Winter 2022 Newsletter
Volume 1 - Number 1
2021 - A Year in Review
All In for Milford is celebrating our one-year anniversary this month, marking the beginning of a citywide alliance to strengthen our community, ensure everyone has what they need, and make everyone’s voice heard.

In 2021 we found community. While the health of our neighbors and loved ones hung in the balance, we chose unity. We are grateful to be working with you and wanted to share some of our favorite memories from our first year together, as well as some exciting opportunities to work together in the weeks and months to come.
The stories we’re able to tell ourselves and others, those we can understand and imagine, define not only what we believe to have already occurred, but what we believe to be possible in our individual and collective lives. – Roadside Theater
Story Circles
We began our journey together by sharing stories. Over the past 12 months we have held many story circles, sharing our personal stories alongside residents and groups throughout our City and revealing more and more layers to our commonalities and collective story, the story of Milford.

From favorite memories to experiences that left tellers wanting Milford to be more, story circles are our way of bonding, brainstorming, dreaming and taking action, together.
We were honored to join the Milford Juneteenth Committee in hosting the 2nd Annual Milford Juneteenth celebration.

Hundreds of Milfordites came together to celebrate the freedom of enslaved people in the United States at the end of the Civil War.

This joyful occasion also helped set the stage for the harder questions we still face: why is Milford only 3.3% African American? How can we work together across racial lines to ensure equal access and opportunity for all?

Plans are already in the works for Juneteenth 2022. If you’d like to get involved, get in touch!
Milford Police Forum
In support of the CT Police Accountability bill that took effect on 10.1.2020, AIFM hosted a conversation with Chief Keith Mello and several members of the Milford Police Department. Questions submitted from community members included ...
Housing Presentation
Housing is a key piece of the puzzle. And in order to build a community in which everyone has access to safe, stable housing, it’s important to understand where we’re coming from. In this one hour presentation, we explored how a long history of housing discrimination practices created the segregation we’re still struggling with today.
American Rescue Plan
Since last summer, All In for Milford has been in contact with municipal, state and federal political leaders about the $26,295,776 allocated to Milford in the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).

From the start, we have advocated for a transparent process, where all Milford residents are informed and have the opportunity to take part in the conversation about how these funds will be spent.

Our community organizing efforts and a series of community forums last fall have led to over 100 proposals being submitted to the City of Milford for consideration.
Food Resources
All In for Milford includes lots of organizations working to make sure everyone in Milford is well fed, from churches to soup kitchens to mutual aid groups.

We are in the first stages of planning coordinated food projects. Bookmark our website for more information, and let us know if you want to take part!

All In for Milford is part of a growing regional project to make our cities and towns places where everyone can have a safe and affordable place to live, good food to eat, and a voice in the decisions that affect our lives.

Read about work happening in other towns, led by community groups working in partnership with All In for Milford.

About All in For Milford

All In for Milford is an alliance of community leaders and neighborhood organizations that strive to make Milford a city where everyone has a place to live, everyone's voice is heard, and we all can thrive.

Organizations currently participating in All In for Milford include: Alice’s Reloved Workshop, Bridges Healthcare, Beth-El Center, Inc., First Baptist Church, First United Church of Christ, Congregational, Haven’s Harvest, Humanitects, Inc., Mary Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church, Milford Food 2 Kids, Milford Mutual Aid, Milford Pride, Milford Speaks Out, Purple Pantry Boxes, St. Peter's Church, TEAM, Inc., Walnut Beach Association, and the We Believe Coalition.

More information may be found at