Iowa 4-H On the Go Learning Resources
Iowa 4-H has created
On the Go Learning Resources
that are available for download through the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Distribution Store. Many of Iowa’s County Extension Offices have prepared and distributed these on the go lessons and materials to K-12 youth in their local communities across Iowa. We encourage you to connect and partner with your local
County Extension Office
to provide the On the Go Learning Resources in your afterschool programs, either in-person or remotely while the youth are at home.
Youth Leadership Development Opportunities
Points of Light Youth Summit
The Points of Light Youth Summit is a chance for youth to convene and discuss ideas to address the issues we are facing globally, while learning how to go forth and solve the issues they have identified. The 2020 Points of Light Youth Summit will be held on Aug. 19
at 4pm EDT. You can register
Those attending the summit can also enter the Pitch Contest, in which they can propose to solve a problem facing their school community via video submission with the help of an adult sponsor. Those who enter the contest have the chance to win $1,000 towards their proposed plan to help improve their school community.
by August 3
Global Citizens Academy
The Global Citizens Academy is now accepting applications for their fall 2020 gap year program. Interested seniors from the class of 2020 can apply
to learn more about being a leader, being innovators in change, and how to apply themselves to solving global issues.
The application deadline is July 30
Youth Serve America
Youth Serve America is looking for interested high school, undergraduate, graduate or gap year students to participate in their ServiceVote 2020 Fellowship. Fellows will receive a $1,500 stipend to educate, register and activate community members to vote in the 2020 general election. For more information, and to
apply by the July 31
, click
In Case You Missed It (ICYMI)
- The Out-of-School Time Enrichment Coaches have developed and hosted a series of virtual professional development opportunities called, CIOST Reimagined. July’s session, Managing Change: An SEL Discussion, centered on reflection of challenges brought on by adversity and cultivating change using the SEL competencies. We hope to see you at our next session August 13, 2020 at 1 pm.
Check This Out:
Dr. Brene Brown is an American professor, lecturer, author, and podcast host. She is well known for her TED Talks about vulnerability. In this video she addresses
the power of vulnerability
(self-awareness) in her unique style of sharing and deliverance.
We hope to see you at our next session, August 13th 2020 at 1pm!
View the CIOST Re-Imagined Webinars!
Missed out on one of the CIOST Re-Imagined Webinars, or just want to revisit one you really liked? These webinars have been complied
on the CIOST website for your convenience.
The upcoming session will be an open forum for sites to discuss their return to learn plans.
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
In an effort to improve equity, diversity and inclusion in schools across America, The Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) has released
SEL as a Lever for Equity
. This five-part webinar series covers topics including cultivating commitment, adult support to antiracist practices, elevating student voice, authentic partnerships and practices to dismantle inequities. To view the series, please click
The Iowa Rural Summit has been held annually since 2016. It brings together community leaders, resource and service providers to share best practices, new ideas and opportunities for collaboration. Last year’s in-person Summit attracted almost 400 people from across Iowa.
The Summit is sponsored by the Iowa Rural Development Council (IRDC), a public-private state non-profit that works to support small towns addressing issues such as housing, broadband access, business development and leadership.
The 2020 Virtual Rural Summit will feature keynote addresses from two well-known Iowa speakers. Brooklyn, Iowa, native
Steve Siemens
will talk about rural collaboration and strategies for building rural partnerships. Atlantic-native
David Williamson
is a professional artist and poet. An inductee into the Iowa Rock’n Roll Hall of Fame after 50+ years of songwriting and performing, he will discuss art, creativity and community engagement.
Groups can register
Individuals can register
COVID-19 Resources for the Afterschool Field
New COVID-19 resources have been released by the Afterschool Alliance! Please click the button below to access the Alliance's COVID-19 Toolkit.
Iowa Women's Foundation
The Iowa Women's Foundation (IWF) is now accepting applicants to the Building Community Child Care Solutions Fund (CCSF). The funds in the CCSF are invested in organizations and
institutions focused on innovative and sustainable strategies/solutions ensuring access to
affordable quality child care that decreases the work force gap and ultimately increases
women's economic security across Iowa. This fund can be used to support community based solutions such as: building and expanding a child care center, maintaining and increasing child care entrepreneurs, establishing before and after school programs, innovatively addressing child care for 2nd and 3rd shift workers and creating businesses and child care partnerships. Interested applicants should submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) by July 31. Click
to learn more.
Hunter's Fund
Hunter’s Fund invests in young people (16-25) who have a project, idea, or passion that needs funding. Preference is given to applications in the areas of music, performing arts, computer science and entrepreneurship. Grant awards can range from $500 to $5,000. All grantees are partnered with an appropriate mentor to encourage their progress and growth as they move towards their goals. Applications are reviewed and accepted twice a year with application deadlines of June 15 and November 15. Click
to learn more.
Honda Foundation Grants
The American Honda Foundation engages in grant making that supports youth education with a specific focus on the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects in addition to the environment. Nonprofits and schools are eligible to apply.
Funding ranges from $30,000-$100,000. Deadline to apply for "new organizations" is August 1, 2020. Click
to learn more.
Professional Development Opportunities
Out of School Time Professional Development Center
The Out of School Time Professional Development Center provides Out of School Time training to OST professionals. The classes provide in-depth curriculum and certificates. If you or your staff are interested in signing up for courses visit the
Out-of-School Time
website. Check out the entire course catalog
Great Content on Y4Y!
You 4 Youth is a free
online professional development
site that is designed to support 21CCLC program staff, but is a valuable tool for any afterschool professional looking to build their skills! Recently, Y4Y has rolled out a whole module on literacy.
Click here
to register.
Afterschool Alliance Webinars
The Afterschool Alliance offers webinars on a wide range of topics, from policy and the new Every Student Succeeds Act, to STEM and Social-Emotional Learning. Find out more on their
webinars website
Iowa Child Care Training Registry
Find professional development for school-age programming on the State of Iowa Child Care Training Registry on topics ranging from health and safety to developmentally appropriate programming.
Find out more online
National AfterSchool Association PD Resources
NAA provides afterschool professionals with resources to stay up-to-date on the latest topics in afterschool and summer learning.
Find out more on their website
Resources for STEM Programming
The Center for the Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) provides background information that is useful for the development of STEM programming. Find out more on their
The Afterschool Tech Toolkit aims to empower afterschool professionals and educators with strategies and training so they can provide students with access to technology outside of classroom hours. It includes training modules on getting started, training staff, accessing technology and devices, and more. Take a look at the toolkit
BOOST Conference & Online Professional Development
October 26 - October 29, 2020; Palms Springs, CA
Join the largest, most recognized and comprehensive global convening for after school, expanded learning, and out-of-school time professionals. Set in a retreat-like atmosphere, this annual, extraordinary event will rejuvenate your passion, boost your direction for quality programming and provide tools and resources that will inspire you to create change.
BOOST also provides free online professional development. Click
to check it out.