American Province Ministry Connections
May 2024  
Casa Cornelia Law Center
Carmen M. Chavez, Esq. - Executive Director
Ensuring due process and equal access to justice is central to our profession as attorneys. For those who cannot afford an attorney, access to pro bono legal services is critical. However, this can be difficult, if not impossible, for vulnerable asylum seekers, undocumented victims of serious crimes, and immigrant children who have suffered persecution, torture, or abuse. Moreover, adding to the complexity is the fact that we serve clients from around the globe who speak over 50 different languages. To bridge the gap, Casa Cornelia relies on the goodwill of its volunteers. In 2023, attorneys from private law firms donated 13,382 hours, a 17% increase from the previous year. Language volunteers contributed 7,659 hours in 2023, representing a 78% increase from 2022. 

Each volunteer attorney, interpreter, and translator receive training and mentorship from staff assigned to a case. This commitment to our volunteers and their service makes a difference in our clients’ lives, and in turn, clients change our volunteers forever. 
Many volunteers share how their experience has renewed their passion and purpose for their legal practice. They share the stories of their clients – testimonies of suffering but also resilience. They recount what happened in the courtroom and how the judge ruled. When the hurdles are overcome, and the court grants their case, they beam with joy, pride, and relief. Their client, our client, has now found a new life, free from violence and fear. As shown in the picture, you see the client with his team of attorneys (las abogadas), full of happiness. Lives transformed! 
South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (SC LAMP)

Diana Pinto - Executive Director
South Central LAMP celebrated the incredible mothers of our Family Literacy Program on International Women's Day. We welcomed Sandra Gonzalez, author and founder of Skillful & Soulful Press, and Ingrid Estrada-Darley, co-founder of Black Girl, Brown Girl Books. Ingrid delved into the importance of representation in literature, especially for immigrant women, and explored how diverse stories foster a sense of belonging.
The mothers participated by preparing essays they had written, in which they shared both a childhood memory and a challenge they had met and overcome. These were the most touching moments of our gathering -- sharing triumphant journeys with heartfelt emotion. The room was often in tears as each woman described what had transpired in her life. What was notable for each mom was her proud stature and the openness of her story. Wonderful memories or, too often, dangerous struggles were integral to each migration reflection. 

Thanking God, their families, the friends they have made here, and South Central LAMP, the moms also described their appreciation for the unrelenting support they have received. Most of all, they joyfully presented themselves as valiant, courageous, beautiful, and strong women! This reality indeed stems not only from the resilience of each mother but also from the dedicated teachers of our Family Literacy Program: Sr. Cathy Garcia, RSHM, Hannah Han, Derek Sijder, Angelica Salcido, our Family Advocate, and Jessie Hernandez, our Adult Education and Program Manager.

Join us in honoring these remarkable women as we continue to uplift, empower, and celebrate the strength within our South Central LAMP community. 
Providence Center
Siria Ana Rivera - Executive Director
This spring, our teen leaders attended the National 4-H Youth Summit in Washington, D.C., a conference that allowed them to explore topics and careers related to STEM – science, technology, engineering, and math. They attended workshops and lectures there to inspire them to foster positive change in their neighborhoods. Now, the teens are working to create a pollinator garden at our community garden at 4th and Huntingdon Streets. This project aims to beautify the community and provide a sanctuary for vital pollinators. To ensure the success of this project, students from PennExtension’s Master Gardener program worked with our teens to design the garden. This collaboration is a testament to the power of working together to create meaningful change in our community. As the project gains momentum, we’re excited for our first planting day, June 1st! This milestone marks the end of months of preparation and hard work on behalf of our teens and the start of creating a greener, more sustainable future in Fairhill.
Sponsored Ministries of the Society of Holy Child Jesus 
Casa Cornelia Law Center * Providence Center

Co-Sponsored Ministries of the Society of Holy Child Jesus
South Central Los Angeles Ministry Project (LAMP) * 
Cristo Rey St. Martin College Prep * Hope Partnership for Education * 
Cristo Rey New York High School * Washington School for Girls
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Ministry Connections is a monthly publication highlighting ministries sponsored or co-sponsored
by the Society of the Holy Child Jesus.