Much to do in May!
Hello everyone,

May begins on Sunday and we did get some of those April showers we were hoping for! We have a host of activities planned this month to support your healthy aging, so we encourage you to connect with your neighbors and friends, in person, online, or both. We will be kicking off a summer series at the Fairfax Library on May 21st, “Climate Action for All!” We hope you’ll come join this intergenerational conversation about our place in the world, the 3rd Saturday, 11-12 noon in May, June, July and August. Enjoy your month and may the month of May make you merry!

The Age Friendly Fairfax Task Force: Jody Timms, Barbara Coler, Susan A. Brandborg, Francie Bedinger, Anne Mannes, Jessica Price,
and Jackie Engstrom. 
Aging in Fairfax, everybody's doing it!
Upcoming Events:

May 5:  Ross Valley Seniors
May 18: Breakfast with Friends
May 21: Age Friendly Fairfax: Climate Action for All!
May 25: Age Friendly Marin Forum
May 26: Commission on Aging Annual Forum
May 27: Age Friendly Fairfax Task Force Meeting
Ross Valley Seniors

May 5, 11-2pm
Come join us at the Fairfax Women’s Club-Bocce ball and social hour runs from 11:00am-12:00pm, lunch will be served at 12:00pm, and our presentation starts at 1:00pm. Speaker is John Martini, a long-time park ranger, and now a historian, writer, researcher, and lecturer. The Presidio encompasses more history than another other site within San Francisco. In this PowerPoint talk, John will talk about about Spanish colonial settlers, 1906 earthquake refugees, the U.S. Army from 1846 to 1995, and the dizzying variety of military architecture found throughout the post. Highlights of this talk include the conversion of the Presidio “from post to park,” the beautifully renovated Presidio Officers Club, archeology at El Presidio de San Francisco, the leasing program that has made the Presidio self-supporting, and the current Presidio Parkway and Tunnel Tops Projects. 

Please e-mail Kevin MacLeod at or call 415-258-4669 to RSVP or for more details.
Age Friendly Marin "Breakfast with Friends"

Wednesday, May 18, 9:30-10:30am

Socializing is important for all and it's fun to connect. Join us for coffee, tea and/or breakfast and a friendly and enjoyable chat at Barefoot Café, in person!  
Age Friendly Fairfax “Climate Action for All-Think Globally, Act Locally!” 

May 21, 11-12pm

An intergenerational conversation on climate change and climate action. What actually is the problem and are there any solutions?! We’ll have 3 speakers from different generations covering a brief overview of global warming, its consequences and a discussion of an array of solutions. Age Friendly Fairfax, collaborating with Fairfax Climate Action Committee, invites you to join us at the Fairfax Library, 2097 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Fairfax. 
Age Friendly Marin Forum

May 25, 10:30-11:45am

“Update on the Marin County Area Plan and the California Master Plan for Aging.” The work of the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and the Marin County Commission on Aging (MCCoA), the AAA’s federally mandated advisory council, is guided by the 2019 AAA Older Adults Needs Assessment. Come hear about progress on the goals of the Marin County Area Plan: 1) Actively advocate for the needs of older adults at local, state, and federal level, 2) Pursue opportunities to improve access to information, assistance, and resources to achieve greater equity among older adults in Marin, 3) Reinforce the important role of the social determinants which factor into the health and well-being of older adults, and 4) Promote and lead efforts that create and maintain age-friendly, livable communities in Marin.

In June 2019, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order calling for the creation of a Master Plan for Aging (MPA) to enhance the health and well-being of older Californians and create policies that promote healthy aging. The Master Plan for Aging outlines the goals and strategies needed to build a California for All Ages by 2030. Significant progress has been made to advance the 5 Bold Goals of the MPA:

  • Housing for All Stages and Ages
  • Health Reimagined
  • Inclusion and Equity, Not Isolation
  • Caregiving that Works
  • Affording Aging

Speakers: Jenay Cottrell, Program Manager, Marin County Area Agency on Aging and Marin Aging and Adult Services; and Amanda Lawrence, Project Director, California Master Plan for Aging, California Department of Aging.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 520 207 8153  Passcode: 572332  Join by phone at 1-669-900-9128

Please Note: Prior Age Friendly Marin Forums are available on our You Tube Channel:

Marin County Commission on Aging Annual Forum

May 26, 10am-2pm

We must act now to meet the challenges of living longer! Aging is changing and it is changing California. By 2030, one quarter of the state’s population, 10.8 million Californians will be older adults. The policies and investments we make today determine our future no matter where we are along the continuum of aging. Health care is not paying for the cost of aging and housing models have not kept up. Older adults are running out of money in their 60’s and 70’s and living to their 80’s and 90’s. Join us and help create a future that realizes the potential of living longer for generations to come. Our speakers are: Susan DeMarois, Director, California Department of Aging; John Newman, MD, PhD, Buck Foundation; Patti Prunhuber, Senior Attorney, Justice in Aging; and Fernando Torres-Gill, Ph.D., Professor of Social Welfare and Public Policy, UCLA, Adjunct Professor of Gerontology.

This is an in-person event and proof of vaccination is required. Lunch provided by the Chefs at the Fresh Starts Culinary Academy. Location: The Key Room, Homeward Bound, 1385 North Hamilton Parkway, Novato, CA 94949. Register and Purchase Tickets Here: If you need a scholarship, please call 415.987.7023. 
Age Friendly Fairfax Task Force Meeting

May 27, 9:15-10:30 am

Curious about Age Friendly Fairfax? You’re welcome to attend our monthly meeting, bring your questions, feedback, ideas and energy!  

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 853 935 7484  Passcode: 398715  
Dial in number 1+ (408) 638-0968 
Fairfax Recreation Classes

Free online classes for older adults such as our popular yoga classes. We are offering six classes per week!

Mat Yoga 9:30-10:45
Chair Yoga 11:30-12:30

Mat Yoga 9:30-10:45
Chair Yoga 11:30-12:30

Mat Yoga 9:30-10:45
Chair Yoga 11:30-12:30

For a full list of current classes and how to register, click here.

Dance a la Moxie
Tuesdays from 2-3pm 
Right Field Side of Contratti Ballfield

A progressive, FUN total body workout guaranteed to make you feel better, look better and be better! No experience necessary.
Chi Gong
Tuesdays from 10am – 11am 
Bolinas Park 

Chi Gong (Qigong) is the ancient Chinese practice of movement and meditation, deeply rooted in the balance and harmony of nature.  Chi is the vital life force energy that animates all living beings. Through gentle exercises we learn to cultivate and direct the flow of Chi within ourselves and draw from the Universal Chi all around us. Empower yourself to health!

Questions about services for older adults?  
Call 415-473-4636 (INFO)
Local News & Resources:

Town of Fairfax: 
Are you receiving the weekly Town of Fairfax Newsletter? If not, we really encourage you to do so as there is LOTS of news, information and events listed. Click this link to start receiving the Town’s newsletter asap, subscribe here.

Fairfax Library: 

Community Seed Library has returned: The Community Seed Library has returned to the Fairfax Library. The Seed Library is available for all to share! Donate some saved heirloom seeds, or take some seeds for your garden and grow, grow, grow! FREE

Chair Yoga with Tamela every 1st & 3rd Thursday from 10:30a-11:30am. In person at the Fairfax Library, All ages welcome, FREE.

Friends of the Fairfax Library Book Club meets on the 2nd Thursday each month at 7pm on Zoom. 
April 14th is our next meeting. We will discuss: Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu
Everyone is welcome to attend.
Contact:Beth Bailey-Gates

Climate Cafe: a Compassionate Sharing Circle - June 4th, 11a-12:30p An in-person, drop-in sharing circle at the Fairfax Library for people who are feeling concerned about the climate crisis and its impact at the global, local, or personal level. 

GetSetUp! Live Online Learning 
Marin County Free Library has teamed up with GetSetUp! to provide hundreds of live online classes to keep you mentally, physically and socially active. Classes are interactive, easy to join, offered day and night and free for our community.

All Things Apple online classes (MCFL)Join Beryn Hammil on Zoom and learn how to get the most out of your Apple devices. New students, please email Corte Madera Librarian Shereen Ash at: to get started. Each topic is relevant for the Apple iPhone, iPad, and Mac computer.

Wondering what IS Age Friendly Fairfax??