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How to Work with a Lettering Artist

Hyphens, En and Em Dashes, and When to Use Them
18 Confusing Typographic Terms Explained
Stranger Things: Meet the genius behind the title font
Top Typography and Design Schools
>> Gourmet Typography @ SVA this Fall
How to Work with a Lettering Artist 
The best typographic solution for a design project might not be type, it might be hand lettering. If you've never worked with a lettering artist, or even if you have, there are some suggested practices to get the desired outcome with a minimum of stress and misunderstanding. I spoke with three experienced and talented lettering artists - Jessica Hische, Jill Bell, and Gerard Huerta - to get their take on how they work, and how to best work with them.  Read on...
Hyphens, En and Em Dashes, and When to Use Them

Hyphens, en and em dashes appear with great frequency in typeset copy. Unlike the days of typewriters where the only character available to represent these three punctuation marks was a hyphen, all three are available in today's fonts. They all have different usages, as well as varying design characteristics for each typeface design.  Read on...
18 Confusing Typographic Terms Explained

Typographic terminology is sometimes very specific, and the nuances can be confusing. Understanding the distinctions will enable you to communicate more clearly, typographically speaking, and help you to make the best use of your fonts and software.  Read on...
Stranger Things: Meet the genius behind the title font

Netflix's Stranger Things has lured viewers in with its thrilling sci-fi plot, obsessive Eighties pop culture references and portrayal of middle-American life. But its followers have become fascinated by its opening titles, and the font that is used: ITC Benguiat, designed by the noted typeface designer, Ed Benguiat.  Check it out...
Top Typography and Design Schools

Are you, or is anyone you know considering a career in typography or design? Or are you already a working designer, and are considering going back to school? While many schools have strong design departments with various classes in typography, it can be time-consuming and confusing to research and compare them all. We have done the preliminary research for you, and have selected some of the best that offer undergraduate, graduate and certificate programs.  Read on...
SVA is
Gourmet Typography @ SVA this Fall
Learn the typographic skills and secrets of experts, including what makes a good typeface, selecting the right type for your job, combining type, techniques for emphasis, typographic hierarchy, fine-tuning, kerning and spacing your type, typographic dos and don'ts, as well as mastering OpenType, type on the web, and web fonts. Make a valuable investment in your professional future!   Check it out...
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NOTE:  In opposition to my constant typographic badgering, you might notice the lack of
smart typographic conventions in this emailing, including smart quotes, en and em dashes. This is due to the limitations of the email marketing service currently being used.