A Message from CEO Dr. Dale Owen
Team, colleagues, pioneers, friends:
Each of you is all of the above. 

It means the world to me to send a message to you on September 5th, two years to the day that Tryon Medical Partners held the grand opening of our first offices in Pineville and Steele Creek. 

We were confident we would succeed with our audacious goal of putting healthcare back into the hands of practitioners. But we never could have foreseen what was barreling down the pike to turn our world upside down. 

How have we handled it? As a team. As a family. And above all, as a medical practice of the highest caliber. Your dedication and passion never cease to amaze me and have been recognized by our patients for two straight years. The strength of character and the leadership qualities inherent in the word “independent” define us all. 

I know that this is only the next chapter in our incredible journey to revolutionize healthcare. What will the next chapter bring? Whatever it is, we are ready. 

I am backed by the greatest staff and board in our industry. And our loyal patients are blessed to have our group who cares about each of them personally and zealously.

Enjoy today and the holiday weekend. I’m excited about our starting year three with passion and purpose on Tuesday.

Thank you, thank you.
The face of healthcare has changed.
But the reason we started Tryon Medical Partners has not.