July 24, 2024

Welcome to the Office of Infrastructure weekly newsletter. If you have items to share, please email us. Feel free to forward or reach out to be added to our list.

Alaska Population Projections 2023 to 2050

NTIA to Host Webinar on Digital Equity Program July 25,2024 at 10:00 AM

Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act (IIJA) Discretionary Grant Deadline Calendar (Updated 7/17/2024) Includes NEW rolling grants below calendar!

Upcoming Events:

If you have an infrastructure or workforce development event or website you would like us to share, please email us!

Wed, July 31, 2024, 4:00-7:00 PM: AGC Summer Safety Fair, Davis Constructors & Engineers, Inc., 6591 A St., Ste. 300, Anchorage, Alaska.

Wed, August 7, 2024, 11:30 AM-1:00 PM: 2024 Anchorage Economic Development Luncheon, Dena’ina Convention Center, Anchorage, Alaska.


Tue-Thu, August 13-15, 2024: Global Autonomous Systems Conference, Dena’ina Center, Anchorage, AK

Thur, August 15, 2024 11:00 AM: DOT Navigator Webinar Series, register here

Tue-Thu, August 13-15, 2024: Alaska Municipal League Summer Legislative Conference, Kodiak, Alaska

Sun, August 18, 2024, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM: Annual Renewable Energy Fair, Chena Hot Springs, Fairbanks, Alaska

Mon-Wed, August 26-28, 2024: 2024 Alaska Defense Forum, Westmark Hotel & Convention Center, Fairbanks, Alaska

Wed-Thu, August 28-29, 2024: AOGA 2024 Conference, Dena’ina Center, Anchorage, Alaska

Wednesday's, August 28-October 30, 2024, 5:00-8:00 PM: WRTG A280, Introduction to Grant Writing: 2 Credits, 10-wks, open for enrollment at UAA for Fall '24. Course description: introduces grant writing, with a focus on locating funding sources, networking with community partners and potential funders, and drafting, revising, and submitting grant proposals. Registration Restrictions: completion of prerequisite or instructor approval. Modality: online, synchronous (Zoom). Cost: $570.00. Contact Andrew Harnish at UAA with any questions ajharnish@alaska.edu or click here for registration guidelines.

Tue-Fri, September 10-13, 2024, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM: Alaska Power Association and AIE Annual Meetings, Wedgewood Resort, 212 Wedgewood Dr, Fairbanks, Alaska

Wed-Thu, September 11-12, 2024, Seagriculture USA 2024, Ketchikan, Alaska

Tue-Thu, September 24-26, 2024: 2024 Southeast Alaska Economic Summit & 66th Annual Meeting, Ted Ferry Civic Center, 888 Venetia Avenue, Ketchikan, Alaska


Wed-Fri, October 2-4, 2024: 2024 Rural Energy Conference, Westmark Hotel, Fairbanks, Alaska

Thur-Sat, October 17-19, 2024: Annual Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) Convention, Dena'ina Center, Anchorage, AK

Fri, October 25, 2024, 5:00-9:00 PM: Alaska Safety Alliance Annual Meeting and 25th Anniversary Celebration, O’Malley’s on the Green, 3651 O’Malley Road, Anchorage, Alaska


Wed-Thu, November 13-14, 2024: Resource Development Council for Alaska (RDC)’s 45th Annual Alaska Resources Conference, Dena’ina Center, Anchorage, Alaska.  


Mon-Fri, December 9-13, 2024: 74th Annual Alaska Municipal League Local Government Conference, Dena’ina Center, Anchorage, AK

Grant Opportunities:

If you are applying or know of an entity applying for an infrastructure grant, please let us know! 


  • Dept. of Agriculture - Broadband Technical Assistance, Deadline August 20, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; Universities; Public Housing Authorities; Non-profits; or Businesses. to support broadband technical assistance activities that promote the expansion of broadband into rural areas. Examples of broadband technical assistance projects may include conducting feasibility studies, completing network designs, and developing broadband financial assistance applications. 


  • Dept. of the Interior - Bureau of Land Management Alaska Threatened and Endangered Species Program, Deadline August 19, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; Universities; Housing Authorities; or Non-profits. The Alaska program is looking for projects that will result in or facilitate national implementation or outreach of tangible on the ground actions that will improve species populations (numbers, representation, or resilience) or reduce population level threats. 
  • NEW Dept. of Defense - Tanana Flats Training Area All Season Road and Gravel Production, Deadline August 20, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; or Non-govt. organizations/individuals. Provide healthy and resilient environments that are sustainable, high-quality settings for military training, to protect and enhance biological diversity and ecological health.
  • USDA - Tribal Access to Emerging Private Markets for Climate Mitigation & Forest Resilience, Deadline August 21, 2024. Eligible entities: Tribes. Funding will support the participation of underserved and small-acreage forest landowners in emerging private markets for climate mitigation or forest resilience.
  • Dept. of Housing and Urban Development - Youth Homeless Demonstration Program, Deadline August 29, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribal Housing; or Non-profits. The purpose of the YHDP is to implement projects that demonstrate how a comprehensive approach to serving homeless youth age 24 and under can dramatically reduce youth homelessness. The population to be served by this demonstration program is youth experiencing homelessness, including unaccompanied and pregnant or parenting youth. In order to effectively implement a system that addresses the needs of youth experiencing homelessness, Continuums of Care (CoCs) must understand the subgroups of unaccompanied youth and incorporate those understandings into the YHDP CCP and awarded projects.
  • Dept. of the Interior - WaterSMART Cooperative Watershed Management Program Phase I for Fiscal Year 2023, Deadline September 3, 2024. Eligible entities: Local Govts; Special Districts; Tribes; or Non-profits. Phase I activities to develop a watershed group, complete watershed restoration planning activities, and design watershed management projects.
  • Dept. of the Interior - IIJA/IRA Bureau of Land Management Alaska Good Neighbor Authority, Deadline October 18,2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; or Tribes. Intended to facilitate partnerships with states, counties, and federally recognized Indian tribes to plan and implement forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration projects. The GNA authority specifically authorizes treating insect-and disease infested trees; reducing hazardous fuels; any other activities to restore or improve forest, rangeland, and watershed health, including fish and wildlife habitat.
  • Dept. of Interior - WaterSMART Grants: Water and Energy Efficiency Grants for Fiscal Year 2024, Deadline November 13, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; or Non-profits. provides funding for projects that result in quantifiable water savings, implement renewable energy components, and support broader sustainability benefits. 
  • EPA – Community Change Program, Deadline November 21, 2024. Eligible entities: Partnership between two community-based non-profit organizations (CBO); or partnership between CBO and one of the following: local government, tribe or institution of higher education. $2 billion dollars (total) available in Inflation Reduction Act funds for environmental and climate activities to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects that reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community capacity to address environmental and climate challenges.
  • Dept. of Energy - Net Zero Federal Facilities, Deadline November 27, 2024. Eligible entities: Federal Agencies. Objectives: Assistance with Net-Zero Buildings Opportunity Development; Modify Existing Projects for Net-Zero Buildings; New/In Development Net-Zero Buildings Projects.
  • Dept. Of Interior - National Fish Passage Program: Restoring River, Floodplain, and Coastal Connectivity and Resiliency, FY 24 and FY25, Deadline December 31, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Tribes; Local govts; Non-profits; School Districts; Public Housing Authorities; or Universities. This voluntary program provides direct technical and financial assistance to partners to remove instream barriers, restore aquatic organism passage, and restore climate resilient aquatic connectivity in rivers, floodplains, and coastal habitats for the benefit of Federal trust resources.
  • FEMA – Fiscal Year 2023 Swift Current Flood Mitigation Program, FY 2023 Deadline January 15, 2025, FY 2024 Deadline January 15, 2026. Eligible entities: States; or Tribes. Reduce or eliminate the flood risk to NFIP-participating communities and repetitive flood damage to structures and buildings insured by the NFIP following a flood-related disaster event, and to enhance community flood resilience within NFIP-participating communities.
  • Dept. of Interior – Creating Opportunities for Relevant Experience (CORE) Wildland Fire Training Crews, Deadline May 24, 2029. Eligible entities: States; or Tribes. The Creating Opportunities for Relevant Experience Crews (CORE Crews) are wildland fire training crews comprised of women, veterans, or youth. CORE crews offer participants job experience and wildland fire specific training that serves as a developmental opportunity for participants and an opportunity for parks to build relationships with the next generation of fire managers.


  • Dept. of Education - Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE): Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success, Deadline July 29, 2024. Eligible Entities: Public/Private Universities. The purpose of this program is to encourage institutions of higher education (IHEs) to develop model programs to support veteran student success in postsecondary education by coordinating services to address the academic, financial, physical, and social needs of veteran students.
  • EPA – FY25 Brownfields Job Training (JT) Grants, Deadline August 15, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; or Non-profits. The objective of the Brownfields Job Training Program is to recruit, train, and place unemployed and under-employed residents of solid and hazardous waste-impacted communities with the skills needed to obtain full-time, sustainable employment. This program promotes the facilitation of activities related to assessment, cleanup, or preparation of contaminated sites, including brownfields, for reuse, while simultaneously building a local workforce with the skills needed to perform remediation work that is supportive of environmental protection and environmental health and safety.
  • Dept. of Labor - Mine Safety and State Grants, Deadline August 20, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; or Universities. to assist them in developing and enforcing state mining laws and regulations, improve state workers’ compensation and mining occupational disease laws and programs, and improve safety and health conditions in the nation’s mines through Federal-State coordination and cooperation. 
  • NEW Dept. of Labor - YouthBuild, Deadline September 16, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; Universities; School Districts; Non-profits; or Housing Authorities. Providing pre-apprenticeship services that support education, occupational skills training, and employment services to opportunity youth, ages 16 to 24, who are performing meaningful work and service to their communities. The YouthBuild program model prepares participants for quality jobs in a variety of careers, in diverse industry sectors, particularly in infrastructure sectors, and includes wrap-around services such as mentoring, trauma-informed care, personal counseling, transportation supports, and employment preparation




  • Dept. of Ag - Rural Housing Preservation Grant, Deadline July 29, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; or Non-profits. Provides qualified public agencies, private nonprofit organizations, which may include but not be limited to, Faith-Based and Community Organizations, and other eligible entities grant funds to assist very low- and low-income homeowners in repairing and rehabilitating their homes in rural areas. In addition, the HPG program assists rental property owners and cooperative housing complexes in repairing and rehabilitating their units if they agree to make such units available to low- and very low-income persons. 
  • EPA - Promoting Readiness and Enhancing Proficiency to Advance Reporting and Data, Deadline July 29, 2024. Eligible entities: Public and Private Non-profits, including Universities and Hospitals. Assist current or prospective EPA grant recipients more effectively address their grant progress and performance requirements of their EPA-funded grant agreements. Reporting requirements involve gathering data, administering reports, and addressing evidence-building metrics.
  • National Endowment for the Arts - NEA Our Town, FY 2025, Deadline August 1, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; Universities; School Districts; or Non-profits. Through project-based funding, we support projects that integrate arts, culture, and design activities into efforts that strengthen communities over the long term. 
  • Small Business Administration - Cybersecurity for Small Business Pilot Program, Deadline August 2, 2024. Eligible entities: States. Authorizes the U.S. Small Business Administration to make grants to States, and the equivalent thereof, to carry out projects that help new small business concerns with tools to combat cybersecurity threats during their formative and most vulnerable years.
  • Dept. of Homeland Security - National Training Program Continuing Training Grants, Deadline August 16, 2024. Eligible entities: Local Govts; Tribes; or Universities. The CTG program supports building, sustaining, and delivering core capabilities through the development and delivery of training to achieve the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal), which is “a secure and resilient nation with the capabilities required across the whole community to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the threats and hazards that pose the greatest risk.
  • Dept. of Interior - FY2024 Historic Preservation Fund- History of Equal Rights- Preservation Grants, Deadline August 20, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; Universities; Schools; or Non-profits. Funding for a broad range of preservation projects for historic sites including architectural services, historic structure reports, preservation plans, and physical preservation to structures.
  • Dept. of Housing and Urban Development - Eviction Protection Grant Program, Deadline August 20, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; Universities; or Non-profits.  Provide no cost legal assistance to low-income tenants at risk or subject to eviction.
  • Dept. of Housing and Urban Development - Indian Housing Block Grant (IHBG) Competitive Grant Program, Deadline August 29, 2024. Eligible entities: Tribes. Grant funds may be used to develop, maintain, and operate affordable housing in safe and healthy environments on Indian reservations and in other Indian areas and carry out other affordable housing activities. Grant funds must be used to primarily benefit low-income Indian families.
  • Dept. of Commerce FY2024 CHIPS Manufacturing USA Institute Competition, Deadline September 9, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; Universities; Non-profits; or Domestic For-profits. This NOFO seeks proposals to establish and operate a CHIPS Manufacturing USA Institute focused on digital twins with integrated physical assets and computational capabilities (digital assets) to tackle important semiconductor-industry manufacturing challenges. The CHIPS Manufacturing USA Institute will join an existing network of seventeen Institutes designed to increase U.S. manufacturing competitiveness and promote a robust R&D infrastructure.
  • Dept. of Energy - American-Made Solar Prize Round 8, Deadline September 26, 2024. Eligible entities: Anyone based in the United States with a potentially marketable solar technology solution are eligible to compete. The American-Made Solar Prize Round 8 is a multimillion-dollar prize program designed to spur innovations in U.S. solar hardware and software technologies and address challenges to rapid, equitable solar energy deployment.
  • NEW Dept. of Energy - Smart Manufacturing Technologies for Material and Process Innovation, Deadline November 18, 2024. Eligible entities: Unrestricted. This FOA applies smart manufacturing across four topic areas: Smart Manufacturing for a Circular Economy Smart Manufacturing of Tooling and Equipment for Sustainable Transportation Smart Manufacturing for High Performance Materials Smart Technologies for Sustainable and Competitive U.S. Mining.
  • NEW Dept. of Housing and Urban Development - Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds, Deadline November 21, 2024. Eligible entities: States; Local Govts; Tribes; Housing Authorities; or Non-profits. To address and reduce homelessness by adding new units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) through new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation through one-time INSiDE awards under the CoC program.
  • Dept. of the Interior - 2025 National Geological & Geophysical Data Preservation Program, Deadline December 12, 2024. Eligible entities: States. Annual Program Announcement for assistance to support preservation, cataloging of and access to geological and geophysical data and materials for research and education use and address the Department of Interior’s Secretarial priorities.
  • U.S. Geological Survey - Earth Mapping Resources Initiative (Earth MRI), Deadline December 31, 2024. Eligible entities: States. This year’s funding will finance new detailed geologic mapping of bedrock in areas that are known or suspected to contain critical mineral resources. The resulting maps and associated data are expected to improve our understanding of the distribution of mineralized systems and the rocks that host them. 

Awards Announced:

EPA Announced that Southeast Conference was Awarded $38 Million through the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (Check Alaska to narrow results)

FEMA Announces $108M Award to Merbok-related Projects

Intelligent Energy Systems: Address Obstacles to Distributed Wind Investment in Alaska with an Award of $150,000

$75,000 Awarded to the Metlakatla Indian Community

Infrastructure News:

Drone test flight a 1st for Alaska oil and gas

Finland, Canada & U.S. to build icebreakers for Arctic

Fairbanks International Airport Welcomes Aurora to State Service, Alaska's Robotic Solution to Reducing Airport Wildlife Conflicts

Alaska regulators back Enstar’s plan to build $57 million pipeline to import natural gas

Alaskan Provider Announces Starlink Collab

Alaska Housing Finance Corporation :: Achieving Her Goals with Jumpstart

June Jobs Up 1.5 Percent From June 2023

Alaska DNR Commissioner John Boyle visits Wood Tikchik State Park

FCC Approves Final Rules to Support WI-FI Hotspots Through E-Rate Program

Kickstart a clean energy career. Apply to be or host a Community Energy Fellow!

Tribal Energy: Federal Assistance to Support Microgrid Development

NOAA task force recommends applied research on Alaska salmon

U.S., allied pilots fly in first NATO-organized Alaska training exercise

Cruise Port Being Redeveloped in Seward, Alaska

Helpful Links:

Grants.gov - Search all grants by key word, like ‘Renewable Energy’ or ‘Broadband’

Dept. of Energy State and Local Solution Center Events

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