All Saints Episcopal Church

Thursday, February 15th, 2024

A Word From Our Rector

Dear All Saints Family,

I recently shared brief information in worship regarding creation care work through non-profits that excel in Charity Navigator scoring, adding that I would pass along details to you via email. Those groups I've come across who score in the 90's (scale to 100%) are Ocean Conservancy, the Sierra Club in Oakland, CA; Habitat for Humanity International in Belfast, ME; the Natural Resources Defense Council, Earthjustice, the National Audubon Society, and the National Parks Conservation Association. Nine other well-known organizations rank in the 80's, and many of you may have other outstanding groups with which you're involved. It's encouraging to me to see so much good going on to address the crisis of our planet's well-being.  

The majority of my attention now focuses on the transitions we as parishioners and priest are making, and the ending of our formal relationship as of this coming Sunday. Please note we worship at 10am this Lord's Day with a reception to say goodbyes thereafter. I am likely to be still awash in boxes and files to be moved out of my office, and welcome help on that front from anyone who might have a bit of time between now and Sunday. My deep thanks extends to those dear Saints who have already moved mountains, especially Carol Sparks and Barbara White. Keith Dey also secured many essential boxes which now await filling.

I am grateful to God and to all of you for the rich blessings I have experienced with and from you across these past four years. I also pray that for you and for me, the best is yet to be! The reflection below from Jan Richardson, shared with me from The Rev. Dr. Gaye Morris, touches on what we're both now entering: 

A Blessing Betwixt

May you abide

the places in between:

the thresholds, the passages,

the spaces of waiting

and patience and preparing.

May you give yourself to the mysteries

that move us from what was toward

what is yet to be.

May you know the company of the angels

who come only to those betwixt

and who love the liminal places

and the treasures that they hold.


With love and gratitude,

Rev. Cindy

The Last Sunday after the Epiphany

February 18th, 2024

Click below for the upcoming Worship Bulletin

Worship Bulletin

To keep up with our Facebook or to live-stream our 10:30AM service, please click HERE

To live-stream our 10:30AM service on YouTube,

please click HERE

Bring Rainbow Flags & Banners

for February 18th Service

We invite members to bring rainbow flags and banners anytime

between now and this Sunday's worship be displayed during our February 18 service. They will be used in connection with

our scriptures for the day.

Thank You, Rev. Cindy!

As we recognize and give thanks for Rev. Cindy’s 4 years of ministry among us, All Saints’ Congregation will bid her farewell and Godspeed with one worship service this Sunday, February 18 at 10:00 a.m. It will be followed by a Reception with hors d’oeuvres and refreshments in the Gathering Space. Everyone is invited to be part of the celebration.

In Thanksgiving for our 4 years together and as a sign of All Saints’ wider ministry in the community, Rev. Cindy has invited us to bring non-perishable food for the Beach Food Pantry. The most needed items at this time are peanut butter and 5-oz. cans of chicken or tuna. Please bring your non-perishable items to the small kitchen

in the Administration Building.

We look forward to seeing you at Sunday's Service and Reception!

Saturday Dinner is Still Available!

All Saints Providing Room In The Inn Meals February 18th-24th


Thanks very much for those who have signed up for preparing meals and purchasing food items. We still need volunteers to prepare the Saturday dinner! Food and bulk items will be collected in the cooler on the gazebo beside the entrance to the office from Saturday until Sunday at 1:00. Volunteers preparing the evening meal should deliver the food to the RITI facility in Nags Head between 6:00-6:15 p.m. Please call Angie Vance, staff chaperone, at 252-423-0473 prior to arrival to coordinate delivery. Once again, sincere thanks to the many volunteers who are supporting this important ministry. Call Tim McKeithan at 757-672-3045 for information.

Once again, sincere thanks to the many volunteers

who are supporting this important ministry.


Thanks for Being There!

It was a huge success!

Thank you to everyone who helped with the

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

in any way -- especially to all who came out

to have dinner with us!

Wine Pourers and Glass Washers Needed for the 10:30am Service

We are looking for volunteers for the 10:30am service for Wine Pourers and Glass Washers. A sign-up sheet is available in the Narthex. Thank you!

Parish Information Form

As we begin the new year, we will be updating our Parish Records. Forms are available in the Narthex for individuals and families to fill out. If you have previously filled out a form, we would still greatly appreciate an updated form along with any new information for our records. Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill these out!

Ruthie's Kitchen

A Huge Thank you to all of the ladies who helped with Ruthie's Kitchen recently! Also, my tandem driver Bob Riche. After a few emails, a few trips to the store and many many donations of food, time and effort, we packed 83 meals! Although it takes some time to put these meals together, they were dispersed in minutes to folks here on the island. I wish I could properly convey all the Thank you's we receive as we drop off the meals. Our next opportunity is 5/14/24. Thanks again! - Colleen Sargent

Women's Bible Study

Our Women’s Bible Study next meets on Wednesday, February 21st at 3PM at the church. We continue reading selections from Into the Mess, and Other Jesus Stories: Reflections on the Life of Christ by Debie Thomas. This group has elected to extend its sessions and will begin a new book once this one concludes. All women are welcome! For more information, please contact Carol Vipavetz or Sue Jordan.

Food for Thought

Food for Thought needs your help on February 16th. The sign-up book is in the Narthex. For questions or information contact Bob Baldwin (240) 385-5261.

The Adult Education and

Spirituality Committee

Here is a schedule of future Wednesday Evening "Dinner and Discussion" gatherings:

March 6: The "ABC's" of "The Vote"

April 3: "Mission: Joy" Documentary Film

May 1: Who Exactly Is "The Black Madonna?"

June 5: The Return of Rabbi Michael Panitz

For our Labyrinth walk on February 19th, we will commemorate

the life and work of Absalom Jones, the church's

first Black Priest. To read more about Absalom Jones,

please click HERE.

Please reserve the evenings of Feb. 20, 21, and 22 for a shared Lenten experiences with fellow Christians of

Holy-Redeemer-By-The-Sea Catholic Church.

If you would like an evening or two of Lenten inspiration from

The Rev. Dr. Joanna Seibert please call the office and express your desire. We will do our best to accommodate your wishes.

Happy Epiphany Season!

All Saints Book Club


All Saints Book Club will meet on Monday February 26th, 2024 at 2pm in the Choir Room. We will be reading Fresh Water for Flowers by Valerie Perrin. All are welcome to join us! If you have any questions please reach out to Mary Moynahan, 252-267-3993

or Colleen Sargent, 703-338-9239.

“Come Closer”

Lenten Mission

Holy Redeemer by the Sea Church

and All Saints Episcopal Church

February 20-21-22, 2024 – 7:00 PM

Please RSVP to each event HERE

or call All Saints' office at 252-261-6674


On Ash Wednesday, we heard these words of the Prophet Joel: “Even now, says the LORD, return to me with your whole heart.” During this three-day Mission, we will explore how Salesian spirituality enables us to draw closer to God—in the Lenten season and always.


February 20 - Tuesday Night: The Only Lenten Resolution You’ll Ever Need

(Holy Redeemer by the Sea)

(Light Refreshments in Parish Hall after Presentation)

Lenten resolutions can get us started, but they also can get in the way of a wholehearted return, by keeping our eyes fixed on our own success or failure instead of on the God who calls us closer. Tonight, we will consider the only resolution we really need: to notice and respond to God’s daily invitations to prayer, sacrifice, and generosity. “Great occasions for serving God come seldom, but little ones surround us daily.” 

   St. Francis de Sales


February 21 - Wednesday Afternoon – 2:00 PM

(Women Only)

Women’s Wisdom: The Quotable Jane de Chantal

(Holy Redeemer by the Sea)

(Light Refreshments in Parish Hall after Presentation)

During this more conversational gathering, we will savor some gems from St. Jane de Chantal and reflect on how they apply to women’s spirituality today.


February 21 - Wednesday Night: Forgive and Re-Member

(All Saints Episcopal)

The expression “forgive and forget” does not do justice to the painful process of seeking or offering forgiveness. Tonight, we will consider God’s invitation to receive and extend mercy. While being honest about the obstacles, we will explore how embracing forgiveness can heal us and bring us closer to God in this Lenten season. “Don't lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.”

 St. Francis de Sales


February 22 - Thursday Night: Seen, Known, and Cherished (Holy Redeemer by the Sea)

In John 4, a Samaritan woman with a complicated history came to a well in the heat of the day; there, she encountered One who recognized her deeper thirst and sent her home transformed. Tonight, through the art of dramatic interpretation, we will hear the Samaritan Woman’s story in her own words. Putting ourselves in her sandals, we will lean into the great gift of being seen, known, and cherished by God. 

“Let God be the air in which your heart breathes at ease.” – St. Francis de Sales


Christine Marie Eberle passionately connects Scripture, spirituality, and everyday life. She is the author of two books of daily meditations: Finding God in Ordinary Time and Finding God Abiding. After a 26-year career as a college campus minister, in 2019 Christine ended her tenure as Director of Campus Ministry at Gwynedd Mercy University to commit to a full-time ministry of writing, speaking, and retreat facilitation. She resides outside Philadelphia, where she cantors for her parish, St. Vincent DePaul in Germantown, and serves on the regional advisory council of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps.

You can follow her at:

We are sponsoring lunch on February 21, when our beloved Father Tom Wilson leads worship. To help with lunch, feel free to contact Sally Myers.

2024 Lenten Meditations

You’re invited to subscribe to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten Meditations! Click HERE to sign up for daily meditation emails, written by Miguel Escobar, on living an authentic life as followers of Christ. 

Episcopal Church Lent resources
Please click HERE for all available resources

Very Happy Birthday Wishes to:

2/19: Jim Conners

2/25: Rev. Cindy Simpson

2/25: Lee Frankel

 Ongoing Facility Use & Meeting Schedule



9:30 am to 10:15 am – Conference Room - Adult Bible Study  

5:30 pm to 6:30 pm – Gathering Space - Al-Anon

7 pm to 8 pm – Gathering Space - Alcoholics Anonymous



1st Monday of the Month – 10:30 am to 12 pm - Conference Room - 

Adult Education & Spirituality Committee 

2nd & 4th Monday of the Month – 4 pm to 5:30 pm - Study in the Admin Bldg - Women’s Spirituality Circle   

3rd Monday of the Month – 5 pm to 6:30 pm - Conference Room -

Vestry Meeting

7 pm to 9 pm – Reception Area - Prayer Shawl



2nd Tuesday of the Month - 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm Conference Room - Servant Ministry


9:30 am to 12:00 pm – Choir Room - Mahjongg



9:30 am to 10:30 am – Conference Room - Men’s Cursillo  

9:30 am to 1:00 pm – Choir Room -Hand and Foot Card Game

7:00 pm to 8:30 pm - Choir Room - Choir Rehearsal

All Saints Episcopal Church

40 Pintail Trail, Southern Shores, NC 27949


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