Good morning!

Life is the test.. Why not win it?
Americans love a winner and will not tolerate a loser

What is so different about you? What enables middle class folks to rise and win, time after time? Facing and beating challenges? At 7 years old, I began helping another kid on his paper route. Lucky for me, there was a block of triple decker houses and Paulie did not like climbing stairs. A few years later, my next younger brother and I had our own route. Hot in the summer. Cold in the winter. Raining or snowing from time to time. On foot. We did not always whistle while we worked. But the Carrier boys delivered the Evening Bulletin 6 nights a week. And early Sunday mornings, before church, the Journal-Bulletin.
You have done the same. Throughout your life, you took the overtime. The second job. Doing what it took. My weekends at Notre Dame were spent delivering pizza. As a law student, I worked full time on the graveyard shift as a security guard. Just like you. What else could we have done? We had a job. We saw the need. We got it done.
We learned it from our folks. After beating the bad guys in WWII, our parents went to work. Dad taught school all day, came home, changed clothes, and put in 8 more hours at the Narragansett brewery. For 16 years. Mom was an RN. After raising 8 kids, she pinned her nurse’s cap back on and resumed nursing. Details vary, but your family lived the same values. Read More
Attend a FREE estate planning workshop today!
In-person - We are back with our in person workshop! You can choose from Grand Rapids, Holland, Norton Shores, or Portage locations.

Live Webinars - You have been putting it off. You know you need to get it done. Why not make it a date night and get a lifetime of guidance from the comfort of your home? Register below for one of our upcoming dates.
On-Demand - Learn about estate planning when you are ready, at your convenience. There is no specific time - tune in when it works for you. Simply register, and we will email you a link.

Visiting Expert Series
Five Benefits for Connecting With a Veterans Service Organization
Presented by
Jena Wilmers
American Legion 5th District Commander and
American Legion Post 1111 Commander

In this Zoom webinar, you will learn:
  • Resources and how to access them for veterans, their dependents, and survivors
  • The difference between VFW and American Legion
  • Programs that VSOs offer
  • Why VSOs are not just beer and pretzels!
Veteran’s Day Dinner & Salute
Honoring all who served!
The West Michigan Military Round Table Association will present a uniform, weapons, and equipment display of amazing time pieces and artifacts which will take you on a journey of how the military has evolved throughout our history.

This dinner and event is free to all veterans and their families.
Attention Parents of Young Adults ages 18-26
Power of Attorney Clinic
  • You're paying the tuition bill, but have no access to grades! What?
  • Your college student gets into an accident and the hospital won't release information. Really?
  • He/she is on your health plan. Doesn't make a difference!

Once your child turns 18, they are considered to be a legal adult. Without written permission from your child, you do not have the right to see their grades, make medical decisions for them in the event of an injury, or access any of their financial information.

We have an easy solution! Attend our POA Clinic...register here
Your Feedback Matters
We'd love to hear about your experience with The Law Offices of David L. Carrier. Reviews are also a great way to help others who are exploring estate planning and elder law services. Click the button below to share your insight!
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