Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate
 A Conversation  about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving
and the Journey of the Soul
Issue # 46 - OCTOBER 2018

Published by

Events we Recommend

October 6, Los Altos, CA
Mediumship & Intuitive Workshop
With Austyn Wells and Robert Brown


Colorado Springs, CO. 
Oct. 13-14

Cape Cod, MA,  Oct. 13-14
The Shaman's Tools
with Linda Fitch


Sebastopol, CA, Nov. 2-5
Death Doula Training
with Jerrigrace Lyons

Last Big Conference Promo! 
We're a month away from our 8th annual Afterlife Conference, and things are getting quite busy around here. I imagine some of you are  tired of being pitched about the conference, but this is our last chance to remind you to register ASAP if you're planning to attend...  AND TO LET YOU KNOW ABOUT A LAST-MINUTE PROMOTION! 

Thanks to a donation we just received, we are able to offer a limited number of discounted conference tickets. We decided to implement this by bringing back the "Summer Solstice Special" we had back in June... buy one general admission at full price, and bring a guest for half price! See below for details.

In this month's newsletter we've also got some wonderful videos and articles that invite you to explore multi-cultural perspectives on death and grief. As many of you know, I'm teaching a class through the San Francisco Theological Seminary on Spirituality and Grief, and considering inter-religious, multi-cultural beliefs and practices is an extremely important part of the curriculum. 

Terri Daniel, MA, CT
Founder, The Original Afterlife Conference
End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy


Thanks to a donation we received this month from one of our supporters, 
we are bringing back the "Summer Solstice special" we offered in June... buy one general admission at full price, and bring a guest for half price!

We can only offer a limited number of tickets at this price, so they are first-come, first-served.

To register, click on THIS LINK and scroll down the ticket list to " General Admission Solstice Special."  You must buy at least two to use this promo.  
Dying and Grieving in the Celtic World

T his past Spring we had the honor of working a with lovely man by the name of Stefan Waligur, who specializes in pre-Christian Irish spirituality with a focus on  chanting for grief and lamentation. Here's a short and very powerful video in which Stefan explains this beautiful tradition: 

Celtic Kirtan
Similiarly, here's video from Kevin Toolis about his father's Irish wake
and the importance of grieving in community:
My Father's Wake writer Kevin Toolis shares the secrets of the Irish Wake


Death and Grief in Indigenous Cultures

For a beautiful journey into the practices of the  Tzutujil tradition, we highly recommend Martin Prechtel's beautiful book,  The Smell of Rain on Dust .  
was introduced to this book by a Buddhist friend whose husband had recently died, and I have used its gorgeous teachings in many of my workshops. 

Sufi scholar and renowned translator of Rumi's works Coleman Barks has this to say about Martin:

"...  I'll just touch on a few of his brilliant insights around how animals help us to grieve, and to make our way out of grief into the beauty of praising. As he says, animals help us grieve our loss of naturalness. And we have mostly forgotten 'the very old worldwide tribal custom of having a "grief relative" from the wild living together with us in our houses.'  " 

Chat with us Online! 
Afterlife Conference Forum
with Out-of-Body Explorer William Buhlman!

Join us for the October edition of The Afterlife Conference Online  Forum, with our special guest William Buhlman, who has gained recognition worldwide for teaching thousands of people how to journey out of the body and explore non-physical dimensions. Bill will share proven techniques for moving beyond the physical using the power of your thoughts and intentions.Read about some of his techniques HERE.

Mark your calendar!

 Sunday, October 7, 2018
5 - 7 pm (Pacific time) 
Click here to join the meeting:

Hosted by Afterlife Conference  founder  Terri Daniel ,
and Brant Huddleston, creator of  Dance Past Sunset


Blessings to Aliyah
by Terri Daniel

Last month an extraordinary woman named Aliyah Alexander left her body after decades of pain and paralysis due to advanced MS. She was (and still is) an extraordinary soul, and one of the most spiritually aware human beings I've ever had to privilege to know.  

Aliyah lived in Colorado, and used the Medical Aid in Dying program to allow her to create a conscious death surrounded by loved ones in her beautiful mountain home. During the last months and weeks of her life she continued to write incredible blog posts describing her journey, including a farewell post to be published at the hour of her death.

One of the posts that I found particularly moving was called "A Love Letter to my Body."  You can read it HERE.
Can't Make it to the Afterlife Conference?
No problem... You  Can Watch it Online!  

We are delighted to be working with  Path 11 Productions  for our livestream broadcast this year.  Right now they're offering an earlybird price, but it ends on September 6, so sign up soon!  Click on the image below for details...

For lively discourse on topics related to 
death and the  afterlife, join the conversation in our  

We also have a thought-provoking blog. 
Read it (and comment) HERE.