APRIL 2021
Earth Day Gift from County Board’s Budget Directives
EcoAction Arlington thanked the County Board for its Earth Day “gift” to Arlington. In adopting the FY22 budget, the County Board directed the County Manager to develop recommendations to coordinate a “whole of government” approach to achieving Arlington’s Climate Change and Sustainability goals. EcoAction Arlington is gratified that the Board sent a list of inspiring goals to the County Manager for further development of this initiative in the FY 2023 Budget. The Board also voted to restore proposed cuts to Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Northern Virginia Conservation Trusts, items that promote community participation in the fight against climate change. The County identified funding to hire another urban forester and increase tree maintenance efforts. Please join us in thanking the County Board for this Earth Day gift that will help connect all Arlington residents to a sustainable lifestyle. You can send an email to all five County Board members at Countyboard@arlingtonva.us using our sample letter. (Note - the below links to a Microsoft Word file.)
Building Electrification Key to County’s Carbon Neutrality Goal
With buildings accounting for about 60 percent of Arlington’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, electrification--elimination of onsite combustion of fossil fuels, primarily natural gas--in homes and commercial and residential buildings is essential to achieving the Community Energy Plan (CEP) goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. You can help make the shift to this new paradigm.
Demystifying Public Participation in County Development
Arlington County offers multiple opportunities to weigh in on long term planning and project development, including comprehensive plans, Sector Plans, and Project Site Plans for both government facilities and private development efforts. Want to know how citizen input at the SPRC level can have the greatest impact and where and how you can get involved?
Thank you to this issue's contributors: Joan McIntyre and Leslie Louden.