May 2021
Bay Area Community Council
Grounded in reality, Bay Area Community Council has worked for 30 years to improve the general prosperity and quality of life in the Greater Green Bay area. Today that work continues, and we’re still enthusiastically focused on the future. But now we’re fully embracing an identity that really fits! Bay Area Community Council is now Envision Greater Green Bay.

What’s new? We now infuse Strategic Foresight into our community through formal training in Foresight Analysis. It’s a tested, reliable discipline providing the tools to move our entire community - business, nonprofits, government and education - toward a preferred future. And we’ve established Foresight Signals Teams to uncover the drivers that will impact our community’s future.

What will never change? Smart analysis of important community issues and the will to engage the entire Greater Green Bay area by convening, publishing - and now teaching! In 2018 we piloted our first Foresight Analysis workshop. Today we’ve made the knowledge, skills, tools and habits of effective Foresight Analysis available to 30+ area organizations. And our enthusiastic, trained Signals Teams are already putting the concepts to work every day.

Our volunteer board of community leaders has earned your respect since 1990. Now we hope to inspire your enthusiasm and engagement, making the Greater Green Bay area the first entire community in the U.S.using Foresight Analysis to shape the best possible future for all.

We ENVISION a brighter future than you can imagine!
Upward Mobility
by Heidi Selberg and Judy Nagel
Can the United States still compete? See what models excel in tech access, health care, social protections, labor and education in the Upward Mobility Report prepared by our Pathways for Success Signals Team. Read the full report here.
Avoiding Disruptors
by Phil Hauck
Northeast Wisconsin companies compete well nationally because of smarts and work ethic, but right now they risk “getting disrupted” by national competitors who better use new technologies to increase benefits to their customers. Why? Read more...
A Foward-Looking Hispanic Resource Center
by Paul Demuth
Retirement isn't always an ending; sometimes it's a wonderful new beginning. Such was the case with Sister Melanie Maczka and Father Ken DeGroot, O. Praem. when they retired from St. Willebrord Catholic Church. The result? Casa ALBA Melanie, a unique Hispanic resource center with an imaginative, evolving vision. Read more...
Foresight you can use
Nan Nelson recommends The Institute for the Future, a network of people and organizations practicing foresight. They offer free newsletters full of signals, thinking tools and methods, training and more.  
Engage with Envision
Thanks to our Supporters
In 2020 a Capacity Building grant from the Greater Green Bay Community Foundation, along with matching funds from anonymous donors, enabled our organization to complete a total transformation of our public image. We are proud of the new brand that marks us as the champion of training in the tools and techniques of foresight analysis, providing a better future for Greater Green Bay.
Envision Greater Green Bay Website