Recently, we released three new community profiles highlighting how states and communities are using American Rescue Plan funds to expand child care for infants and toddlers, provide out-of-school programs to school-age children, and offer job training to youth. These new profiles feature Deschutes County, OR; Anne Arundel County, MD; and St. Louis, MO. Watch for additional profiles in upcoming weeks!
This Month's Kids Funding Win
Starting May 1, New Mexico began covering child care costs for families earning up to 400% of the federal poverty level, becoming the first state to offer free child care for families with this range of incomes. Funds will be provided by the state’s oil and natural gas endowment and be used to cover costs for 30,000 families.

In Case You Missed It
2022 Children’s Funding Champion

We're proud to name Annemarie Valdez of First Steps Kent our 2022 Children's Funding Champion! For over two decades she has worked to support kids, including leading a campaign to establish a voter-approved children's fund that raises more than $5 million annually for programs that serve children under age 5 in Kent County, MI. 

How Tax Cuts for the Wealthy Lead to Program Cuts for Kids

We know that in budget crises, services for children and youth often are the first things cut. Instead of cutting taxes, states should use the unprecedented COVID relief funds to invest in children and youth. In our new blog, we highlight states like Oregon and Connecticut that recently passed bills that will invest hundreds of millions in kids, laying the groundwork for a flourishing future.

Supporting Kids’ Mental Health By Funding Out-Of-School Time Programs

Our national polling shows that 79% of voters consider using tax dollars to “provide youth mental health services to all children in their communities” a high or very high priority. In our new blog post, we explain how after-school and summer programs are uniquely positioned to provide this support to children and youth. 

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