Dear friends and partners,

We hope your 2020 is off to a great start. According to the top economic policymakers and business leaders who gathered at the World Economic Forum in Davos last month, 2020 and the start of a new decade brings a feeling of general optimism, with fairly upbeat predications for global growth, amid uncertainties tied to market, trade, the environment, and most recently the Coronavirus epidemic.

Faced with the challenges of unpredictable markets, compounded with the accelerated pace of globalization and innovation, business leaders are seeking new ways to navigate this increasingly complex environment. Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution, holds tremendous potential for manufacturers. It provides flexibility to meet the new reality of market demands and to produce in more efficient operations. While many organizations are still in denial about how Industry 4.0 can impact their business, industry champions are learning and implementing changes today and preparing for a future where smart machines enables product customization, improve their business and keeps them in the lead.

We dedicate this newsletter to industry champions, who are advancing and applying their skills to stay ahead of the game in the modern industrial environment. We are privileged to work with those industry champions..... [read full article]
Industry 4.0 – Boosting Your Companies’ Performance

There are numerous challenges around I4.0, as it is a complex topic impacting every aspect of the business, from business modeling, product life cycle management, E-commerce, to manufacturing and supply chain. Decision makers, owners, and business leaders will face a multitude of questions, including:
·       What’s all the buzz and hype with I4.0?
·       What are the essential elements of the discussion?
·       Where should I start?
·       How do I start?
·       What is the best strategy and approach to follow?
·       When is evolution (incremental steps) right, or revolution (leap) required?
·       Isolated pilots or holistic roadmaps and architectures?
·       What works and what doesn´t?
·       What will it cost, and what ROI should I expect?
·       Who should I partner with?
·       How can I build a compelling business case?
The bad news is that there is no silver bullet. The good news is that you are not alone...
One on One: Industry 4.0
Each quarter we sit down with an industry thought leader to discuss the trends, challenges, and best practices that are transforming their business. Today, we’re with Lars Reich, EVP Sales & Marketing, Feintool U.S., to discuss how Industry 4.0 is changing automotive manufacturing and creating opportunities across the industry.
Industry 4.0 isn’t merely a marketing buzzword. The digitalization of manufacturing has significant impacts on manufacturing performance, efficiency, cost reduction, waste, and many other areas. We have invited Lars to share how Industry 4.0 impacts his industry and Feintool and what strategies Feintool decided to follow.
Feintool is a global automotive supplier to OEMs and tier 1 and tier 2 suppliers. More than 95% of the company’s customers are in the automotive space with the remainder in medical manufacturing. Feintool has 15 plants worldwide, which helps it compete on a global scale.

Tell us about the significant challenges and changes Industry 4.0 has presented for Feintool?

Lars Reich: Some of the challenges are global programs and massive platforms, which can make it difficult for smaller companies to compete and stay in the game. For example, in the past, we supplied parts for Chevrolet Corvette, Malibu...   [ read full article ]
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