Time to Invest in Talent Development for 2022
What a year it’s been as organizations have had to respond resiliently to a host of changing conditions in 2021. As you set your sights on 2022, it may be just the right time to invest in training and talent development for the coming year. We’d love to be your partner as you master the challenges of the hybrid and virtual workplace. We are offering a 15% discount on all NetSpeed Learning’s programs and services.* 
What programs or services might you consider?
We are so grateful for our clients who partnered with us
in 2021 as we:
  • Introduced a new hybrid facilitation program
  • Piloted a customized remote team leadership program
  • Launched a leadership development program for the management team of a regional credit union
  • Developed the skills of new supervisors and managers in their first leadership roles
  • Licensed all 24 modules in the NetSpeed Leadership program for both face-to-face and virtual delivery
  • Delivered the Virtual Facilitator Trainer Certification course privately to internal trainers in several organizations
  • Delivered the Virtual Producer course for multiple clients
  • Produced and hosted virtual meetings and events for our clients
These programs were developed and delivered in a variety of web conference platforms including Adobe Connect, Zoom, and Webex, and also blended asynchronous assignments to increase learning retention and transfer. We would love to be your virtual learning partner in 2022. Let us know how we can help by emailing Cynthia Clay.

* The fine print: Total purchase must exceed $15,000 after discount and must be paid in full by December 20, 2021 (10% discount if payment is received by January 10, 2022).
Cynthia Clay Signature
Cynthia Clay   |   President / CEO   |  t: (206) 517-5271 x 700 |  c: (206) 419-4773
cclay@netspeedlearning.com   |  netspeedlearning.com
Engaging people, igniting performance