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February Newsletter

Strategic Public Financing 101

We talk a lot about strategic public financing here at Children’s Funding Project. But what exactly does it mean? Our new fact sheet offers a primer on strategic public financing and is part of our continuing Funding Our Kids 101 series

Strategic public financing helps leaders put their money where their goals are by assigning a cost to a community's policy priorities for children and youth and identifying ways to cover those costs:

  • What funding supports our goals right now?
  • How much will it cost to fully fund our goals?
  • How do we fill the gap with additional funding?

Check out our new fact sheet for answers to these questions and more.

Read the Fact Sheet
See More Funding Our Kids 101

What's New

Engaging Youth Leaders in the Fiscal Mapping Process

Nearly 1/3 of Americans are younger than age 25, making their involvement in helping fund our communities necessary. Our new blog post highlights how communities, like San Antonio, TX, engage youth leaders in their fiscal mapping process and offers tips for others interested in doing the same. 

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In Case You Missed It

2022 Election Recap

Last November, voters around the country chose to dedicate millions of dollars to children’s programs and services. We recap the results from the kids-focused ballot measures around the country and highlight what those results mean for current and future campaigns for child and youth funding.

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Success Planning for Communities

Our CEO Elizabeth Gaines recently teamed up with the Harvard Graduate School of Education’s EdRedesign Lab on a webinar to show how communities can advance personalized opportunities and support for kids via funding strategies. 

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Special Focus on Louisiana

It’s a great time to be a baby in Louisiana! Over the last year, advocates took action at the state and local levels to secure over $100 million in dedicated funding for early childhood care and education. We recently released case studies on the two campaigns that made this happen, at the state level of Louisiana and the local level of New Orleans.

This month, we also partnered with The Louisiana Policy Institute for Children to release a new toolkit, Local Funding Toolkit for Strengthening Early Care and Education in Louisiana Communities. The toolkit will help localities in Louisiana and beyond understand their funding options for strengthening their local early care and education systems.

Read the Louisiana Case Study
Read the New Orleans Case Study
Explore the New Toolkit

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