Dear Instructors,

Accidents, or more precisely, negligence happens. As a firearms instructor, you may often find yourself in situations surrounded by novice or inexperienced gun owners armed with loaded weapons! What happens if your student is negligent at the range and shoots someone? Are you prepared to help? Do you know what to do to give the injured person the best chance to survive? Make sure you know basic trauma first-aid for gunshot wounds. Make sure you will be able to help.

We at Texas Law Shield want to provide you with knowledge that just may save a life. With the assistance of an experienced battlefield medic and emergency medical paramedic/Navy Corpsman, we have underwritten for our select guest instructors an 8-hour course designed to provide you with the working knowledge of the first-aid you need in a gunshot wound scenario.

Some of the topics to be covered include:

  • First Aid in seconds after a disaster
  • Things to do before EMS or paramedics arrive
  • Hemorrhage control
  • Essential First Aid equipment and how to use it
  • Essentials items for your blow-out kit

A course like this could cost you hundreds of dollars, but Texas Law Shield is underwriting the entire cost of this program and offering it to our valued instructors at NO COST! Seating at this important course, however, is limited, so register right away to ensure your place.

The Course instructor is Dwayne McBryde, a veteran with over 21 years of field experience as an emergency medical paramedic and combat medic for the U.S. Marine Corps and U.S. Navy Reserves. As a first-responder, Mr. McBryde has an extensive trauma and emergency treatment background, and is a Medic and Diplomatic Security Service Contractor for the U.S. Department of State where he provides tactical medical care for U.S. Department of State Chief of Mission personnel as a member of a low profile diplomatic security team in a high threat environment.

In addition, Mr. McBryde has received specialized training in "Care Under Fire" and "Tactical Field Care."

Make sure to register today before the course fills up. To register, click on one of the events below and complete the online registration form.

April 13, 2016 - Austin

April 21, 2016 - Houston

April 28, 2016 - Garland

The life you save may just be yours!