American Immigrant Policy Portal

February, 2023

Research to Inform Policy, Practice, and Advocacy on
Migration-Related Issues

Reports, studies, and information about immigration policy
and the process of creating a fair and welcoming society for all

Materials organized by collection topic.
Click on headlines for abstracts and links to original research.

Recent Public Policy Research and Reports

Adult Education and Workforce Training

Report discusses the importance of serving immigrants in federal and state adult education programs designed to help participants acquire occupational credentials

(Migration Policy Institute)

Study surveys the landscape of current efforts to provide workforce development and career advancement services to immigrants and points out areas where new models and investments are needed

(Harvard Kennedy School)

Economic and Fiscal Impacts of Immigration

Using a database of 230 million people, paper analyzes the outsized role that immigrants play in stimulating economic innovation in the U.S.

(National Bureau of Economic Research)

Paper makes the case for federal impact aid to localities with a high concentration of recently-arrived immigrants, especially those with low levels of education

(Brookings Institution)

Employment and Labor Issues

Report discusses the growing and burdensome number of "recruitment costs" that migrant laborers must absorb in order to take jobs in other countries

(Migration Policy Institute)

Human Services (General)

Report chronicles a decade of state immigrant rights victories

(National Immigration Law Center)

Study sheds light on the experiences of mixed status families interested in qualifying for stimulus checks during the pandemic

(Urban Institute)

Study examines the effectiveness of New York's Excluded Worker Fund in meeting the needs of immigrants without legal status during the pandemic

(Urban Institute & Immigration Research Initiative)

Human Services (Healthcare)

Study assesses the extent of limited English proficiency among Asian American populations and stresses the importance of language accessibility to achieve health equity

(Urban Institute)

Immigrant Communities

Report paints demographic portrait of Caribbean immigrants in the United States

(Migration Policy Institute)

Law Enforcement

Report turns a spotlight on how faulty and unreliable foreign data used in legal proceedings harms the interests of immigrants seeking asylum and other forms of protection in the U.S.

(National Immigrant Justice Center)

State Government

Who are the migrants being transported north by southern governors? Report provides an explanation and a critique of the effort.

(National Immigration Forum)


Featuring a selection of recent Op-eds from

Immigration researchers and major opinion leaders


February 13, 2023

House GOP grapples with disagreement over border and immigration legislation

Emily Brooks & Rafael Bernal, The Hill

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February 6, 2023

Immigration Rebound Eases Shortage of Workers, Up to a Point

Lydia DePillis, The New York Times

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February 5, 2023

Utah immigrant task force proposes steps to better integrate 'New Americans'

Tim Vandenack, Daily Herald

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February 2, 2023

Over 75,000 Job Openings in Iowa Alone. Millions of Refugees Seeking Work. Make the Connection

Kristie De Pena et al, The New York Times

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January 30, 2023

Biden Can Use a First Fix for a Broken Immigration System (Opening Up More Pathways for Humanitarian Parole)

Stan Veuger et al, American Enterprise Institute

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January 30, 2023

Proposal for a winning GOP strategy in 2024 -- back to business with immigration reform

Neil Hare, The Fulcrum

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January 28, 2023

It's great timing for the US's first immigration increase in years -- but experts say Biden needs to reverse more Trump-era policies for the economy to feel the maximum effect

Jason Lalijee & Madison Hoff, Business Insider

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January 26, 2023

How labor shortages drive inflation and how immigration can help

Cecilia Esterline, Niskanen Center

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January 26, 2023

Senators fight partisan headwinds in pursuit of immigration deal

Suzanne Monyak, Roll Call

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January 24, 2023

GOP-led states challenge Biden's new migration 'parole' program

Suzanne Monyak, Roll Call

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January 24, 2023

More parolees should be allowed to work upon arrival

Cecilia Esterline & Gil Guerra, Niskanen Center

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January 23, 2023

Early rift over immigration exposes House GOP's tough path to consensus

Marianna Sotomayor & Theodoric Meyer, The Washington Post,

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January 22, 2023

Immigration needs a solution, not hatred

Eric Adams, The Washington Post

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Our Mission

"'Closing the Knowledge to Action Gap"

As the United States struggles to build a modern and effective immigration system, the Portal enables advocates and policy-makers to use evidence-based research to guide their work.

Our goal is to preserve and disseminate the findings of leading researchers who are seeking answers to questions critical to the future of the country.

To date, our team of volunteers has produced over 2,000 concise research summaries grouped into multiple topical collections.

These summaries, as well as links to original research, are available at the Portal website and at the website of the Public Education Institute of the Immigrant Learning Center.

Please write us with any thoughts or suggestions you might have at:

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