Welcome to
The Afterlife Advocate
 A Conversation  about Conscious Dying, Conscious Grieving
and the Journey of the Soul
Issue # 42 - JUNE 2018

Published by

Events we Recommend

New York  
June 16 and 17
After-Death Care and
Home Funerals
with Olivia Bareham

Central Oregon, July 8-15
Multiple workshops and presentations
with Terri Daniel

Bend, Or. July 15
Grief as a
Mystical Journey

in-depth workshop followed by small-group readings
with psychic medium
Joshua John DeLorenzo


Denver, CO. Sept. 8
Grief as a
Mystical Journey 

in-depth workshop followed by gallery-style readings with psychic medium Thomas John
Complicated Grief Research 

Some of you may know that I'm working on a doctoral dissertation about toxic theology and its relation to complicated grief. I'm interested in hearing from bereaved individuals whose religious beliefs (or the beliefs of others in their circle of influence) may have caused undue stress (for example, the fear that your loved one is in hell, or that the loss is a form of punishment from God). 

If you had a profound loss at least two years ago (death of a loved one, job loss, pet loss, serious health issues, etc) and are experiencing these feelings/symptoms, please email me if you are struggling with religious questions related to your loss (if you'd like to be interviewed for this research).
By the way, if you are interested in acquiring unique spiritual tools for working with grief, please consider attending one of my Grief as a Mystical Journey workshops, which are offered around the U.S. throughout the year. 

This summer I'll be offering two events in collaboration with psychic mediums (Thomas John and Joshua John DeLorenzo), who will provide optional evenings of audience readings after the workshop (see left-hand column for details). 
Terri Daniel, MA, CT
Founder, The Original Afterlife Conference
End-of-Life Advisor, Interfaith Chaplaincy

Offer Ends June 30

Thanks to a recent donation to our foundation,
we are able to offer a limited time discount
to the Afterlife Conference

With deep gratitude to The Easley Family Foundation (a dedicated patron of the conference), we are able to offer a deep discount for registrations that come in during the month of June. If you purchase one general admission ticket to the conference, you can buy a second ticket for a friend... at half price!  

There are only ten of these discount packages available, and the offer ends June 30, so if you're planning to attend the conference, now is the the time to register.  Here's how: 

1. Use THIS SPECIAL LINK to access our ticket page

2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and choose the ticket called General Admission Solstice Special. Enter the quantity "2." Your second ticket will be half price.

Select any additional workshops or events you wish to attend.

Death is a Miracle: A Channeled Message
"Death is a miracle. People often say that birth is a miracle, and certainly it is,  because the system through which we come to earth through each other's bodies is miraculous.  But death is an equivalent miracle.

In order for the cycle of birth/reincarnation/death to continue, there must be a revolving door;  a system of ingress and egress. It is a brilliantly designed system." READ MORE...

Get Paid to Learn Reiki
The Reiki Clinic in San Anselmo, CA. is seeking 5-7 health care providers who would like to learn how to integrate Reiki into their professional practice.  Participants would be trained and certified as Level 1 Reiki practitioners, and would be asked to use the techniques in their professional practice for 2-4 weeks before reporting back with the results. Participants will be paid $50, and tuition for the training will be sponsored.
Those interested should visit The Reiki Clinic Facebook page or send direct inquiries to williamrmalone@gmail.com.  

Grief Retreat Wrap-Up 

We extend our deepest gratitude to all those who made last month's   Grief as a Mystical Journey weekend retreat such an amazing experience.  Special thanks to Austyn Wells, Stefan Waligur, Floyd Thompson and Tammy Lai for their extraordinary support. Y ou can see retreat photos and comments  HERE.

Medium Thomas John
in Prime Time! 

Our friend Thomas John (who will be offering gallery-style readings at our 2018 Afterlife Conference) is now a TV star!  His show -- The Seat Belt Psychic -- premieres on the Lifetime Channel  July 11. Tune in! 

Reincarnation and Near-Death Experiences
in The Bible

"Reincarnation is not some ' New Age ' fad; and people have had misconceptions about reincarnation for thousands of years including Christians. Some people wrongly assume reincarnation means souls do not inhabit heavenly realms between Earth lives. The fact is that souls DO inhabit heavenly realms -- and for as long as they desire. Some people wrongly assume reincarnation always happens immediately after death. Some people wrongly assume reincarnation means the soul never becomes a permanent resident of heaven.

Even the 
reincarnational religions of the East  do not support these misconceptions.  Neither do NDE testimonies . In every reincarnational religion, reincarnation is something a person must overcome. The goal for the soul is to become liberated from the need to reincarnate. And although reincarnation is always a choice -- rather than a mandate -- the benefits of reincarnating may prove to be "an offer too good for the soul to refuse."    READ MORE.. .

Orlando, Fl.  Nov. 1-4, 2018



Buy one general admission to the 2018 conference,
and get a second ticket at half price! 

1. Use  THIS SPECIAL LINK  to access our ticket page

2. Scroll to the bottom of the list and choose the ticket called  General Admission Solstice Special. Enter the quantity "2"

3. Select any additional workshops or events you'd like to attend


For lively discourse on topics related to 
death and the  afterlife, join the conversation in our  

We also have a thought-provoking blog. 
Read it (and comment) HERE.