Strengthening American Capacity for Effective Engagement

Issue No. #254 | May 05, 2023

俗语 from Xi Jinping

建功立业 jiàngōng lìyè

Definition: to achieve or accomplish goals.

Original: “希望同学们志存高远、脚踏实地,把课堂学习和乡村实践紧密结合起来,厚植爱农情怀,练就兴农本领,在乡村振兴的大舞台上建功立业,为加快推进农业农村现代化、全面建设社会主义现代化国家贡献青春力量。”

– 2023年5月1日,习近平总书记给中国农业大学科技小院同学们的回信。

Background: In the midst of concerns about food security, partly brought about by the Russia-Ukraine war, the Chinese government has taken steps to strengthen national agriculture, which Xi Jinping has said is critical for national security.

This week he wrote a letter addressed to the Science and Technology Institute at China Agricultural University, where he strongly encouraged students to combine classroom learning with practical applications, to master agricultural skills, and "to make accomplishments on the great stage of agricultural revitalization in the countryside."

Source: 新时代新征程新伟业·习近平总书记关切事丨牢记总书记嘱托 以奋斗姿态激扬青春-新华网 

Weekly Reading: National Security is the Foundation of National Rejuvenation

China's 总体国家安全观 is permeating all aspects of policy and is critical background for understanding current and future political, economic, and social developments. This 求是 article gives a useful overview of how national security fits into, and is the foundation of, China’s development path. Lots of "Party-speak,” but worth the read. 


Job Opportunity - US-China Business Council

Business Advisory Services Director or Senior Director, Washington DC Office

The US-China Business Council (USCBC) is seeking a full-time director or senior director to lead its Business Advisory Services department out of its Washington, DC office.

USCBC is a private, non-profit organization of more than 270 American companies that do business with China. USCBC has provided unmatched information, advisory, advocacy, and program services to its membership since its founding in 1973. Through its offices in Washington, DC; Beijing; and Shanghai, USCBC is uniquely positioned to serve its members’ interests in the United States and China.

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