Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
The Holiday season is already approaching, and we are heading full speed towards the end of the year! Budget meetings and strategy reviews are being held, 2020 is around the corner and needs to be prepared! How happy have you been with your year 2019? On track with sales targets? On track with profitability? On track with future readiness / fit for the future? If yes, what did you do to make it happen? If not, what happened? Planning the future and reflecting the past are critical success factors for individuals or organizations.
For Altix as well it was an amazing year and it´s hard to believe that we are just 6 weeks out to Christmas. We will finish the year beyond expectations, and we would like to sincerely thank all our customers, suppliers and partners for a terrific year 2019! We will celebrate a 10x growth in sales revenue and the realization of most of our core targets and milestones. We feel blessed and thankful for that!
Key highlights of 2020 have been the win of at least one new customer every month and the successful realization / delivery of our projects to the satisfaction of our clients. Our clients span from start-up innovation champions (pre-revenue) to Fortune 500 companies (> 80 billion €) and geographically from California to France and Germany. We are fortunate that we were able to attract absolutely amazing talents to our team and expand our geographic footprint to New England, the Carolinas but also Europe with Dublin (Ireland), Frankfort (Germany) and a new legal entity as European Headquarter in Strasbourg France (since last June). Our May 2019 Global Leaders Forum was an absolutely fantastic event and we are grateful that Paula Marshall G2 & CEO BAMA Corporation accepted to be our guest of honor flying in specially from Oklahoma. The edition 2020 is already in planning and will be mind-blowing – fasten your seat belt!
We look towards 2020 with big ambitions, ….[ read more ]
Managing Cultural Change – Developing a Champions Mindset

PART 1: Story-telling – the Eleventh Hour

You get up in the morning, the weather is nice, and nature is waking-up slowly. You had a good night sleep; you are fit and ready to go for a jog in the woods behind your house. You come home after some good effort, 10.2 miles in one hour – not too bad. Your body and mind feel great and full of energy, you shower, get dressed, read the Wall Street Journal and have a relaxed hot breakfast with your family.

Your agenda for the day seems relaxed, you intend to make a stop at the office to get briefed by your leadership team but intend to spend the afternoon with your wealth manager and playing golf with some business partners and long-term friends. The meetings are very good, your leadership has everything under control, sales are on target, another year of double-digit growth, the profitability is better than ever pushing 14% return on sales (ROS), and you are leading the competition through innovation and customer service excellence. A quick factory tour gives you another satisfaction, the buildings are new and modern, you have invested in the best equipment in both production and warehousing – quality, costs and productivity are marvelous - the system is perfectly organized, oiled and powers on all cylinders ...

PART 2: Culture eats strategy for breakfast
We have all heard those stories and we have all seen companies shutting down, agonizing, entering chapter 11 or selling prior to lose everything ...

PART 3: Managing cultural change
First realize and recognize that you are in that spiral! Develop an organization wide and collective awareness and create a sense of purpose and urgency – the house is burning!

Altix Expands its Global Footprint

Headquartered in the heart of North America industrial hot-bed, Altix rapidly expanded its footprint, in the US and in Europe, to better serve its clients, and to continue to grow an impressive network of partners and industry experts.

As previously announced, in the Summer of 2019, Altix S.A. was launched with Altix France headquarters located in Strasbourg, on the French-German border. Strategically positioned at the epicenter of Europe's industrial basin, Altix is within reach of the middle-market / mittelstand industrial champions seeking to grow and compete in their home market, in Europe and around the world.

In the plans for 2020, is the establishment of Altix Asia, to build on Altix' existing network and formalize partnerships in order to seamlessly support Altix' clients projects in Asia. Stay tuned!

2019 Southern Automotive Conference

A heartful thanks to the organizers of the 2019 Southern Automotive Conference held in Nashville, Tennessee September 25 - 27, and to Altix' friends and conference sponsor Frost Brown Todd, for inviting Altix to present on the topic of Building the Factories of the Future and the Role of LEAN 4.0

Yannick Schilly, Altix President & CEO, and expert on Strategy & Operation, and Liam Cassidy, Altix Partner and expert on Lean Management, shared their insights and their experience building and transforming world-class factories around the world to a captivated audience. For a copy of the presentation please email
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