An Invitation from Dean Thomason
Porch Prayer at the Cathedral
Dear friends,
Every day since March 9th (except three days of vacation in mid-July), I have walked the cathedral campus, holding you all in my prayers with special intention—151 days by my count. It has become a deeply meaningful part of the rhythms of my day, and I plan to continue that spiritual practice at least until we reopen the buildings for public worship once again. I long for that day to come, even as I remain fervent in commitment to reopen only when we feel it is wise and sufficiently safe to do so. I know many of you have found your way to the cathedral grounds as well, and I am delighted for that.

The notion of “place” holds special importance for us as people of faith. Our stories, in scripture and in our spiritual journeys, are tethered to particular places that provide contour and meaning to our lives. I believe Bishop Huston, Dean McLauchlan and others who identified this place on 10th Avenue East in the 1920s to erect a cathedral had such a purpose in mind—that it would be a holy box on the hill, a beacon of hope, a place filled with meaning and purpose, a house of prayer for all people… and much more. I feel that grounding when I am on the cathedral campus.

While the buildings remain closed, the four staff priests—Canons Jennifer King Daugherty, Nancy Ross, and Cristi Chapman, and myself—have apportioned parts of our schedules in the coming weeks to be on-site, available to meet a parishioner by individual appointment, outdoors, masked and distanced. Porch Prayer, we are calling it… a time to be present to one another, on the cathedral terrace or a nearby bench, and to pray for whatever and whomever might be on your heart. Time slots are 30 minutes, and must be reserved in advance by contacting Erik Donner at or 206.323.0300 ext. 217. 

Who might consider participating in this Porch Prayer? Anyone, of course. I am reminded of the light-hearted idiom the Church has about such things: All may, none must, some should… Just know you are most welcome.

Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here!
Blessings and peace,
The Very Reverend Steven L. Thomason
Dean and Rector