Protect our Children

and Uphold Good Governance

Two education bills originating in the Michigan Senate are making their way to the House, and are slated to be taken up by committee on Wednesday, October 25.

Senate Bill 395 and 396 eliminate student performance as metric used to evaluate teachers and redefines "unprofessional conduct" to protect teacher's jobs instead of putting student safety first. These bills go even further to remove accountability measures that are so important for good governance, limit the ability of parents and school boards to detect and correct corruption, and prioritize student learning and wellbeing last.

Under these bills:

  • Teachers Unions can totally eliminate student growth and academic performance (measures of how well students are learning) from educator evaluations while negotiating teacher contracts.
  • The bi-partisan tenure reform of 2014 that created enhanced accountability for teachers is weakened, so that bad teachers are nearly impossible to fire.
  • Removes the stare requirement for unscheduled observation in the classroom
  • Redefines "unprofessional conduct" so that misconduct will be less likely to appear on background checks. This puts children at greater risk because schools are not able to be as throughout in past employment record evaluation.

Tell the House Education committee what you think about these bills here.

Proposed "Assisted Reproduction and Surrogacy Parentage Act" Endangers Women and Children 

House Bills 5207-5215 make up a new proposed act governing paid surrogacy contracts. The bills were introduced this afternoon and can be read starting here. They have been added to Wednesday, October 25th's House Judiciary Committee for immediate consideration. For many years, Michigan has allowed volunteer surrogates, but has banned "rent-a-womb" practices that treat children like commodities for sale and exploit poor and vulnerable women. There are multiple problems with the proposed policy:

  • The US Constitution prohibited treating human beings as contractual property when slavery was abolished. This law takes human rights and human dignity backward, relegating the unborn to a mere commodity status that may be sold for profit or discarded (via abortion) if the buyer changers their mind.
  • Contracts proposed under this new bill package will allow women to be treated much like indentured servants for the 9-month pregnancy period, selling the rights to their own bodies.
  • This bill also opens the door to the potential expansion of human trafficking problems by increasing the profitability of trafficked persons as surrogates for hire.

These are just a few of the concerns with this package. We look forward to learning more about the legislative intent behind these bills and are committed to remaining steadfast in upholding the sanctity of all human life as image-bearers of our Creator (Genesis 1:27). We will keep you update on this important legislation and invite you to contact your representative and share your concerns about protecting the sanctity and dignity of life and ensuring that human beings are never exploited for profit.

Update: Pressure Increases on the House amid Efforts to Deregulate Abortion

Your phone calls and emails have been helping to move the needle as our coalition of pro-life partners fights to stop the "Reproductive Health Act" and protect the lives of women and unborn children. Last week, the Senate passed SB 474-477, but failed to vote on SB 593. While this bill may come to the floor soon, we are just a couple of weeks from these bills expiring, and every delay helps us defeat these bills. Meanwhile, in the House, there is tremendous pressure for those representing the concerns of their constituents to cave. Please join us in praying and continue asking your State to Representatives stand strong in protecting women and children.

Because Prayer Changes Things:

  • Please continue to pray for Israel as the war continues. Pray scripture like Psalm 91 and Psalm 122 as you intercede for the deliverance of God's chosen people.
  • Pray for the Church around the world to be fearless as we stand for Jesus.
  • Pray for the American military deployed around the world and our allies in this fight as they support Israel and make other strategic preparations.
  • Pray for all those in authority in our state and nation.
  • Pray for students, teachers, administrators, and school boards.

Explore more prayer guides on our resource site:

Upcoming Events:

Join Professor Wagner, our friends at CTV, and several other leading experts at the upcoming Political Leadership Academy on November 4th. This one-day school will prepare leaders with practical tools as well as a strong foundation in the Biblical principles that inform pubic service and godly statesmanship.

There are still a few seats open, so register now.

Mark your calendars and make plans to join us at 11 a.m., November 8, 2023 in Lansing for the FIRST EVER Michigan March for Life! This event is sponsored by Right to Life of Michigan and the National March for Life, and we are proud to support their steadfast efforts to defend the sanctity of life. Register at

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Salt & Light Global takes the heart of Jesus to the culture. We disciple servant leaders, equipping them to share His redemptive love and truth. We encourage the body of Christ to see all of who they are and what they do through the lens of God’s Word. Salt & Light Global seeks to rebuild nations and cultures one person, one family, one church, and one community at a time by obeying the command to be salt and light in the world.

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