Improving the Life Chances of Vulnerable Youth
Dear AES Friends and Family,

As I watch the world unfold before me, I am more committed than I have ever been to help the next generation of young people use their voice for change. It is by far the most important thing that I can do to be a part of the solution. Additionally, I am very thankful that we have so many committed people that support the mission and vision of AES. Thank you to our volunteers, adult mentors and allies, donors, and partners. Thank you for inspiring me to continue to fight for change. Let's continue in this important work together - changing lives one young person at a time.
- CC Carter, AES Executive Director
FLAME Program Empowers Women and Girls
The Females Leading a Mission of Empowerment (FLAME) program was created to build a safe and inclusive environment where women and girls (ages 16 and up) can come together to network, share resources, and empower each other. This cross-cultural and cross-generational group meets twice a month at the Davitto Leadership Center, and is planning a FLAME Empowerment Conference for March of 2020. As shared by AES' Board Chair Lisa, "I love being a member of FLAME because we are so diverse. Most important for me is the opportunity to connect with, and learn from, each other by sharing what we think and feel. We are in our group bonding stage with big plans for action!"  
SYA-CAT Advocates at the Capitol
In June, several of our Sacramento Youth Alliance-Community Action Team (SYA-CAT ) members received a personal tour of the State Capitol from AES Board Member and Legislative Staffer Deanna. For many of our youth, it was their first time visiting the Capitol despite growing up in Sacramento. SYA-CAT members met and discussed youth issues and legislation with Senator Pan, Assemblymember McCarty, Senator Beall, and many Legislative Staffers. As shared by SYA Coordinator Erica, "One of the greatest memories from this day was when we were able to sit down with Estevan, who is a Legislative Aide for Senator Beall. Estevan was an adult mentor for our second cohort of the Davitto Leadership Academy. SYA youth were so excited to see him in his work environment and to see all that he does in the Capitol."
AES Engages Youth in Juvenile Hall
In July, Program Coordinator Ana facilitated a youth empowerment program for 14 young men at the Sacramento County Juvenile Hall. The workshop encouraged participants to envision youth empowerment and create their own reality. Participants were asked to complete the statement, "My vision of a world that works for me is..." One participant shared, "My vision of the world that works for me is being able to help people when they're struggling, like mothers, fathers, children, and people who are homeless. I want to show people a better world than what it is today. Freedom, peace, joy, and happiness, not depression or anger." This young man then shared his original rap songs about bettering himself, his reality, and those around him. As shared by Ana, "Through this experience, I found that even the most marginalized group of youth still long for and need motivation, support, and hope."
SYA Takes Action to Improve Youth-Police Relations
At the Breaking the Chains Youth Summit last March, young people identified three main areas of concern: police relations, mental health, and education equity. As a result, our SYA-CAT set their priorities and efforts towards working to empower youth voice to positively impact these issues.

This month, AES staff, including SYA Coordinator Erica, met with Sacramento Police Chief Han to begin discussing how AES youth and the police department can partner to improve youth and police relations. In October, AES will host a Purpose Beyond Policing event in partnership with the police department and other non-profits that support youth. As shared by Erica, "Together, we are working to create a space where both youth and police can come together to have productive discussions towards solution-based efforts. This is the beginning of continuous efforts to help create trust that can lead to systemic change."
AES Partners to Support Youth of Color
In September, AES will partner with the STAR Center and the Cross-Cultural Leadership Center at California State University, Chico to bring young people to attend conferences on Chico State's campus that focus on their success as youth of color. As shared by Malcolm McLemore, the Interim Associate Director for the STAR Center and Coordinator of the Men of Chico Conference, "This will be our third men of color conference and will follow a new format focused on connecting high school to collegiate and professional men of color. We want to provide an opportunity for the participants to connect and start to visualize what is possible for them." While men and boys participate in the Men of Chico Conference, girls and women will participate in a separate conference hosted by the Cross-Cultural Leadership Center that will focus on the success of young women of color.
Youth Spotlight: From DLA to College - Brian Makes Impact
As a participant in the Davitto Leadership Academy (DLA) , Brian focused his passion project on creating healthy food options for youth, especially within schools. This past spring, Brian graduated from both Level 3 of the DLA and Natomas High School. While preparing to start as a first-year at CSU, San Francisco this fall, Brian spent his summer interning in Senator Pan's office at the Capitol. As shared by Brian, "Working for Senator Pan's Office was an amazing experience. Learning how to function in the professional world and working with politics has enlightened me in many ways." We can't wait to see how you continue to change the world Brian!
Volunteers are the Heart of AES
Join Us for Volunteer Connect
Are you ready to volunteer and join the AES family? Join us at an upcoming Volunteer Connect to meet other volunteers and learn about volunteer opportunities. Click the button below to learn more.
Volunteer Spotlight: Maikhou Thao
Maikhou is an AES Champion! She volunteers, donates, and advocates for AES youth. She is proof that once you join the AES family, you are always family! While in college, Maikhou joined AES as a Pipeline to College Mentor. After graduation, she served as AES' Administrative Assistant before moving into her current professional role. Maikhou continues to connect with AES and volunteer her time with the Females Leading a Mission of Empowerment (FLAME) program. As shared by Maikhou, " I volunteer because I see a need to create spaces where women, and especially Women of Color, are able to seek knowledge, guidance, and understanding of how we can all collectively support and empower each other to be the best people we can be toward building a healthier and sustainable future for our community." Thank you Maikhou for being an AES Champion!
Connect with AES this Fall!
AES launched its fall Connecting Hearts, Expanding Minds
campaign on August 1st!
Between now and Giving Tuesday (Dec. 3rd),
we invite you to join us and connect deeper with AES!

Join us at one of our upcoming events, like Volunteer Connect and the Voices of Change youth showcase. Celebrate with us at AES' 1st Annual Gala of Giving on Nov. 2nd. Or donate and help us raise $25,000 through our Connecting Hearts Campaign. There are so many ways for you to Connect with AES. We look forward to connecting more with you!
Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Events!
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