Prayers Lifted on
Sunday October 8, 2023
During last Sunday's worship service, we received the following requests for prayers...
- Of joy, for Henry Ishii's first birthday.
- Of joy, for reminders daily that my life is pretty decent.
- Of thanks, for supportive family and friends.
- Of thanks, for provision for my children.
- Of thanks, for people everywhere fighting bigotry.
- Of thanks, for those who help express concern for others, even the stranger.
- Of thanks, for my 90 great years.
- Of thanks, for this day for bringing us here to be with one another.
- Of thanks, grateful for blessings in my life.
- Of thanks, for helping my sons get well with their health.
- Of gratitude for peacemakers.
- Of concern, for those searching for work.
- Of concern, for Cliff having a hard time mourning the death of his wife.
- Of concern, for my grandson Ben who is trying to find his next steps forward in life.
- Of concern, for reconciliation with my daughter.
- Of concern, for family of a young man killed in a house fire.
- Of healing, for people in war torn countries - Ukraine/Israel. Of gratitude that we do not have war like they do.
- Of healing, for Tyler recovering from a car accident and passengers in the other car, names unknown.
- Of healing, for all hurting people, nurses, doctors, patients etc. and people hurt by war and unjust governments, hurting kids and parents.
- Of healing, for the people of Israel and Gaza, for peace and healing.
- Of healing, for Dona Franklin.
- Of healing, for my Dad and his back surgery in hope of a great procedure and speedy recovery.
- Of healing, for Grammy K. in Tennessee as she enters a new and challenging health phase in life.
- Of healing, for all those who suffer from violence, war, sickness and famine.
- Of healing, for my Mom to get better.
- Of healing, for Rosa as she continues to heal and returns to work.
- For the family of 16 yo Savanna and for all those who struggle with suicidality. For those who have lost loved ones to suicide.
- For Chuck as he deals with agent orange damage.
- Thanks to God for good health, prayers for the physical health for all.
- For the people of Israel, Palestine and Afghanistan.
- For kindness, tolerance and recognition of shared humanity even among people with very different opinions.
- For foster children.
- For the Buffalo Bills, may they make it to the Superbowl.
- For peace in the Middle East.
- For peace, tolerance, love.
- For my friend Ursula's family, the Fisher family.
- For welcoming, acceptance and understanding.
- For the people of Israel.
- For peace as I navigate difficulties and for my sister Jeannette's health.
- For the Middle East.
- For families, country, church, world peace.
- For peace around the world, may leaders work together.
- For my friend Sue, recovering from back surgery. For my daughter recovering from foot surgery.
- For the troubled, the ill, refugees, immigrants, community leaders and for peace, unity and hope.
- For Carol Millar as she is hospitalized at Overlook Hospital.
- For all people who are victims of war, racism and hatred.
- For guidance for people of Israel.
- For Ryan and the children for the loss of their mother.
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"Remembering and missing my husband Perry Philp."
Peggy Philp
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Congratulations Sami and Johnny!
Warmest congratulations to Sami and Johnny who became engaged over this past week!
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A note from Rev. Jane Eesley
Rev. Jane Eesley, grew up in the Chatham UMC. She recently responded to a call to serve in the Office of the World Methodist Council and General Board of Global Ministries in Jerusalem. Let us be in prayerful solidarity with her, and with the people of the Holy Land. She shared the following greetings on her Facebook page this week:
"The World Methodist Council, the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, and the Methodist Church in Britain work in partnership to run the Methodist Liaison Office based in Jerusalem employing 3 staff members. They have released this statement after the attacks in the region:
We are witnesses to the escalation of violence in the region and we call on the global Methodist people to continue to pray for peace and for an end to the violence.
Pray for those who have lost family members and livelihoods, the injured, for those who perpetuate violence and for World Leaders that they may work for peace, the churches and all religious leaders and for those who work for peace in the region.
The situation is complicated, and we recognize the fear and sense of injustice that are felt, but we call on both sides not to resort to further violence and to engage in negotiation to establish a peaceful solution for all who live in the Holy Land."
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Chatham UMC Church Conference
via Zoom
Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 9-10am.
Full Members of the Chatham UMC have voice and vote for this annual meeting when we reflect on what God has done, and how we sense God is calling us to be faithful in the coming year. If you would like the zoom link, please contact Pastor Jeff. The 2023 Chatham UMC Church Conference booklets will be available on Sunday, October 15 for pick up at the church. They will also be available in the church office after October 15. Please read about the joys, fruits, accomplishments, challenges and opportunities we experience as God continues to call us to be brave and faithful followers of Jesus together.
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This Sunday's 10:00am service will include The Covenant Choir singing Praise To God by Mark Sirrett. Join us!
The Ukulele Orchestra will next meet in person and online Saturday, October 14 at 10:00am in the Asbury Room and on Zoom. For more information contact Peter Hill at petepiano@mac.com.
Save The Date: The Suburban Music Study Club will host a recital on Thursday, December 14 at 10:30am in our very own CUMC Sanctuary featuring Mike Maguire, organ and piano, Lauryn Boyle, voice, with Peter Hill, piano, and Carol Walker, dulcimer. All are invited to this “Music For the Holidays” themed recital. Refreshments will be served following.
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Adult Discussion Group
This Sunday, the Adult Discussion Group looks at The Parable of the Wedding Banquet, Matthew 22:1-14. In this troubling parable Jesus tells us that the king said to his servants, ‘The wedding banquet is ready, but those I invited did not deserve to come. So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ How is it that invited guests don’t deserve to come to the banquet? What does this mean for us? Come join our discussion in the Asbury Room at 11:15 after worship.
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A picture taken at our last Chatham UMC Men’s breakfast which met at the parsonage for coffee, breakfast, fellowship and reflection on a page from Richard Rohr’s book On the Threshold of Transformation. (Left to right: Jeff, Ron, Jeff, Dave, Matthew, Dave, Taka, Hal, Carl, Bill, Mike and Jay. All are welcome! | | | |
Masterworks Presents
Sounds of the Season
Sunday, December 10, 2023
4:30 pm
Chatham United Methodist Church
Conductor: Chris Shepard
Our holiday concert will feature music by conductors Chris Shepard and Martin Sedek, as well as Bach’s Advent Cantata, “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland”, BWV61. The Masterwork Women’s Ensemble will sing the original version of Benjamin Britten’s “Ceremony of Carols”, led by Carol Walker.
Tickets can be purchased here.
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Masterworks Presents
Messiah Sing
Sunday, December 3, 2023
2:00 pm
Chatham United Methodist Church
460 Main Street, Chatham NJ
Conductor: Carol Walker
Celebrate the season! Sing those fabulous choruses from Handel’s Messiah with members of The Masterwork Chorus. Messiah is Masterwork’s signature piece. Each year since 1961, the chorus has presented its exhilarating performance of the classic at Carnegie Hall, always to standing ovations and often to a nearly full house.
Patterned after Masterwork’s popular Summer Sings, the Messiah Sing–Along will be conducted by Masterwork’s own Carol Walker. Following the singing, singers are invited to the church hall for holiday fellowship and a complimentary afternoon tea.
Reservations are not necessary, but please bring your own Messiah score if possible. A limited number of loaner scores will be available at the door. For further information, call Katherine Becker of The Masterwork Chorus at 973-919-2507.
Tickets can be purchased here.
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Help keep our food pantry and weekly distribution sustained.
Click Here to donate online!
Want to know more about our Pop Up Pantry and how to help? Check out our webpage.
Or, if you wish, you can contribute directly online by visiting our donation page.
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Faith Formation (Sunday School) takes place on Sunday mornings at 11:15 for
Kindergarteners and up!
Whirl Kids (K – 4th grade) Sundays at 11:15 am meet with Jenee James and Peter Hill in Room 6. Music, a fun video, and activities related to the day’s Bible reading.
Middle School (5th-8th grade) –Sundays at 11:15 am meet with Matthew Beland in the Library for community building and growing together in our faith.
High School – Sundays at 11:15 am meet with Sami Main, our Director of Children's and Youth Ministry in the Wesley Room.
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Online Worship Liturgists Needed!
Please sign up to record yourself reading scriptures; this will be a blessing to our online worshiping community.
Sign up here.
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Bread Ministry
The bread ministry is looking for more volunteers to assist in collecting bread from Panera. Please contact the church office for more information.
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Communities of Care
If you wish to receive a call, a text or an email from someone at the Chatham UMC community please contact the church office.
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Chatham United Methodist Church
460 Main Street
Chatham, NJ 07928
(973) 635-7740
Email: info@chathamumc.org
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