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WINDOWS WEEKLY May 3, 2024 | |
Sunday, May 5, 10:00 AM
"Celebration, Concern and Hope: AUU Listens for the Future," Rev. Margret A. O'Neall and the Transition Team
Beginning with the October workshop and continuing with listening circles, your Transition Team asked and you responded: what do you celebrate about this congregation, what are your concerns, and what are your bright hopes in this time of transition? Transition Team members share what we have heard and invite you into discussion as we look ahead.
Sunday, May 12, 10:00 AM
"Forebears Passing the Torch,"Rev. Lynn Ashley
May 12 is Mothers Day and we’ll honoring some of the ‘parents’ of this congregation who have contributed to its history, inspired connections, and opened ways for the future.
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Albany UU Annual Meeting
Sunday, May 19, noon
Community Hall
Childcare will be provided.
If you are not able to be present on May 19 members may vote by absentee ballot. Absentee ballots can be signed out at the church office starting this Sunday, May 5.
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A New Place for Useful Albany UU Links
* Please see the end of the newsletter *
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Programs for Children and Youth | |
Image by 22265571 from Pixabay | |
Programs for Children and Youth
Sunday, May 5- our theme this month is Pluralism and we'll begin exploring it at Family Chapel in the Sanctuary at 10AM. We will be joined by Stephanie Saunders from the Transition Team for an update, and parents/guardians are invited to service in Community Hall following Family Chapel for a more in-depth review.
- Three & Under Nursery/Toddler Room 22 opens at 9:45 AM for dropoff.
- PreK-Grade 3 starts in the Sanctuary for Family Chapel at 10AM, then meets in Room 24/25 until 11:15 AM.
- Grade 4-6 OWL starts downstairs in Room B1 at 10 AM until 11:00 AM, when they head up to Room 26 to join their grownups for a celebration of their accomplishment in completing the program!
- 8th Grade Our Whole Lives meets downstairs in B3/B4 at 10 AM until 11:30 AM.
- Coming fo Age starts downstairs in Room B7 at 10AM until 12PM.
- High School Youth Group starts in Room B8 at 10 AM until 11:15 AM.
Mark your calendars for Youth Group/PCY Appreciation service on 5/19. This fun annual event will be followed by a special "Sundae Sunday" Coffee Hour hosted by the Programs for Children and Youth Council and featuring a variety of frozen treats!
-- Elizabeth Baldes, Director of Programs for Children & Youth (ebaldes@albanyuu.org)
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Announcements and Upcoming Events | |
KUDOS to the many folks who turned out for garden clean up day: MUCH work was done and our gardens are welcoming all! Thank you to all who went home that daywith dirty hands and knees!
Upcoming Memorial Services
A Memorial Service for Lois Thomson will be held tomorrow, Saturday, May 4, at 2:00 PM in Community Hall and on Zoom, and followed by a reception in Channing Hall. Contributions of finger food will be welcome. To attend via Zoom, please use this link: tinyurl.com/AlbanyUU-Memorial
An Invitation to Veterans
If you have served in any capacity in the military, please join me (Rev. Lynn) for conversation as I prepare for our Memorial Day service, Sunday, May 26. Four times have been set aside for sharing your stories with Rev. Lynn in person:
- Monday, May 6, at 10:30 for coffee in B8
- Thursday, May 16, at noon in Channing Hall (Bring a sandwich if you’d like)
Please let me know which time (or times) you’re available. If none of them works, I’d still like to hear from you at revlynnashley@albanyuu.org.
Pride Service Seeking LGBTQIA Volunteers
The Inclusivity Committee is looking for volunteers who identify as LGBTQIA to participate in Sunday service on Pride Day (June 9). You can share your original thoughts or read a quote. If interested, please contact Joyce Chicoine.
Looking for End-of-year Flower Dedications & Coffee Hosts
As the church year winds down, we are looking to fill the final open slots for Sunday service flower donation and for coffee hosting. Please check out and sign-up at the SPREADSHEET HERE if that interests you.
Consider becoming a Pastoral Care Associate (PCA)! We are looking for caring, compassionate people who can offer pastoral listening and emotional support to members and friends of Albany UU.
Training is provided for PCAs. Click HERE for more details and an application. Please send completed applications to Rev. Lynn at lynnashley@uuma.org
You are also invited to contact any of the current PCAs for information/questions. All their
names are listed in the "Need to Talk" link in this newsletter. Thank YOU!
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May 3: First Friday Art Show
TODAY Rich Baldes - yes, Albany UU's Rich Baldes - will be showcasing his art show called "Surface Tension." Art reception will be 6PM-8PM in Channing Hall.
Music in Community Hall at 7PM by Tom McWatters on acoustic guitar.
Facebook Event RSVP here.
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Family Circle Dinner
Family Circle Dinner Potluck on Saturday, May 18, 5-8 pm hosted by Kevin Yeh and Stephanie Saunders.
Please bring a dish to share, if you are able. We will be meeting upstairs in the classrooms with access to the kitchen. Group play to follow food!
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It’s time to donate! Donations may be made until Friday, May 3. The auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year! Not only is the auction essential to funding our budget, it is an important way to build community. The social events, dinners, garden walks, hikes, etc., give Albany UU members a chance to socialize and get to know each other better.
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Services and food items give busy people the opportunity to buy an item that will save valuable time. There are always a variety of interesting and affordable items available, so everyone can participate. If you haven’t planned your donation yet, now is the time. Let’s make this the most successful online auction yet!
Important Auction Dates
Donations Accepted: Sunday, April 14 to Friday, May 3
Auction Preview: Sunday, April 28 to Saturday, May 4
Auction Open: Sunday, May 5 to Sunday, May 19
To learn how easily you can donate or buy, go to
CROP Walk – Taking Steps for a Better World
Would you like to help end hunger around the block and around the world? Join in the CROP Hunger Walk on May 5, either by walking with Team UU, or by making a pledge to support our walkers. See Dawn Dana at the CROP Walk table in coffee hour on April 28 – it’s the last Sunday before the Walk! You can also make an online pledge here – it can be directed to Team UU or to any AUU walker. Thank you!
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Adult Adventure Trips at Unirondack!
Unirondack is excited to announce a whole new slate of new trips for adults! Unirondack is a summer camp and conference center founded by Unitarian Universalists that has been serving UU youth and adults in the Adirondacks for more than 70 years. This year we are offering a whole new selection of adventure programs for adults! These programs offer full guided service throughout the Adirondacks including food and cooking, logistics planning, and the major equipment as well. For more information, you can email Sam.B@unirondack.org, or check out our website st www.unirondack.org/trip-camps
Unirondack's Spring 2024 Adult Trip Calendar:
May 6 - 12: Wilderness Art Trip // Creatives Retreat
May 16 - 22: Adirondack 90-Miler (FULL!)
May 16 - 21: Intro to Backpacking
May 24 - 29: Introduction to Canoeing
May 16 - 21: Leadership Paddling
July 7 -12: Intro to Backpacking II
Recharge your Spirit at Silver Bay
Planning your 2024 activities and travels? Be sure to include UU Weekend at Silver Bay October 11-13, 2024 (with an option of an extended stay until 10/14/2) in your schedule!
This annual retreat is the perfect way to say goodbye to the summer and enjoy the beauty of a fall weekend. Whether from an armchair discussing topics of interest, standing on the top of a mountain, or drifting in a kayak, this weekend will fill your mind and recharge your spirit before the onset of another winter.
If you love nature, you are surrounded by it. If you love learning and thinking, you can satisfy your quest for knowledge at your choice of interesting workshops and lectures. If you love being with other people or meditating alone, you will find opportunities for both. Give yourself a lift at UU weekend!
Children under 6 are free and there are substantial discounts for older children and youth. Register by June 2, 2024 and receive lowest rates! And remember – your room, all meals from Friday dinner through Sunday lunch, programs, activities and entertainment are included in the price.
Access additional information about Silver Bay and UU weekend, including the registration form and a slide show, at https://albanyuu.org/blog/silver-bay-weekend-2024/
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Board of Trustees
The next BOT meeting is 6:30PM on Thursday, May 23 in Channing Hall and via Zoom.
Zoom link here: https://tinyurl.com/AlbanyUU-BoardOfTrustess
Ministry and Operations Team
The next MOT meeting is Wed. May 1 at 5:30PM.
Online only: https://tinyurl.com/Ministry-and-Operations
Meeting ID: 860 5594 7976 Password: 0000
By phone: 1-929-436-2866
Use the Ministry & Operations Communication Form to get on the agenda at the next meeting.
Gardening Team
The Gardening Team will meeting at the Church on Tuesday, May 7 at 1:30PM to spread mulch in the flower gardens. With your involvement, this little project will get done quickly. If you can help, bring gloves and a bucket. Questions - call Jim at 518-859-2802. The Gardening Team thanks you!
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Walker Book Group
Join the Walker Book Group on Sunday, May 12 at 5:30 pm in Channing for a potluck supper and a discussion of the 1934 classic book, Tender as the Night by F. Scott Fitzgerald. If you cannot join in person, join by Zoom at 6:30 pm, for the book discussion. Learn more at https://albanyuu.org/walker-book-group/.
Online: 6:15 for the book discussion. Use this link to join: https://tinyurl.com/WalkerBookGroup
By phone: 1-929-436-2866
Meeting ID: 871 5139 8632
Passcode: 0000
Philosophy Group
At 10:15 AM on Tuesdays the Albany UU Philosophy Group will meet via zoom. We will discuss the question Is "to heal historic injustices" a reasonable primary purpose for religious, educational and other institutions?
Online: https://tinyurl.com/AlbanyUU-Philosophy
By phone: 1-929-436-2866
Meeting ID: 987 7102 4708
Password: 0000
Bridge Group
For information about the 1:00 PM, Tuesday Bridge Group, check with the church office. All levels welcome.
Ps and Qs
At 10:00 AM on Wednesdays, Projects and Quilts (Ps and Qs) meets in Room B-8. Bring a project you're working on, or just your lunch!
Octavia Butler Book Group
Meetings are Sunday evenings, on Zoom, from 7PM to about 8:30PM. Send questions and request to join the group to Anne Marie Haber (amhaber@aol.com).
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Social Justice Team
meets on the 4th Tuesday each month at 6:45pm on Zoom. All are welcome to join. (Please note this is a change from our previous 3rd Tuesday of the month).
By phone: 1-929-436-2866
Meeting ID: 894 5821 4256
Passcode: 0000
Meets as Schenectady UU. For more information contact Jen at jeniferpritchard@gmail.com
Albany UU Music Ministry offers many opportunities for you to participate in music during Sunday Services. Our offerings include:
--Albany UU Choir - an adult community choir, singing a variety of choral music during Sunday services. (Rehearsals Required)
--Solos and Small Ensembles : You can share your musical talents during Sunday services as a soloist or small ensemble.
Choir Rehearsal: Wednesday nights at 7:00pm, Masking optional. For more information please contact
For more information email Olga Martinez, Director of Music Ministry, omartinez@albanyuu.org
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Social Justice and Inclusivity | |
The Albany UU Social Justice Team (SJT) recommends an antiracism vigil in Troy:
When: Saturdays, 10:30-11:15 am.The vigil will automatically be canceled for severe weather conditions, including when the temperature or wind chill is below 25.
Where: Troy, corner of River Street at the intersection of Fulton and Third Streets, 12180
How: signs only, no chanting (except for meditative religious practice)
The purpose of the vigil is two-fold: to express that Black Lives Matter and to inspire passersby to act against racism.
Stand Against Racism Vigil in Delmar
Join us on Saturdays as we stand at the Four Corners from 9:30AM to 10AM. Residents of Delmar, Albany or everywhere are welcome!
Raise Your Voice for End of Life Choice
Do you believe that mentally capable, terminally ill adults have the right to choose a peaceful death? If you do, please help pass New York’s Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) Act in 2024! We are closer than ever to success and every voice makes a huge difference.
Come to “United for Compassion” Spring Lobby Day on May 7! Register here to get details about the day at the Capitol where advocates from across New York will be making it clear that it is time to pass the bill. No experience needed.
Come to the Capitol to advocate for MAID on May 14, 21, 28 and/or June 4. Register here to get the details you’ll need.
--Nancy Willie-Schiff, representing the Albany UU End of Life Choice Task Force
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Albany Unitarian Universalist |
Parking is available on the street. On Sundays (and for some special events) Albany UU has permission to use the University at Albany’s Hawley Parking Lot on Robin Street at Washington Avenue.
Office hours:
9:00-3:00 Monday-Friday
Our Website:
General: www.AlbanyUU.org
Resources: http://albanyuu.org/albany-uu-resources/
Publication deadlines:
This is an important reminder that the news and article deadline for Windows Weekly is beginning of the day on Thursday. Please contact windows@albanyuu.org for submission. Thank you.
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It is with gratitude and humility that we acknowledge that we are learning, speaking and gathering on the ancestral homelands of the Mohican people who are the indigenous peoples of this land. Despite tremendous hardship in being forced from here, today their community resides in Wisconsin and is known as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community. We pay honor and respect to their ancestors past and present as we commit to building a more inclusive and equitable space for all. | |
First Unitarian Universalist Society of Albany | 518.463.7135 | 518.463.1429 Admin@AlbanyUU.org | AlbanyUU.org
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