Thank you for having supported Addis Jemari with your time, talent, treasure or prayers. We couldn't be more thankful for you! The purpose of this e-newsletter is to keep you up-to-date on all the exciting things happening at Addis Jemari and to show you how your support is truly making a difference in the lives of these young girls.    

Update on the New Beginnings Campaign

We are so excited to report that our “New Beginnings” kick-off campaign was a huge success! Thanks to you, more than $20,000 was raised during this campaign. These funds allowed us to secure the house, begin to furnish it, and complete the complicated process of getting the Addis Jemari girls enrolled back in school.

Our dream would not have become a reality if not for your generous support. Addis Jemari is beyond grateful. This is just the beginning,  we can’t wait to see what God will do! Look for ways in the coming weeks to partner alongside us as we encourage, educate and empower the young women of Addis Jemari!  

Want to learn more? Visit

 The AJ girls were excited after they opened their first bank accounts! 
The girls loved their backpacks and school supplies donated by the youth group of John Calvin Presbyterian Church in Florence, SC. Thanks again for helping in this way!
Some of the girls reading on a Sunday afternoon in the AJ house.
August Highlights: Making a House a Home, Back to School and Financial Freedom 
It's been an exciting month at Addis Jemari! First, we were able to rent a phenomenal home in a wonderful neighborhood that is within walking distance to the girls' school. Our housemother is in place, as well as our in-country program manager and coordinator. We also hired a cook to make sure the girls are getting healthy, well balanced meals. Praise God!

And yes, you heard right...we said within walking distance to the GIRLS' SCHOOL! We are thrilled to announce that after a two year time lapse, we were able to fulfill the necessary requirements to re-enroll the girls back in school. Please be praying for the girls as they transition back into the classroom later this month.

Lastly, we opened bank accounts for the girls so they can begin saving for their future. Learning financial literacy, gaining financial security, and creating a sustainable life is one of the cornerstones of Addis Jemari.

It has been a busy and productive month at Addis Jemari. We are blown away with all that God is doing, and we thank our sponsors who are helping make this happen.
Wishlist for September:
Monthly Sponsorships
So many people ask, "How can we help?" The main need at Addis Jemari right now is monthly sponsorships of the girls. 

By becoming a monthly sponsor, you are providing each girl with the ability to be encouraged, educated and empowered. Money donated to our program will assure that the needs of our girls are met, both physically and spiritually. There are many ways you can partner with us through sponsorships at different giving levels, such as Full Sponsorship ($68/month), Healthcare and Nutrition Sponsorship ($42/month), and Education Sponsorship ($25/month).

As the saying goes, “It takes a village to raise a child.” By partnering with us, that is what you are helping to do…you are empowering our girls to move from a place of survival to thriving. We could not do what we do without you!

For more information or to start your sponsorship, please visit


Our Executive Director, Cindy Douglass, beaming while holding the official paperwork to get the AJ girls back in school!    

We are looking for two iPhones for our in-country staff in Ethiopia. It makes it easier for the US staff to communicate to the Ethiopian staff through iPhone applications. If you have an old iPhone you would like to donate to Addis Jemari, we would be so grateful! Please email and we will contact you!

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