Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate
A Conversation
about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving and the Journey of the Soul
Issue # 56 - AUGUST 2019
August 3-9, Faber, VA
The Monroe Institute
Los Angeles, CA Aug. 23 - 25
Roseburg, OR. Sept. 14
CE credits available
Chicago, IL. - Sept. 21
with Suzane Northrop
Portland, OR. Sept. 22
with Dr. Terri Daniel
Well, it's not
exactly The Oregon trail, but it covers a lot of territory in my favorite state, and I hope you'll join me. I'll be doing several presentations in Oregon during September, and would love to see some of you there.
Visit my
Upcoming Events page
for details.
I'm happy (and relieved) to say that I won't be doing any other traveling until then (I was gone 21 days out of the last 30, and I am sick to death of airports). I'll be taking my beloved motorhome to Oregon, and hopefully, unlike last year, it won't break down this time!
Rev. Dr. Terri Daniel, CT, CCTP
Founder, The Original Afterlife Conference
End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy, Bereavement Support terri@danieldirect.net
Terri Daniel's New Book!
Terri's fourth book,
GRIEF AND GOD: When Religion Does More Harm Than Healing
If you prefer to read a digital version, you can find it in the e-reader format of
your choice
for only $9.99.
If you read it, we'd love to hear your comments!
And speaking of your comments, please join us this Sunday, July 28, for an online discussion about toxic theology and its impact on grief processing. See below for details...
Where Do We Go When We Dream?
by Robert Moss
Making Songlines by Robert Moss
Real magic is the art of bringing gifts from another world into this world. We do this when we go dreaming and when we remember to bring something back. In dreaming, we go to other realities, that may include places of guidance, initiation, challenge, adventure, healing. When we bring something back from these excursions, and take action in ordinary life to embody guidance and energy, that is a practice of real magic.
And Speaking of Dreams...
Our good friend Chris Kerr MD, along with his research team, has just published the results of a long-awaited study on the dreams and visions of the dying. This is a an important step for the medical establishment toward recognizing the existence of consciousness outside the physical body. Take a look at his TED talk (above), and if you'd like to read the study, you can find it HERE.
If this topic interests you, consider joining our new Facebook group,
Afterlife Dreams and Visions. Click
HERE to join.

Our July Podcast:
Bereavement and Bad Theology
Terri Daniel and Brian Smith will host an interactive discussion on how toxic theologies can complicate the process of mourning. If you are working through loss or trauma, and find that religious beliefs and doctrines are making your journey more difficult, you will definitely want to be part of this conversation. We welcome your views, and we want to hear about your experiences, so please consider joining us!
Sunday July 28
4:30 - 6:00 pm PACIFIC time
Click on this link at the appointed time to join the discussion:
Brian Smith is a survivor of childhood trauma caused by toxic religion. He is a life coach and grief partner, and an active member of Helping Parents Heal. His daughter Shayna passed in 2015 at the age of 15.
Dr. Terri Daniel will discuss her new book,
Grief and God: When Religion Does More Harm Than Healing.
he is a clinical chaplain certified in death, dying and bereavement, and a certified trauma professional.
For lively discourse on topics related to
death and the
afterlife, join the conversation in our
We also have a thought-provoking blog.
Read it (and comment)