Weekly News & Updates

March 16, 2023

Prayers Lifted on Sunday, March 12, 2023

During the last Sunday's worship service, we received the following requests for prayers...

  • For Cliff who is having a heart valve replacement this week.
  • For Joe R who had a mini stroke recently and for those who are dealing with health concerns.
  • For John who is having eye surgery this week.
  • For Pat as she faces time in the hospital.
  • For those on death row and for the congregations, Chaplains, Priests and Ministries that care for them.
  • For those impacted by the flooding in California and those working to help them.

Important Happenings

2023 Interfaith Iftar Dinner at Chatham UMC

Join us Saturday, April 15th in Rodda Hall. Please arrive at 6.30 PM for an Interfaith and Intergenerational Iftar Dinner experience as we observe the holy month of Ramadan.

Chatham UMC has been invited to host an Iftar Dinner which ends the fast of each day in the season of Ramadan for observant Muslim believers. The Iftar Dinner begins after the sun goes down. On April 15th that will be at 7:37PM. We’ll have a brief program before we eat that will explain some of the history of Ramadan as well as some time for interfaith Q+A. The Peace Islands Institute, who are also our partners for the Interfaith Abraham Lunches, have graciously offered to bring Turkish dinner for our guests. Spaces are limited.

To register click here or sign up on the sheet across from Rev. Markay's Office.

Easter Lillies

2023 Easter Flower Donation and Mission Giving 

Our sanctuary will be adorned on Easter Sunday in beautiful lilies in honor/memory of our loved ones. You can pick up a form in the church or download the form here.

This Week

UMCOR Sunday

This Sunday, March 19th, is UMCOR Sunday. Your offering allows UMCOR to use 100% of all funds given to humanitarian response and recovery efforts directly to communities in need. These gifts ensure UMCOR can respond swiftly to disasters around the world and as a source of hope and healing for those left most vulnerable.

Adult Class: Lenten Small Group

On Sunday we examine Matthew 10: 5b-6. Why would Jesus tell his disciples not to bring their healings to the Gentiles nor to the Samaritans? Come join us in the Asbury room at 11:15 as we continue our Lenten study of “The Difficult Words of Jesus” by Amy-Jill Levine. If you have questions, contact Ronald Yarger at ryarger@optonline.net

Music News

Sunday, March 19th’s 10:00 a.m. service will include the Covenant Choir performing Out of My Soul’s Depths (De profundis) by Sasha Johnson Manning. Join us!

Chatham UMC’s next musical event taking place in our sanctuary during March includes The Suburban Music Study Club’s Grace Gimbel Scholarship Competition, open to all, on Sunday, March 19th at 2:00 p.m. (for more information go to www.suburbanmusicstudyclub.com). 

The Ukulele Orchestra will next meet in-person and online on Saturday, March 25th at 10:00 a.m. in the Asbury Room and on Zoom. For more information contact, Peter Hill, music director at petepiano@mac.com.

Our Chatham High School singers will be taking part it the High School’s musical, Beauty and the Beast Wednesday, March 22nd through Saturday 25th. For tickets and more information go to: www.chatham-nj.org

Community Updates

The Westfield Regional Health Department will be hosting a FREE program for all regarding chronic illness.

It begins on April 11 from 1:30PM until 4PM at the Library of the Chathams and will be held on Tuesdays for 6 weeks.

Please call (908) 789-4070 or email Amy Lewis at alewis@westfieldnj.gov for more information!

You are invited to see a free performance of Chatham High School’s Spring production, “Beauty and the Beast.” 

The show will take place at the Chatham High School Performing Arts Center Auditorium Thursday March 22 and Friday March 24 at 7.30pm and Saturday March 25 at 1pm and 7.30pm. A special performance for seniors will be held Wednesday March 22 at 4pm and will be free for all seniors.  To see original flier please click here.

Interfaith Prayer Service for peace in Ukraine will be held Tuesday March 21, 2023 at 7PM at St Patrick Church, in Chatham. All are welcome.

Please click on the image for more information.

Worhip for Children

Faith Formation (Sunday School) takes place on Sunday mornings at 11:15 for Kindergarteners and up!

Whirl Kids (K – 4th grade) Sundays at 11:15 am in Room 6.

Middle School (5th-8th grade) –Sundays at 11:15 am in the Library.  

High School Discussion – Sundays at 11:1am meet with David Gaitan (our Simpson seminarian) and Matthew Beland in the Wesley Room.


Email Sharon Yarger at scyarger@optonline.net

or David Gaitán at dgaitan@drew.edu

Current Masking Status & Links

The CUMC Church Council has voted unanimously to follow the CDC Covid Data tracker for Morris County to evaluate weekly Covid levels. This tracker is used to guide us in determining our indoor mask usage for all CUMC functions. Covid levels and recommendations are updated weekly on Thursday nights by the CDC. These updates will be used at CUMC from Friday-Friday and will state if masks required (high level) or optional (medium/low). You may check to see what the current Morris County Covid levels are prior to coming by clicking below.

Check Covid Level Here

CUMC Rides for David

We are scheduling rides for our seminarian, David Gaitan, to get to and from church from his home in Madison. Please follow this link to sign up. Thank you for your help!

Online Worship Liturgists Needed!

Please sign up to read and record yourself reading scriptures, this will be a blessing to our online worshiping community. 

Sign up here.

Bread Ministry

The bread ministry is looking for more volunteers to assist in collecting bread from Panera. Please contact the church office for more information.

Communities of Care

If you wish to receive a call, a text or an email from someone at the Chatham UMC community. Please contact the church office.

CUMC Food Pantry

Help keep our food pantry and weekly distribution sustained.


Want to know more about our Pop Up pantry and how to help? Check out our webpage.

Or, if you wish, you can contribute directly online by visiting our donation page.

Chatham United Methodist Church

460 Main Street

Chatham, NJ 07928

(973) 635-7740

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