e-newsletter of AgInjuryNews
Fall 2021
Recruiting Farm Parents; Sharing is Caring
The National Children’s Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety, part of the National Farm Medicine Center at Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, is recruiting farm parents to participate in a study assessing the effects of reading injury news reports. The articles will be pulled from AgInjuryNews.
“Farm parents play a large role in their kids’ appreciation for agriculture, and they also make key decisions regarding their children’s health and safety,” said lead researcher Bryan Weichelt, Ph.D., a fifth-generation farmer, father, and military veteran, raised on a small central Wisconsin dairy farm. “The results of this project may guide future research and educational programs surrounding the communication of agricultural health and safety.”
Parents will earn a total of $50 over the course of the study, and an additional $20 by completing a one-year follow-up. Eligible farm parents will fill out two online surveys and read four news articles overs a 6-week period, answering a few questions along the way.
This is the eighth issue of the AgInjuryNews quarterly newsletter. We hope these will keep our users and collaborators better informed of ongoing initiatives and milestone achievements. As always, if you have any questions, please connect with us.
Share your work at ASHCA Safety Summit –
Abstract deadline Jan. 12, 2022
ASHCA is seeking abstracts for Lightning Talks and Poster Presentations for their 2022 North American Agricultural Safety Summit. The deadline is January 12, 2022. Click here for details. The Summit is scheduled for March 28-30, 2022, in Las Vegas, Nevada, hosted by the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (www.ashca.org). Selected abstracts will be published as part of a special package in the Journal of Agromedicine.
Call for papers: Future of Work in Agriculture
The Journal of Agromedicine seeks original research and editorials to help agriculture prepare for the future of occupational safety and health by connecting trends across the agricultural workplace, workforce and the work itself. Manuscript submission deadline is February 15, 2022. A dedicated issue is planned for October 2022. Click here for suggested topics and more information.
Youth Operators’ Involvement in Ag-related Injuries: How we can Help Drive Surveillance Improvements
We have not seen much on the topic of youth operators’ involvement in ag-related injuries in the peer-reviewed literature. However, we have uncovered a number of these types of cases and plan to expand that search into something more meaningful in the coming year(s). The coding of these types of reports within other surveillance systems is inconsistent and needs to improve. For example, a 9-year-old driving a skid steer backs out of the farm driveway into the highway, where an oncoming car collides with it, sending the motor vehicle operator to the hospital (a case that occurred in Marathon County, Wisconsin in 2018, but never hit the news). Was this an agricultural injury? You bet. Where would it be captured?
Hopefully, our research will help guide those improvements in the years to come. Are YOU interested in collaborating on this topic? Please reach out to us.
The Unborn Victims of Ag-related Incidents
Collecting and reading these types of reports is difficult. The reports keep coming, we keep collecting them, and you continue to be supportive collaborators who often find value in these data. In assessing our data and gaps, one topic that has emerged is the collection and coding of unborn victims, still in utero. Sadly, we have uncovered some of these tragic reports, such as the one linked below, where a woman operating a farm ATV lost her life and the lives of her unborn twins. We will continue to investigate these types of cases, and are engaged in discussions of compiling these into a case report. If this topic is of interest to you (or your students), please reach out to our team.
AIN has served as a pool of stories for many purposes, such as in the discussion of policy with legislators or organizational management. We will continue to supply these stories through ad hoc requests by our partners and collaborators or by pointing users to the filter options and available customizable email alert options. If you have any questions about how best to find reports that would be useful for your work, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team.
AgInjuryNews Software Updates
Late summer of 2021, the team completed a significant update to the back-end data entry and coding forms. These changes have helped to build efficiencies, reduce duplicate entries, reduce errors, and streamline entry and coding processes. The end result? Timelier and higher-quality data. Emily Redmond led the organization and compilation of these system changes, while Matt Pilz worked his programming wizardry to implement what the Core Team opted to move ahead on.
Some examples include the Incident Location field being reduced from 43 options down to 22 with no diminished output [e.g., roadway options were reduced from seven fields down to two, while still capturing all pertinent data]. Likewise, the Injury Agent field was reduced from 145 options down to 81, eliminating some redundancies. Other fields were clarified including refining choices for Role in Event and Intentional Injury. Several classifications throughout the overhaul were altered based on recommended industry literature, such as amending “Firefighter/EMS” to “Certified First Responder”. The Occurred During field was determined to be unnecessary in favor of OIICS/FAIC input, so it was removed outright.
We plan to continue making improvements to AgInjuryNews for both data entry specialists and external users, and to ensure we have the highest quality of data possible.
To view an updated listing of peer-reviewed manuscripts resulting from the work related to AgInjuryNews, please visit our Learn More page. If interested in citing the system/data, please use this:
Weichelt, B., Salzwedel, M., Heiberger, S., Lee, B.C. (2018). Establishing a Publicly Available National Database of U.S News Articles Reporting Agriculture-Related Injuries and Fatalities. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 61(8), 667-674. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.22860
Peer-reviewed publications in 2021
To view an updated listing of peer-reviewed manuscripts resulting from the work related to AgInjuryNews, please visit our Learn More page. Here are some of our peer-reviewed pubs of 2021:
Burke, R.; Pilz, M.; Redmond, E.; Gorucu, S.; Weichelt, B. Stakeholders’ Consumption of Agricultural Injury Reports from News Media: A Six-Year Analysis of Website Usage and Visitor Analytics. Safety 2021, 7, 48.
Weichelt B, Gorucu S, Shutske J, Scott E, Burke R, Sanderson W, Madsen M, Murphy D, and Rautiainen R. (2021) What About the Rest of Them? Fatal Injuries Related to Production Agriculture Not Captured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI), Journal of Agromedicine, DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2021.1956663
Gorucu S, Weichelt B, Diehl D, Galindo S. (2021). An Overview of Agricultural Injuries in Florida from 2015 to 2019. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health.
Weichelt, B.; Burke, R.; Redmond, E.; Shutske, J. Farm Suicides in Wisconsin, 2017–2018: Preliminary Findings and a Call for Future Research. Safety 2021, 7, 51. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety7030051
Gorucu S., Weichelt B. Injuries Involving Skid Steers: What can we Learn? ASABE Conference Paper. 2021.
The AgInjuryNews Core Team
Bryan Weichelt PhD, MBA, Associate Research Scientist, NFMC
Serap Gorucu PhD,
Assistant Professor
University of Florida
Matt Pilz
Programmer/Analyst, NFMC
Rick Burke, MPH
Research Specialist, NFMC
Christopher Benny
Research Coordinator, NFMC
Meet the New Team Member!
Christopher Benny is the newest addition to our AgInjuryNews team. With previous experience working as an Emergency Medical Technician for the Town of Hull and as a Hemodialysis Technician for DaVita Dialysis. Chris combines his patient care and emergency medicine experience with his newly acquired knowledge of agricultural injury and prevention to efficiently enter data into the unique coding system of AgInjuryNews.
Contributors to this Issue
In addition to our Core Team the following have contributed to this issue of the AIN Newsletter: Marie Fleisner and Scott Heiberger. Thank you!
Funding support has been provided through the National Farm Medicine Center, the Marshfield Clinic Research Institute, the Agricultural Safety and Health Council of America (ASHCA), the Dean Emanuel Endowment, and the National Children's Center for Rural and Agricultural Health and Safety via the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH; grant number: 2 U54OH009568-11-00).