke’s has returned to the Clynk Initiative Program. There are bags available at both entrances of Nave with barcodes that correspond to the Cathedral’s account. Anyone is welcome to take a bag and are encouraged to bring it to a local redemption center or grocery store that accepts Clynk. Proceeds from this initiative will support our young adults group, “The Young and the Restless.”

Sunday Mornings

Following the 10:00am Service

Location: The Upper Hall

Contact: Meredith Cough

Sign-Up Form

Coffee Hour is a ministry of fellowship that keeps our community connected, it is especially important during this leadership transition at St. Luke's.  

Please consider hosting a coffee hour some Sunday this spring. Basic snacks and beverages are provided for you to serve, if you would like to augment that with fresh fruit and baked goods feel free to organize that beforehand.

 A sign-up sheet is located on the bulletin board or you can click the link below and sign up online or simply contact me and I'll sign you up. Abundant amounts of gratitude come with the job, thank you!  

Email Meredith Cough or call 207-415-8207 

St. Elizabeth's Essentials Pantry

Thanks to all who made Stock Pot Tuesday a big success. We provide pots and pans to 336 neighbors - yet another record! We're grateful to all our partner churches and community members for making this possible through their generous donations over recent weeks. Current needs include bedding of all kinds - sheets, pillowcases, blankets and quilts.

Urgent Need for Volunteers at Family Promise Warming Shelter

The Family Promise Warming Shelter at Woodfords needs our help. There are April dates in need of volunteers as well. Can you help? 

 If you could help, sign up with this link

If you are new to Family Promise, we simply ask that you sign up to work with a trained volunteer. Again, thank you for all you do for our families! Call Lynne, Connie or Mary with any questions or concerns.

Lynne England: (207) 318-9848

Connie Bingham: (207) 415-1441

Mary Linneman: (207) 409-4253

Monday Night Zoom Book Group

Every First and Third Monday of the Month

6:00-7:00 pm

Location: Zoom

Contact: Linda Carleton

The Monday Zoom Book Group will begin reading Barbara Brown Taylor’s The Luminous Web: Essays on Science and Religion on Monday, April 17. Taylor suggests that we might close the gap between spirit and matter, between the sacred and the secular.” The Jamestown Cross Book Review describes the book as “profound in its implications and a must-read for anyone seeking to reconcile the faith they cling to with the science they encounter.” The group meets on 1st and 3rd Mondays from 6-7pm. The Luminous Web is only four chapters and we’ll complete it in 2-4 weeks. Contact Linda Carleton if you’d like to join us.

Last Week's Service

Last Week's Livestream of Last Sunday's Service and the Bulletin can be found here by visiting our webpage

Bulletins, Sermons, and

E-pistle Archives

If you are looking to see previous bulletins, sermons, or prior publications of the E-pistle, please see the archive page on our website.

A Highlight from Last Week

An Image Courtesy of the St. Luke's Flower Guild from arrangements for April 23rd

Weekly Ministries

  • The Food Pantry is open from 8 am to 11 am every Thursday.

  • Noon prayer is offered every Wednesday via Zoom.

  • The Tuesday 12:10 Eucharist gathers weekly in Emmanuel Chapel. Join via Zoom.

  • Contemplative Prayer is offered every Thursday at 4:30 pm via Zoom.

  • Compline is offered weekly on Friday from 8-8:30pm on Zoom. For additional details contact Ray Murdoch Curry

Click on the Episcopal Maine Logo to learn about all that is happening in the wider Diocese.




Physical Address:

143 State Street, Portland, ME 04101

Parking Available at:

134 Park Street, Portland, ME 04101

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 4141, Portland, ME 04101

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