Monthly Newsletter
May 2021
Featuring speakers from the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA), Kentucky Department of Public Health, Have a Heart Clinic, and more!

We’re doing things a little differently for our June KHC Community Health Forum. Traditionally, our Community Health Forums, designed to educate healthcare stakeholders on emerging trends in healthcare transformation across the nation, don’t feature condition-specific programming. Topics such as racism, affordable healthcare, or driving health improvements through measurement alignment are more typical of our Forum programming. But next month, we’re zeroing in on cardiovascular care in Kentucky....more
KHC Blog Posts

National Stroke Awareness Month began in May 1989 and was created to promote public awareness and reduce the incidence of stroke in the United States. While many things have changed...more

In the United States, significant racial disparities exist for health outcomes and life expectancy. Many of these disparities can be linked to the political and social structures and values that exist...more

Modifications are being made to the Kentucky Core Healthcare Measures Set (KCHMS), and healthcare stakeholders throughout the Commonwealth are invited and encouraged to review...more
KHC Events
Members can email Stephanie Clouser at for more information.
Members-Only Learning Series
 Anti-Racism & Equity in Healthcare: Confronting Our Past, Present, & Future

June 22 and June 30

KHC members can email Natalie Middaugh at or visit the member portal for more information.
Community Health Forum
High Quality Cardiovascular Care

June 8, 2021 | 8:00 – 10:30 am

Registration is open and free to the public.
Complimentary Webinar
KHC Community Measurement

June 30, 2021 | 12:00 – 1:00 pm

National Affiliations
Kentuckiana Health Collaborative

1415 Bardstown Road, Suite 19
Louisville, KY 40204
Phone: 502-238-3603