If you are lucky . . .
A dog will come into your life, steal your heart,
and change everything.
by Judie Cutting
When Alyssa’s beloved nine-year-old German shorthair, Hershey, died and personal problems were upheaving her life, little did she know everything would be turned around by a sweet, brown Brittany. In 2010, a breeder contacted the Wisconsin ABR coordinator. Except for one puppy, the litter was spoken for. All of the orange and white puppies had found homes but because he wasn’t orange, no one wanted the last pup; he was “too brown.” 

Alyssa became the proud “mom” of four-month-old Ghirardelli Choco Bear. Not only did he wiggle into her arms, more importantly, he wiggled into her heart. It’s fitting that February 14 is Ghirardelli’s birthday. As he was settling into his new life, Ghirardelli knew he had work to do. Alyssa and a high school friend reconnected and started dating. Not only did this friend fall in love with Alyssa, but he fell hard for Ghirardelli. He blurted out that he needed to be Ghirardelli’s “dad.” Guess who became the ring bearer for the wedding? Yes, the sweet, “too brown” Brittany.

The family of three soon expanded. Pilots N Paws flew to Wisconsin from Louisiana with an eight-month-old Brittany named Chloe. She fit into the family seamlessly. Chloe joined the hunting fun and running on 40 acres. Ghirardelli hunted woodcock and Chloe was quartering and pouncing on any mice or rabbits she could find.

The family was complete, or so they thought, until January of 2020 rolled around. Alyssa saw the ABR Facebook page about “The Jenny 11,” a litter of eleven puppies born at an ABR foster home in Spokane, Washington. Alyssa was soon on a plane to meet the newest member of the family – six-week-old Quinn. 

Ghirardelli and Chloe showed Quinn the ropes of good dog behavior, but Quinn had some tricks up her sleeve to show off. Quinn kept everyone on their toes with her ability to open doors, even locked ones! All three dogs enjoy hunting and running in the fields and soaking up love from the family. When it is time to go to sleep, you can find all three dogs in bed together. They even leave room for Mom and Dad to join them.
Dogs can open your heart, and your world, to more love than you thought possible.

Thank you,
Alyssa Dworak-Strieter,
for sharing your story.

Valentine Feature Photos
Featuring Your Dog...
Sweaters, jackets, boots, and hats! Share your favorite photo(s) of your Brittanys styled in their winter gear for a chance to be featured in the March eNews or on Facebook and Instagram.

EMAIL PHOTOS TO: and include your dog's name.
~ Many dogs will start to show signs of periodontal disease as early as 3 years old ~

~ Unlike us, cavities are uncommon in dogs, but many other dental problems are similar, such as periodontal disease and broken teeth ~

~ Vets should be examining your dog’s mouth (including teeth and gums) at their yearly exam and may recommend a dental cleaning ~

~ Regular brushing is the best way to keep your pets teeth & gums clean and health ~

~ Check with your vet in January and February, as they will often have specials during the month of February for Dental Health Month! ~
Robin Eagan
By Autumn Fenton
When asked to describe a Brittany in a single word, California state coordinator Robin Egan immediately replies “loyal.” That description fits Robin as well, as she has devoted herself to ABR since 2007.

“Whatever help I need, Robin is always there,” says Board member Diana Doiron. “She does home visits and picks up owner surrenders. I have very bad legs, so these things are hard on me. Robin contacts volunteers to donate baskets for our annual picnic and items for our raffle. On picnic day, she is at the park labeling the items and preparing for people coming in the gate. We usually have about 100 Britts running around.”

Over the years, Robin has welcomed three ABR dogs into her home. In between babysitting her almost two-month-old grandson, she agreed to answer a few questions for us. She started by calling her nomination for Volunteer of the Month “very sweet.”

Q: How did you first become involved with the organization?
A: We knew we wanted to adopt. I took an online quiz that matched me with dog breeds. One was a Brittany. I had not heard of the breed, so I started researching. It turned out a co-worker had two, so I arranged to meet them. It was truly love at first sight. Their loving nature and undeniable loyalty pulled me in. We searched the internet for Brittany rescue, and ABR was the first to pop up.

I liked what ABR stood for, so I completed an adoption application. I didn’t name a specific dog but rather the desired personality traits. An ABR foster contacted me about a dog she thought would prove a good match. We instantly fell in love with Missy. She was the most amazing dog I have ever had, and we feel honored that we were able to have her as part of our family. 

Q: What helped you decide to step up as a volunteer?
A: When we attended our first ABR California picnic, we met many people who were welcoming and passionate about the breed and organization. The state coordinator spoke to the group, letting us know there was a need for volunteers. My husband and I wanted to help, but being new to the breed felt we needed to start with a smaller job. Transport was the perfect way to give back to an organization that brought us our perfect Missy!

Q: How has your work with ABR evolved over the years?
A: Simply by volunteering more. After transports, I replied to, forwarded, and filed all of the applications that came in for California and Nevada. One day, Diana Dorion called and asked if I would be willing to come on board as an assistant. I’m still not sure how she talked me into saying yes, but I’m glad she did.

I was also on the Board of Directors for two or three years. I started as a general member and then became chairman. I enjoyed my time on the board but found my life was getting a little crazy. I needed to let something go. I didn’t want to give up my work with ABR as a whole, so I decided to resign from the board to free up time to spend with my family.

Q: Is there a specific rescue story that had the most impact on you?
A: Operation Magnolia! California was lucky to bring 17 of the 103 dogs here. I went to the facility each day to walk and interact with the dogs. Sadly, none of them had been socialized, so they had a real fear of people. It was a slow process. My husband would go with me most days, and we developed a bond with one of the little females. After a discussion with Diana, we decided to bring her home. She instantly fit in and became my husband’s shadow.

While Operation Magnolia had a huge impact on me and got us our sweet girl Zoe, I can say that what continues to amaze me is the wonderful volunteers we have here in California. No matter what the situation, someone is always willing to help. I know all the state coordinators think they have the best volunteers, but the truth is California has the best volunteers ever!

  1. I’m a first-time grandma. I now watch him full-time while his mommy and daddy are at work. Thomas Joseph or “TJ” is our miracle baby. I can’t wait to watch this little sweetie grow and develop his own personality. I feel so blessed to be his Nani.
  2. I love to travel. My husband and I mainly stay in the United States but have been to Jamaica, Canada, and Mexico. We are huge baseball fans and are working on seeing every major league baseball stadium. I’m hoping the next stop will be Chicago.
  3. I make quilts as gifts. I enjoy thinking about who they are going to and picking out a pattern and fabric that fits that particular person—that’s the joys of a big family, lots of weddings, and babies.
Rudy (#10460) - CA - 8 y/o: Rudy is quite the looker, drawing comments on his striking handsomeness wherever he goes. He’s a sweet and gentle giant at 47 pounds. He is a very “young” 8-year-old, and will brighten your home with Brittany energy while showering you with lots of love. He is great on a leash, good with dogs and older children, kind to the cats, and a big old lover once he gets to know you. 

Dutch (male - right photo above) and Brownie (female - left photo above) have had a long and bumpy road in their short lives. Luckily they escaped the hoarding situation they were born into and hitched a ride to the Good Life. While they leaned on each other at first, they have now shown us that they aren’t as bonded as we thought and they will thrive in separate homes. These sweet pups will take some time to learn the ropes, but they will make wonderful additions to patient and loving families willing to show them the way. For more information, email their foster dad.
Zoe (#10449) and LuLu (#10450) - UT - 9 y/o: Zoe and LuLu (formerly Snip and Snap), are beautiful sisters waiting to join your home and family after losing their dear dad and then living outside for much of their life. Zoe loves to be loved on and will be in your lap, ready for cuddles. LuLu is still nervous and may take more time to warm up but Zoe is her great protector. These girls have never been apart and need to be adopted together so that LuLu will feel safe and secure. These girls still have their beautiful tails, but they are Brittany through and through!
Buddy (#10404) - OH - 11 y/o: What’s not to love? Sweet, spry, active, inquisitive and oh-so-handsome Buddy spent most of his life outside in a kennel. He is now enjoying the good life inside with toys, and chews, and friends to play with! This sweet, laid-back gentleman would love to have a canine buddy or two and a yard to run in at his new home. Could Buddy be your next buddy?

Are you looking to adopt a Brittany but don't see one available in your area?
We welcome you to complete an adoption application to start the approval process, so you will be ready to adopt when the time comes!

We've adopted 2 dogs from ABR. They worked with us to make sure that there was a good match between us and the dogs...and they got it 200% right...each has been the best addition to our family ever, and we couldn't imagine not having them!!!” – B. K.
My extended family and I have adopted through ABR 7 times in the last 20 years. ABR has filled our homes with more love and happiness than words can describe. We are so thankful for the service this rescue provides.” – T. Z.
Great organization. Love me a Britt!!!
Thanks to you all for your hard work and dedication to the greatest breed on earth!” – L. R.
Please drop us a line at  
An amazing $11, 711.00 was raised
from 167 donors in just a few days
to support the campaign to help the
37 dogs left behind by the owner's
death on our Giving Grid.
Thank you ABR supporters!
Do you have “Foster Tails” to tell?

A foster moment you’ll never forget?
A challenge you overcame?
A funny or heartwarming story?
A tale of encouragement?
A foster who made a special impact?
Whether it's a few sentences, a whole story, or a photo that speaks for itself, we would love to share your anecdotes, thoughts, and experiences. Please connect with us at
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American Brittany Rescue, Inc. is an organization that was formed in 1991 as a cooperative effort of Brittany owners, breeders, trainers, and fanciers who ABR believes have a responsibility not only for their own dogs and the dogs they produce, but for the breed as a whole.


ABR's mission is to provide the leadership and expertise via a network of trained volunteers to take in stray, abandoned, surrendered and/or impounded purebred Brittanys, provide them with foster care, health and temperament screening, an opportunity for any necessary rehabilitation and to assure their health and placement into new homes. In order to fulfill this mission, ABR's volunteers remain flexible and adaptable to current and future business environments and they remain dedicated to the organization.  

Terry Mixdorf, President
Terrie Johnson, Vice President
Joe Herslip, Secretary
Jeanette Seely, Interim Treasurer
Sandra Oelschlegel, Chair
Diana Doiron
Deb Grove
Nancy Hensley
Michelle Falkinburg
Bobbi Tolman
Melissa Tapply DiLello
Brittany Boler
Christine Brennan
Jeannine Connors
Judie Cutting
Kristin Davis
Autumn Fenton
Linda Joyce
Melissa Tapply DiLello
Debra White

American Brittany Rescue, Inc. | 866.274.8911 | Visit Our Website