All Saints' Episcopal Church

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Upon our return from our multi-week holiday to Scotland, London, and New York City, Sally and I are looking back on a beautiful time. Now, it's time for us to reintegrate into the routines and activities that make our community at All Saints so unique.

I want to emphasize what I mentioned in the announcements last Sunday. I want to give special recognition to three individuals: Marcia Brooks, whose enthusiastic discussion about the Black Madonna brought together a vibrant community of twenty-four people on Wednesday evening; Sue Jordan, whose persistence in 2023 kickstarted the Women's Bible Study, which has now blossomed into a thriving group of eleven; and Vip Vipavetz, whose efforts in organizing the Spring Cleaning and Picnic, as well as forming a new men's group, have added new dimensions to our community. I am genuinely grateful for each of your invaluable contributions!

New Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) Needed

Our worship services are sustained by the dedicated service of only three Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) at each service. However, to ensure the seamless flow of our worship, we urgently require at least five LEMs for each service. LEMs must be confirmed congregants. As a LEM, you will play a pivotal role in enriching the worship experience for yourself and others through reading, assisting at the altar, and serving communion. Please get in touch with me, Nancy Atkinson, or Christina in the Church Office if you feel called to this vital role.

-Sr. Warden Steve Hotchkiss

The Day of Pentecost

May 19, 2024

8:30 & 10:30 a.m.


The Rev. Dr. Stan Sawyer

Click below for the upcoming Worship Bulletin

Worship Bulletin

To keep up with our Facebook page

or view our 10:30 a.m. service, from Facebook,

please click HERE

To live-stream or watch our recorded

10:30 a.m. service on YouTube,

please click HERE


Summer Reading Supplies Needed!


Dare County Schools is planning its Velocity Summer Reading Camp for students in grades K-3 who need additional support in reading. Hoping to eliminate barriers for students, they are seeking the following basic school supplies for the 4 weeks of camp.

480 Black Fine Tip Expo markers

480 Ticonderoga Pencils

120 kid scissors

10 packs of sentence strips

120 Crayola (24 pack) crayons

160 Elmer’s glue sticks

100 canisters of Clorox wipes              

100 boxes of tissues

Donations are needed by May 31 and may be placed in the box in the Narthex.

Search Committee Begins its Work

Please pray for our Search Committee and its work as we move through this time of transition and enter the search process for All Saints' next rector.

Committee members are Bob Riche (chair), Colleen Sargent, Suzanne Scott Constantine, Hilary Klein, Tom Rust, Carol Vipavetz, and Tess Judge.

Volunteers are needed Wednesday, June 5th and Thursday, June 6th. Four volunteers will be needed each day from 1:45-4:00pm. or until the last client has been served.

In April, twenty-two households, a total of 34 individuals were served. If you are unable to volunteer at the pantry but wish to help our community, there are many other ways to volunteer. Facebook and website reports events, activities, and volunteer


Please contact Sue Lynch to volunteer or to ask any questions you may have concerning the Food Pantry.

Home: 252-715-3300


Ruthie's Kitchen!

Thank you to all the Ruthie's Kitchen volunteers and all you do! In addition to all the thank you's we receive when we drop the meals off to the drivers or individuals who receive the meals we received the following from the coordinators.


"Thank you so much. I so appreciate you doing this and the guests certainly relish the delicious meals. " as well as "Many thanks to you and your volunteers for the dinner tonight. You made it so easy having everything ready and together like you did."

And from the other coordinator;" All Saints always does such a nice job! And I know the guests really appreciate the home made meals. I will give the extra meals to the shut-ins. Thanks so much! "

Stay tuned for our next Ruthie's Kitchen in the fall. Any questions, Colleen Sargent, 703-338 9239,


Share your pictures. Share yourself!

The Invite+Welcome+Connect committee is reminding folks to take pictures of all the great ministries and activities we do here at All Saints' and forward them to the office ( We are also looking for folks to join our committee to help with our upcoming events in 2024. If interested, please contact Colleen Sargent at 703-338-9239 or email

The Adult Education and Spirituality Committee

All are invited to the monthly labyrinth walk for racial reconciliation, improved dialogue, and reparation (when necessary). The walk is at noon on Sunday, May 19th. Please join us for this monthly act of prayerful meditation.

coming in June...

The Return of Rabbi Michael Panitz

Tuesday, June 18 at 7:00 p.m.

Sunday Morning Bible Study

meets in the Conference Room at 9:40 a.m.

Women's Bible Study

meets each Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. in the conference room. The group is reading The Women of the Bible Speak by Shannon Bream.


Coming at the end of May/Early June

Window cleaning & power-washing.

All Saints' Book Club

Next Meeting: Monday, June 3

2:00-3:30 p.m.

For more information, contact: Colleen Sargent, 703-338-9239 or

Mary Moynahan, 252-267-3993,


Coffee Hour

Lots of 10:30 service openings remain.

The up sheet is in the narthex, or call the church office

for your opportunity to help! 

Thanks to all who have submitted updated Parish Information Forms. 

You can still find a form in the narthex, fill it out, and turn it in.  Need one emailed to you? Call the church office at

(252) 261-6674.


Thanks in advance for your time and effort!


Check out the open dates.

Sign-up chart across the hall from the sacristy.

Happy Birthday to you!


5/17: Paula Mohr

5/17: John Fricker

5/19: Sophie Avent

5/25: Sawyer Blanchard

Albert and Sue Lynch: 5/20/1989

 Ongoing Facility Use & Meeting Schedule



9:30 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. – Conference Room: Adult Bible Study  

5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. – Gathering Space: Al-Anon

7:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. – Gathering Space: Alcoholics Anonymous



1st Monday of the Month – 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.: Conference Room:

Adult Education & Spirituality Committee 

2nd & 4th Monday of the Month – 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Study in the Admin Bldg: Women’s Spirituality Circle   

3rd Monday of the Month – 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. – Conference Room:

Vestry Meeting

6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. – Reception Area: Prayer Shawl



2nd Tuesday of the Month – 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Conference Room: Servant Ministry


9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Choir Room: Mahjongg

12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.– Choir Room: Bridge

1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. – Conference Room: Women's Bible Study


9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Conference Room: Men’s Cursillo  

9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. – Choir Room: Hand and Foot Card Game

7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – Choir Room: Choir Rehearsal

All Saints Episcopal Church

40 Pintail Trail, Southern Shores, NC 27949


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