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Do you feed your dog (or cat) Natural Balance? If so, you can help ABR! Natural Balance will issue a refund check directly to ABR for every 50 receipts with UPC's that we submit.
 We must have both the store receipt showing the NB purchase plus the official UPC (the one that shows the flavor and bag weight, ie Sweet Potato & Fish, 28 lbs.).
For instructions as to where to send the receipts/UPC's and for any additional information you need.
If you prefer to personally make donations to non-profits, there is still time to add ABR to your non-profit giving. We are an IRS registered 501(c)(3) so 100% of your monetary gift is qualified. You know the great work we do. Our volunteer board is results-driven with huge hearts and our volunteer network is one of the best in the nation.
Again, no matter how you can give, your gifts are always appreciated and always working for our Brittanys.
Thank you.
International movement of dogs requires more than just a plane ticket. There are very particular regulations and paperwork requirements depending on the destination. It is crucial to plan ahead because several months of preparation may be needed before your dog can travel with you to a foreign country. Each country has its own specific requirements regarding microchip placement, number and timing of rabies vaccines, deworming, etc...
It is important to work closely with your USDA accredited veterinarian to gather the correct paperwork and perform the correct procedures precisely as indicated to prevent delay, quarantines, or a possibly stranded pet. The United States is unique as most USDA accredited veterinarians are not employed by the state. Most veterinarians volunteer for additional training and to be certified to provide this service for clients who intend to travel with their pets. Depending on the level of involvement there are additional costs associated with preparation of documents for travel.
Don't forget to plan for your return trip! The United States has its own requirements for pets entering and returning to the country. According to the CDC website, all dogs that enter the United States must be vaccinated for Rabies at least 30 days prior to entry; and dogs can not be vaccinated before 3 months of age. Due to this regulation the youngest a dog can be for import to the United States is 4 months. Depending what country the dog is traveling from, or if your dog has interacted with livestock there maybe additional requirements prior to entry. Also if your dog is showing signs of illness your pet may also be denied entry into the United States.
How to keep track of all this? Plan ahead. There is only so much that can be expedited, and the rules are firm. If the documents are found not to be in order serious expense and delay can occur. The good news is that the websites have improved significantly and finding the correct information is easier for clients and veterinarians. We all want to partner together to make safe travels for your dog, and with proper preparation there a better chances for smooth sailing.
American Brittany Rescue
is a 501(c)(3) organization. Our mission is to provide the leadership and expertise via a network of trained volunteers to take in stray, abandoned, surrendered and/or impounded purebred Brittanys, provide them with foster care, health and temperament screening, an opportunity for any necessary rehabilitation, and to ensure their health and placement into new homes.
Check our website to find more giving opportunities...
We would be honored to share your love and appreciation of our mission through your gift to our general fund, Brittany Buddy fund or a specific fund in keeping with our mission and/or location.
We are always interested in your stories. Of course, we love the success stories, but we also want to hear about problems you and your Britt have worked through. How does your Brittany enjoy the upcoming holidays? (Easter, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July are around the corner.) Any new adventure? Does your Brittany have any special talents? Send it all to
Follow us on Facebook for more great stories and photos!
These wonderful Brittanys are currently available for adoption.
Jackson (N. Carolina): 9-year-old Jackson has the exuberance of a puppy, which makes sense since he is making up for all he has missed out on life so far. He is looking for a loving, patient family to give him the second chance he so deserves!
Mowgli (Massachusetts): "Momo" is one of the cuddliest, most low-key Brittanys you'll ever meet! At age 5, he loves nothing more than to spoon with you on the couch. He also enjoys walks and hikes and the company of other laid back dogs.
Darby (Texas):
She's as sweet loving as she looks! This angel of a girl loves exploring outside and snuggling in her crate at the end of the day. She would love to be a member of a family who will make her every bit a part of their lives.
It was a social media connection that led to the launch of ABR's exciting new pilot program and a much happier life for three Brittanys so far. In January of this year, ABR received a Facebook message regarding a Brittany in a Spain shelter needing help. It turned out that the dog was not a Brittany and another rescue stepped in to help him, but this inquiry sparked discussions among ABR Board members regarding whether ABR can and should expand rescue to dogs in countries beyond the United States and Canada.
The Board's research revealed unspeakable conditions for dogs in many other countries where there is uncontrolled breeding, a lack of resources, and a mindset that dogs are disposable property. Greece alone has over one million stray dogs, many of them hunting breeds such as Brittanys who have been abandoned by their owners because they are not good hunters. Shelters are overpopulated, and dogs are starving, abused, and sometimes poisoned to death.
In learning just how dire the circumstances are, the Board realized that it could leverage ABR's 25 years of experience and successful adoptions to broaden ABR's mission overseas. While there are rescuers overseas who want to help, they lack financial resources to be successful. Fortunately they are willing to work with ABR to meet the common goal of helping Brittanys in need.
Through networking with
Above and Beyond English Setter Rescue
, the Board was introduced to Mary Willis who is seasoned in navigating the logistics and politics of international rescue. Mary connected ABR with three French Brittanys in Greece, who would become the first international ABR rescues.
Mary managed all of the communications in Greece and worked closely with ABR International Coordinator Nancy Hensley to get the three Brittanys ready to come to America. Meanwhile, ABR Board Member Tina Leone was busy researching travel logistics. In February, Tina and her husband flew to Greece to bring back Cinnamon, Elpida (meaning Hope), and Muffin.
Through this journey, Tina learned how complicated international travel can be with dogs-especially three of them! There were many details to work through, including which airlines would fly dogs internationally, securing pet passports and international health certificates, ensuring proper crate size, and preparing for cleaning the crates after landing. She also learned that at the layover in Paris, they would need to collect their baggage and the dogs and move them to another terminal without the assistance of a porter! It was not an easy trip, but due to Tina, Nancy, and Mary's careful research and preparation, the three beautiful Brittanys arrived safely in America where they were greeted by ABR foster families who took the pups home to begin their new lives.
American life seems to suit all three dogs very well. They are healthy and have adapted well. Muffin (now Opa) and Elpida (now Luna) have already settled into their forever homes, and sweet and spunky little Cinnamon will soon be in hers. And we just learned that Opa has graduated from obedience school!
Cinnamon's story is illustrative of how different life for a dog can be in other countries. A woman from Athens was on a weekend vacation in the mountains and while on a walk in the woods, a scrawny dog ran up to her and followed the woman back to the car. The woman's travel companions wouldn't allow the dog in their car, so they left the dog behind.
In the middle of the night, the woman woke her husband insisting that they go back for the dog. The next morning they returned to the same spot, and Cinnamon ran right up to them again. They found a vet who agreed to hold her until their vacation was over, and then they took her back to Athens. They got her medical care and had her spayed. When she was healthy enough to travel, they turned her over to ABR.
Cinnamon was microchipped and her owner was traced. The owner had given her to his brother to go hunting. The brother gave her to someone else, and she was then abandoned. The owner was not aware that the dog had been abandoned, nor did he care. He did not want her back. It was evident that Cinnamon had spent weeks in the wild, barely surviving.
Cinnamon is showing her true colors in her foster home-she is a fun, sassy girl with lots of energy. She loves to play and enjoys snuggling at night. After being thrown away and left to fend for herself, Cinnamon finally has the opportunity to live the life she deserves.
Because of the successful trip to Greece, the Board has decided to set aside a separate fund for future trips abroad. This month, ABR will conduct two more trips to Greece and a trip to Serbia to rescue a total of nine dogs. A trip to Spain for two dogs is also in the works. With each trip, the overall success of the program will continue to be evaluated. The hope is that ABR will be able to conduct international rescue missions again in July of 2017 and then every six weeks going forward.
ABR of course remains deeply committed to helping Brittanys in America, and the separately-funded international rescues will in no way detract from ABR's continued mission here.
ABR volunteers are needed for all phases of international rescue, including travelers, U.S. fosters, and U.S. transport. If you are interested in being a part of this exciting project, please email
If you would like to donate to this project, please visit our website here, and indicate that you would like to designate your donation to the International Project.
Congratulations to these Brittanys who joined their forever families over the last month!
Biggin, AL
Mariela, AL
Prince, AZ
Beija, CA
Dodger, nka Petey, IA
Murphy, IA
Ellie, IN
Louie, IN
Raider, KS
Kellie's Anne, PA
Bart, MD
Marley, ND
Tank, NE
Gracie, TN
Sadie Mae, TN
Penny, TX
Lessie, VA
Riley, GA
Luna, fka Lulu, IA
Capone, IL
Eddie, IL
Sweets, KS
Brynna, KY
Jack, NC
Buster, NY
Madison, OH
Rocky, fka Jasper, SD
Captain, UT
Sophie, VA
Harrison, VA Kea, OR