Thanks to our 443 supporters! ABR's grand total is currently at $10,879.99 since joining
2017 Year-to-Date: $192.20 Last month: $28.13
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Now through June 30th, enjoy a special 1.2% Donation on Hotel stays! (normally 0.8%)
**Please note that you must download the igive button before visiting these sites to provide the donation.**
From Now On enjoy a special 2.4% Donation! (normally 2.0%)
**Please note that you must download the igive button before visiting these sites to provide the donation.** 8.0% Donation
Now through June 30th, enjoy a special 8.0% Donation! (normally 6.0)
**Please note that you must download the igive button before visiting these sites to provide the donation.**
106 Supporters $5,363.47 since joining
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Amazon Smile has raised $4,345.32 since joining!
Do you feed your dog (or cat) Natural Balance? If so, you can help ABR! Natural Balance will issue a refund check directly to ABR for every 50 receipts with UPC's that we submit.
 We must have both the store receipt showing the NB purchase plus the official UPC (the one that shows the flavor and bag weight, ie Sweet Potato & Fish, 28 lbs.).
For instructions as to where to send the receipts/UPC's and for any additional information you need.
The ABR printed newsletter Brittany Tales: For the Love of Brittanys wants your story. Our new masthead says it all and we have twelve pages for more stories! Did you rescue, transport, foster or adopt a dog from difficult circumstances? We often learn the first part of a dog's journey. Help us tell the rest of the story.
We would also like to share images, stories and artwork created by young family members who are inspired by our awesome dogs.
ABR "foster fail" Ranger George was always smiling, even in his sleep. During his last months, he had congestive heart failure and wasn't able to walk more than a block if that. But he loved his walks and still wanted to go. His family bought a used baby stroller and he loved it! He would sit as though he was on a throne surveying his kingdom. His nose would be going a mile a minute as he took in all the smells he loved. It was wonderful to be able to continue his walks since he loved them so much. Ranger George is dearly missed by his family who said goodbye to him last year.
Call for Photos - 2018 American Brittany Rescue Calendar
If you enjoy this eNews Photo Album, you would LOVE our ABR Annual Calendar and YOUR Brittany could be famously featured if you submit a photo!
Here is a message for our calendar coordinator - Andrea:
Remember, if you would like your photo(s) to be considered for a larger presence in the calendar, please make sure that the quality is good enough to enlarge - around 1MB at least. Also, please send the photo in a file and not imbedded in the email body.
I am looking forward to another stellar year of showcasing our beautiful, and handsome Britts in our calendar. If you can, please include the year that they were adopted. Also, in celebration of all the work that we have done over the last 25 years, if you have some great photos of Britts you adopted who have left us too soon, please include as well with the adoption year.
Please email all of your entries to
American Brittany Rescue
is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to provide the leadership and expertise via a network of trained volunteers to take in stray, abandoned, surrendered and/or impounded purebred Brittanys, provide them with foster care, health and temperament screening, an opportunity for any necessary rehabilitation, and to ensure their health and placement into new homes.
Check our website to find more giving opportunities...
We would be honored to share your love and appreciation of our mission through your gift to our general fund, Brittany Buddy fund or a specific fund in keeping with our mission and/or location.
We are always interested in your stories. Of course, we love the success stories, but we also want to hear about problems you and your Britt have worked through. How does your Brittany enjoy the upcoming holidays? Any new adventure? Does your Brittany have any special talents? Send it all to
 Follow us on Facebook for more great stories and photos!
FACEBOOK PHOTO NOTICE: If American Brittany Rescue uses your post or pictures in other communication venues (enewsletter or printed newsletter), we will provide you credit and mention the dog's name, if possible.
*For more information about Facebook interactions, please review ABR's Facebook Pinned Post.
These wonderful Brittanys are currently available for adoption.
Penny Lane (Oregon): Penny made her way to ABR because her little brother was very sick. Her family loved her very much and were heartbroken to have to say goodbye. Through it all Penny has managed to keep a smile on her face and a wiggle in her tail. She is 10 years young, a puppy in spirit with senior wisdom. She loves people, walks, and plying tug with her blanket!
Tucker (Tennessee): Handsome, cheerful, and fun all in one! 4-year-old Tucker loves his squeaky toys, going for long walks, taking car rides, and playing ball. He needs a family experienced with and understanding of the needs of a "high maintenance" dog, as he is headstrong and he suffers from separation anxiety. If you can help bring out the best in Tucker, he will make a truly wonderful family member!
Hank (Nebraska): Meet Hank, a 5-year-old boy with a true zest for life! Hank has a condition affecting the chewing muscles of his jaw, but since going on medication he has been doing great. He LOVES being outside, car rides, and attention from his people!
Freckles & Boone (W. Virginia):
Lovely lady Freckles and her kind and gentle brother Boone have been together for 10 years. Their age doesn't slow them down! They both come with the energy of a young dog. They are looking for a home where they can be together to run and chase squirrels in the yard and enjoy the affection of their people!
Submitted by Mary Schuler, PA Volunteer: It was Healthy Pet Day, held on May 13th at Healthy Pet Products in Pittsburgh PA. Shown are volunteers Sadie (with Roscoe), Mary (with Annabelle), and Bill & Karen (with Brinkley). |
Submitted by Melissa Tapply: Henry is enjoying his first summer of fishing with his new best friend and brother, Tyler. |

Submitted by Kristin Moffitt Davis
I drove a 40 passenger bus full of secior citizens on a trip to the North Carolina Mountains. My Brittany, Atticus, was my copilot for the entire trip. He loved it and loved all the attention he received from the passengers. He was a great traveler regardless of the vehicle.
Don't worry, he was buckled in through the bus seat belt and through an additional harness buckle. And their was no airbag on his side. He was safe and sound!
Submitted by Jenny & Mike Gessler: ABR Alumnus Remi, ready for some sun and adventure with his parents Mike & Jenny, and his new Brittany brother Riley! Photo below is also of Remi.
Submitted by Amy Hind: Momo is having a blast in Massachusetts with his new family!
Brittany Rescue cover photo
Marley enjoying a swim!
Take a Leap! - Photo from Lydia Edinger
Congratulations to these Brittanys who joined their forever families over the last month!
Britany, NJ
Buttercup, CA
Hank, OK
Hudson, CA
Lexi aka Wanda, CA
Penny, NV
Rocco, MS