August 3, 2020
Advocate Aurora Modifying COVID-19 Testing Approach
As the federal government redirects COVID-19 testing supplies to hotspots in other parts of the country, Advocate Aurora Health is modifying its testing approach to continue to best support its patients, communities and team members as supplies are limited. 
The modified approach will include changes to community testing in some areas. Advocate Aurora will continue to work diligently to secure more supplies and expand its testing capabilities. Stay tuned for updates to come.

See other Advocate Aurora Health COVID-19 updates here.
Ask the Experts: Back to School Edition
Advocate Aurora Health recently hosted a Facebook Live event, focused on all things related to kids’ health. Jim Skogsbergh, President and CEO, was joined by a panel of top pediatric physicians and experts from Advocate Children's Hospital and Aurora Children's Health who answered questions from viewers, offered tips to keep children safe and eased parent's fears about kids returning to school and sports.

In addition, CDC has released Schools and Childcare Programs: Plan, Prepare, and Respond, which includes new science-based resources and tools for school administrators, teachers, parents, guardians, and caregivers when schools open this fall. 
Tuesday, Aug. 11, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Con el COVID-19 como gran preocupación, ¿qué deben saber los padres y tutores al aproximarse el comienzo del siguiente ciclo escolar? Nuestra cuarta Reunión comunitaria virtual se compartirá aquí en nuestra página de Facebook el martes, 11 de agosto a las 4:30 P.M., y en ella hablarán expertos en pediatría de Advocate Aurora Health. Los médicos contestarán preguntas relacionadas al regreso a clases, las inmunizaciones, nuestra promesa de Cuidado Seguro y mucho más. Además, recibirá consejos sobre cómo mantener seguro a su hijo y apaciguar sus preocupaciones sobre el regreso a clases.
Advocate Aurora Health Safe Care Promise
Advocate Aurora's Safe Care promise provides additional measures to protect you and Advocate Aurora Health team members. Hear from Dr. Rob Citronberg, the Executive Medical Director of Infectious Diseases at Advocate Aurora Health, as he walks you through the extra steps we’re taking to ensure safe care when you visit one of our locations.

Learn more about our Safe Care promise:

See Safe Care Promise video and flyers in  English and  Spanish.
COVID-19 Safety Tips for Essential Errands
By:  Dr. Federico Sanchez , founder of the Aurora Cancer Care Spanish-speaking clinic

Taking steps to reduce COVID-19’s contagion presents new challenges in daily tasks, such as buying food at the supermarket, deliveries and takeout, getting fuel, or going to the bank. But following these measures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can help keep you safe.

Tips for grocery shopping

Stay home if sick
  • Avoid shopping if you are sick or have symptoms of COVID-19, which include a fever, cough, or shortness of breath.
Order online or use curbside pickup
  • Order food and other items online for home delivery or curbside pickup (if possible).
  • Only visit the grocery store, or other stores selling household essentials, in person when you absolutely need to. This will limit your potential exposure to others and the virus that causes COVID-19. Read more.
FDA Warns Against Hand Sanitizer Brands that May be Toxic
The FDA is warning consumers and health care providers that the agency has seen a sharp increase in hand sanitizer products that are labeled to contain ethanol, but have tested positive for methanol contamination. Methanol, or wood alcohol, is a substance that can be toxic when absorbed through the skin and can be life-threatening when ingested.
Chicago Emergency Travel Order
Chicago Department of Public Health Commissioner Allison Arwady, M.D., issued an Emergency Travel Order directing travelers entering or returning to Chicago from states experiencing a surge in new COVID-19 cases to quarantine for a 14-day period from the time of last contact within the identified state.

This includes both Chicago residents returning from travel to a designated state, and travelers arriving in Chicago from a designated state.

Travelers from the following states should quarantine upon arrival in Chicago: Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Carolina, Nevada, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and Wisconsin.  Read more.
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers recently announced a new executive order mandating face coverings indoors or in enclosed spaces, other than when at home. The order is effective on Saturday, Aug. 1, and will expire on Sept. 28, or by a subsequent superseding order.

Face coverings are an effective tool in fighting COVID-19, and residents are encouraged to do their part in protecting the health and safety of their fellow Wisconsinites by wearing a face covering and encouraging others to do so.

Over the last month, Wisconsin has seen a surge in cases. This increase in cases cuts across the entire state with a significant majority of counties at high COVID-19 activity levels. Read more.

Download and share these flyers on safely wearing masks:

Mask Educational Flyer in  English and  Spanish

How to Prevent Foggy Glasses While Safely Masking in English
Returning to Church Update: Wisconsin Council of Churches
In light of the accelerated spread of COVID-19 in the state, the Wisconsin Council of Churches has updated its Returning to Church recommendations:

  • Current conditions of COVID spread warrant a return to online-only worship and online options for most ministries. If you cannot move these fully online, we urge you to roll back to an earlier stage in your re-opening plans that involve less physical interaction.

  • Use a longer decision-making time frame. For many reasons, including the mental and emotional health of leaders, it would be wise to hold off reconsidering gathering until mid-September - meaning at the earliest, an October re-entry into our physical spaces of ministry. Considering an even later date is not an overreaction.

  • Begin adjusting your thinking about Advent and Christmas. The collision of COVID and flu season will mean that many treasured rituals and expectations will be affected. It will likely be very difficult, if not impossible, to gather safely.

Download the full document here.
Upcoming Events
Thursday, Aug. 6, 11:00 a.m.

Whether it be out of fear, stigma, or a need to protect, caregivers who provide for the needs of loved ones with mental illness often shoulder the many and misunderstood challenges that accompany a diagnosis. This webinar is the third in a series highlighting the Partnership Center’s recently launched Compassion in Action Guide.

Thursday, Aug. 6, noon-1:00 p.m. Join via Facebook Live here .

As parents and educators continue to prepare for the back-to-school season during COVID-19, how can the church help? What impact has the pandemic had on the mental & spiritual health of children and teens? What is the church’s role in addressing those needs, both at home and through the church?
In this Town Hall webinar, experts will share insights and answer questions looming in many church leaders’ minds. Panelists include Ryan Frank (KidzMatter), Beth Cunningham, Psy.D. (Florissa Center), and Pam King, Ph.D. (The Thrive Center for Human Development, Fuller Graduate School of Psychology).

Thursday, Aug. 6, noon-1:00 p.m.

As people begin to return to their offices post-COVID-19, there will be a new normal. Social distancing and other precautions will likely be mandatory in workplaces. How will companies transform their spaces and employ new technologies to ensure the safety of their employees? What will the long-term impacts be on the world of work?

Crain's Content Studio will feature Chicago-area experts sharing their advice for business leaders making decisions for their own company’s return to work and the future.

Speakers include: John Donahue, Powering Chicago; Prudence Gourguechon, the Chicago Psychoanalytic Institute; Jason Kim of law firm Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP; and Alvia Siddiqi, Advocate Aurora Health.

Tuesday, Aug. 11, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Con el COVID-19 como gran preocupación, ¿qué deben saber los padres y tutores al aproximarse el comienzo del siguiente ciclo escolar? Nuestra cuarta Reunión comunitaria virtual se compartirá aquí en nuestra página de Facebook el martes, 11 de agosto a las 4:30 P.M., y en ella hablarán expertos en pediatría de Advocate Aurora Health. Los médicos contestarán preguntas relacionadas al regreso a clases, las inmunizaciones, nuestra promesa de Cuidado Seguro y mucho más. Además, recibirá consejos sobre cómo mantener seguro a su hijo y apaciguar sus preocupaciones sobre el regreso a clases.
Advocate Aurora Health COVID-19 Resources
The spread of COVID-19 is a rapidly evolving situation. Continue to check the  CDC website for up-to-date information and guidance.

See a list of COVID-19 resourc e s specifically for faith communities in Illinois and Wisconsin, including resiliency resources, mental health resources, guidance on safely reopening your house of worship and more.

The Advocate Aurora Health COVID-19 hotline at  1-866-4-HEALTH is staffed by clinicians who can answer questions about symptoms and determine the next steps in care.

Our online COVID-19 Symptom Checker is the best way for patients to find the care they need. By answering a few simple questions, they’ll quickly learn what they need to do next – from seeing a provider with a video visit – 24/7 – to contacting their doctor.

The Advocate Aurora Health  LiveWell app offers virtual appointments and virtual visits with physicians 24-hours a day.

The Advocate Aurora Health COVID-19 Resource Center in  English and  Spanish provides the most up-to-date information, tools and resources, including the  policies for visiting patients in our hospitals, a  COVID-19 Symptom Checker, CDC resources,  ways you can donate, volunteer and help—and more.

Produced by a team of seasoned journalists and public affairs professionals from across Advocate Aurora Health, health enews is your go-to source for health news and information you can trust. Click here to subscribe.

Flyers to Download and Share

How to Stay Safe Dining at a Restaurant  English version

How to Stay Safe at Gatherings and Cookouts English version

Phase 4 Reminders  English version and  Spanish version

How to Protect Yourself and Others While Traveling in  English

Mask Educational Flyer in  English and  Spanish

How to Prevent Foggy Glasses While Safely Masking in English

What Activities are the Safest? in  English and  Spanish

For Your Health Shopping List in  English and Spanish

The Power of Social Distancing Flyer:  English version and  Spanish version

COVID-19 Symptom Checker Information  English version and  Spanish version

COVID-19 Handout  English version and  Spanish version

COVID-19 Handout #2  English version and  Spanish version

Learn the Difference Between Coronavirus, Flu and Allergies  English version and  Spanish version

E-Newsletters to Share

COVID-19 resource in Spanish  that shares important tips to stay safe, flyers you can share with your community, links to the Advocate Aurora Health COVID-19 Resource Center and more.

A resource on safely preparing and sharing food includes information on how to avoid food or food packaging contamination and how to deliver food safely.

Worship Slides

Spanish COVID-19 Resources from CDC and Ad Council
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:
• Website for all CDC COVID-19 Communication Resources here
• Public Service Announcements here
• Resources to Print here
• COVID-19 Videos here
Ad Council Videos:
Sneezing and Coughing: Spanish Language for Kids
Time to Wash Your Hands: Spanish Language for Kids
Washy, Washy: Spanish for Kids
Handwash Hero: Spanish Language PSA
Social Distancing Hero: Spanish Language PSA
Protégete a Ti Mismo – Distanciamiento Social :60: Protect Yourself/Socially Distance :60
Protégete a Ti Mismo – Distanciamiento Social :30: Protect Yourself/Socially Distance :30
Protégete a Ti Mismo – Distanciamiento Social :15: Protect Yourself/Socially Distance :15
Alone Together: Spanish Language PSA
We'd love to hear from you!
We invite you to submit stories of impact: how community members are staying connected with one another, practicing their faith and caring for those who are most vulnerable: those facing food insecurity, homelessness, mental illness and lack of resources.

Faith and Health Partnerships | AdvocateAuroraHealth

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