The Presidents’ Alliance is once again partnering with Jenner & Block to coordinate a higher education focused amicus brief. This amicus brief in the WashTech case (click here for NAFSA's overview of the litigation) will lay out the important educational role of Optional Practical Training (OPT) for international students, and will be open to colleges and universities to join. See below for more information on the brief and why defending OPT in this case matters.

In another important opportunity, we are coordinating outreach for colleges and universities to join an amicus brief to support the consolidated DACA cases that will be heard by the Supreme Court in November. We will share more information about the brief and how to join in the coming weeks.  Amici briefs supporting the legal challenge to the rescission of DACA are due on October 4, 2019.

Finally, we share news about the new Public Charge regulation that is close to being finalized and which will adversely impact immigrant students and their families.

Thank you for your continued support.
Miriam Feldblum, Executive Director, and Jose Magaña-Salgado, Director of Policy and Communications
Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration