Need a Dose of Good News?
People who watch the All-America City awards say it's life-changing. On Aug. 17-19 eighteen communities from across the U.S. will present their case to a jury for being named an All-America City, showcasing their successes in improving the health and well-being of their residents. Their stories will bring both applause and tears. And for the first time, these presentations, along with some great workshops and keynote speakers, will be available live and online. Join us! For a nominal registration charge we will brighten your day and enlighten your mind! Learn more and register 
President, National Civic League
Election Reform & 
Voter Engagement
All Things Voting: Election Reform and Voter Engagement, a virtual workshop, will focus on voter engagement efforts in the environment of COVID-19, as well as election reforms such as ranked-choice voting. Speakers include Rob Richie, President and CEO of FairVote and Clarissa Unger, Director of the Students Learn Students Vote Coalition at the National Conference on Citizenship. This All-America City workshop and others will be open to those who register as guests attending this year's All-America City Awards starting Monday, August 10.

Racial Equity and Youth Leadership: 2 AAC Tracks
Here's a great opportunity for in-depth learning about racial equity and leadership training for youth! The Well Being In the Nation (WIN) Network, a growing strategic network of organizations and communities coming together to advance intergenerational well-being and equity, will be hosting a series on racial equity as part of our All-America Cities event. Plus, WE in the World, a diverse team of change agents who are passionate about igniting transformation for well-being and equity in the world, will be hosting a youth leadership academy track. These tracks are open to anyone registering for AAC. Read more. 
Lessons from COVID-19: 
An AAC Workshop
The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected racial and ethnic minority groups, laying bare longstanding systemic inequities. In this All-America City Awards workshop, Lessons on Resilience and Equity from the COVID-19 Epidemic, panelists leading their community's responses in Denver, Minneapolis and Dayton County will describe the ways in which they've addressed such disparities. Techniques include, but are not limited to, multilingual communications, targeted and free mobile testing, bridging the digital divide and community partner collaborations. 
Meet our 2020 Keynote Speakers and Jury Members 
Join us Aug. 17-19 to hear some great keynote speakers discuss community engagement and well-being. We have three terrific keynoters: Rev. Alvin Herring, Kaiser Permanente Exec. Bechara Choucair and the E.D. of Well Being Trust, Tyler Norris. We also have a great cast of jury members, including elected and appointed government officials, business and nonprofit leaders, as well as health, well-being and civic engagement professionals, who will be selecting the 2020 All-America City winners. 
Building the Next Generation of Community Leaders 
How can we unlock and sustain civic learning and engagement in young, working-age adults, who are often frustrated with existing civic opportunities? We see their interest in the protests of the last few weeks and rallies that have taken place over the years, but their voices are often not translated into action and development as civic leaders. GenUnity, a new community leadership program founded by Harvard graduate student and 2019 National Civic League-Pforzheimer Fellow, Jerren Chang, offers one possible solution. Learn more.
Modernizing the 
Model City Charter
In November, the National Civic League will officially launch a year-long effort to review, revise, update and publish a new edition of the Model City Charter, a document that countless towns and cities have used to draft and revise their own home rule charters. With all that is going on, this seems like a good time to begin. 
Recent events have challenged local governments with debates over public health, racial equity and policing raising important issues, including questions about the distribution of power and decision-making responsibility. 
Get involved. 

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Additional Information & Upcoming Events

UNITE, ICMA's Annual Conference
Held Virtually, September 23-26, 2020

COVID-19: Resources for Individuals and Governments

National League of Cities: COVID-19: Local Action Tracker Preview

A View From You: Our National Dialogue
This one-of-a-kind, national broadcast conversation offered the opportunity for residents to speak directly to community leaders, sharing what they need and the actions required by elected officials to get past this crisis.

NCDD Event Calendar
The calendar lists upcoming events related to dialogue, deliberation, and civic engagement.

Now accepting article proposals for National Civic Review
We are interested in 1,200-3,000 word articles. 
The deadline for the fall issue is September 15th. 
Contact for more information. 

Thank you to National Civic League Sustaining Member 

Asheboro, NC
Aurora, CO
Chula Vista, CA
Decatur, GA
Denver, CO
Downtown Fort Worth, Inc.
Dublin, CA
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Gladstone, MO
Hayward, CA
Illinois Municipal League
Las Vegas, NV
Oakridge Neighborhood, IA
Rancho Cordova, CA
Roanoke, VA
San Antonio, TX
Tallahassee, FL
Tampa Housing Authority
Tupelo, MS
Thank you to National Civic League Partner Organizations:

American Society for Public Administration
Bridge Alliance
Campaign for Grade-Level Reading
Carl and Lily Pforzheimer Foundation
Colorado Health Foundation
Government Finance Officers Association
Greenberg Traurig
International City / County Management Association
Kaiser Permanente
Kettering Foundation
National Academy of Public Administration
National Coalition on Dialogue and Deliberation
National League of Cities
National Forum for Black Public Administrators
Rawson Family Foundation
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Southwest Airlines
United States Census Bureau
United Way Worldwide
Well Being Trust
W.K. Kellogg Foundation

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